Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2969: (626) Change the rules?

But think about it, even if Bai Chengye likes to work against Baicheng Mansion in normal times, he can't change the fact that he is the young master of the Bai family, and among them, he is the most qualified person to lead the team. What's more, Bai Chengye’s targeting of Baicheng Mansion is something that happened a long time ago. At least after Ouyang Xiasha took over them and allowed them to share their tribulations together, Bai Chengye was a little awkward on the surface, but against Baicheng Mansion. The attitude has changed, but that is an indisputable fact. Since there is no such thing as tit-for-tat, then where is the thing that Bai Chengye wants to oppose?

Well, a little bit farther, but then again, even if the current situation of the Bai family is not so good, the current situation is not so easy, but the rank, identity, and status of the first-class family are anything People, no force can deny it, even the first-class forces such as the Ji family, the Dongli family, and the alliance formed by the Rao Shizi, relying on a large number of people, usually do not suppress and target the Bai family. At one point, There is no exception, at least until they defeat the Bai family and determine that it is really impossible for the Bai family to turn over. This is an indisputable fact. Therefore, the location of the Bai family’s current residence is still very good. Anyway, from On the surface, it looks no different from the location of the hostile families such as the Ji family, the Dongli family, and the Xiao family. They are all within the inner circle of Yunxiao City, just as close to the location of the'Hundred Years Big Bi'. Therefore, within the time of a stick of incense, Ouyang Xiasha and his party came to the venue of the "Hundred Years Competition".

The Bai family and his party are led by Baicheng Mansion. Bai Chengye and Baicheng Zheng are the assistants, that is, they occupy the first place next to Baicheng Mansion. As for Ouyang Xiasha, I don’t know that his hidden skills are too good. ? Or is his concealment skill too good? Or maybe his concealment skills are too good! Standing in the middle of the team, he doesn't have any sense of existence at all. If he hadn't had a bet with the young master of the Dongli family before, and the young master ordered people to pay special attention, I am afraid that there would be no one at all. Will notice the existence of Ouyang Xia Sha, and the look of the disciples of the Bai family around him is the best proof of this.

Of course, it is not Ouyang Xia Sha’s intention to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible. After all, he knows in his heart that he provokes the little belly chicken intestines of the Dongli family, plus the young master who is eyeing his baby and salivating. He just wants to reduce any sense of existence, because it makes no difference if he does useless work. He thinks and knows, that kind of person will definitely act like a villain staring at him for fear of running away. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha's move to lower her sense of existence was just an instinct, an involuntary move, and it had no other meaning.

In other words, the boys of the Bai family are in the awkward position of their Bai family. In order to avoid being played by people as monkeys and actors, to put it bluntly, it is to avoid unnecessary troubles. The time to go out today is actually quite good. Quite early, I thought, at this point, there should be few teams arriving, but I didn't expect that they all came. Even the Dongli family, who has always liked to appear on the finale to show their unique status, is no exception.

As for whether other second-rate and third-rate families have come or not, the people in Baicheng Mansion are not sure. After all, their social circle does not extend there, but what they are familiar with, except for their Bai family, There is no doubt that all members of the Roush Sub-Alliance are here. It’s just that they haven’t waited for the Bai family to finish sighing the Dongli family, the Xiao family’s villain alliance behaved abnormally, and secretly sighed for themselves. I want to have this trouble, and I don’t know that group of people. Did you see that the Bai family's team arrived? Or did you see Ouyang Xiasha, the gambler coming? Who knows? Anyway, when I was ordered by my master to wait for the representatives of the Xiao family for a long time in front of the door, when I saw them in Baicheng Mansion, not only the bright eyes, but also the walking pace, they all seemed to be impatient. Indisputable fact. As for why it is the representative of the Xiao family? In fact, the answer is also very simple. Who makes Yunxiaocheng the home of the Yun family and the Xiao family? So, on their own territory, it’s not surprising that the master is responsible for guiding and other tasks, is it?

"Young Master Bai is coming, so Xiao Mou is really greeted!" The representative of the Xiao Family, with his eyes shining, didn't know that it was because he was wearing too many masks, so he didn't change back? Or do you want to whitewash the peace in front of outsiders, and maintain the radiance and peace of the surface? Who knows! Anyway, the representative of the Xiao family, while speeding up, rushed towards the direction of the Bai family's team that had just entered the competition venue, and at the same time politely greeted the Baicheng Mansion. Indisputable fact.

I have to say that the performance of the representative of the Xiao family is still very deceptive. At least among the many second-rate and third-rate forces present, those family representatives who do not understand the grievances between the Bai family and them believe it, but it cannot be denied. The fact that, otherwise, they would not be around, whispering, "The feelings between the first-class families are really good," similar to this kind of sigh.

In other words, it is the representative of the Xiao family. The performance of this play is really lifelike. Whether it is the eyes or the emotions, the performance is extremely perfect, and there is no trace of acting or so-called flaws. If it weren’t for the people of the Bai family that they had the endless grievances and grievances between them and this group of people, I’m afraid they would believe it without any doubt, that they believed in the relationship between the Bai family and the Xiao family, and the Ji family. It's really good.

But obviously, Baicheng Mansion doesn’t like this kind of hypocrisy in itself, but its appearance is extremely real. It can be used to deceive outsiders, but it is impossible to deceive them who know the facts. It is like a mirrored greeting, otherwise he will also Without hesitation at all, he would completely tear the thin layer of paper used to cover shame in front of outsiders and the mask on the face of the representative of the Xiao family.

Well, in fact, it is true. No, I only heard that Baicheng Mansion was very affirmative, and with a hint of irritation, he spoke directly to the representative of the Xiao family, the Xiao Da he called him. Said: "Xiao Da, what is the relationship between us and our family, do we still need to say more about this young master? What's the point of covering it up like this? So, these fake affections, pretending to be something. , The young master, see, let’s get rid of it! After all, the young master is not an actor, why do you want to accompany you in such a nasty drama? If you want to do something like this, let’s just say it! You don’t need to be so circumspect, Ben Young Master sounds disgusting!"

"Hehe, what Young Master Bai said is really good enough to see, but since Young Master Bai is so anxious, then Xiao will directly explain his intentions!" Sure enough,'People are shameless, the world is invincible, and trees don't need it. Pi, I must die. The ancients did not deceive me, and this Xiao was obviously the best example of that shamelessness. Looking at the calm and bland tone of others, even if Baicheng Man’s words are so unpleasant, they don’t leave a face at all, they seem to have not heard it. They are simple and without hesitation, they just take a "Young Master Bai". The excuse of "the Lord is anxious" is passed, and then I look at the appearance of the gnashing teeth in Baicheng Mansion. I want to know who is better in this dialogue. Therefore, being cheeky does not have the benefit of being cheeky, does it? At least on the surface, this is undeniable.

"Say!" Baicheng Mansion was indeed trained enough by Ouyang Xiasha for this period of time, but that was only in terms of strength, but in terms of the stability of the mind, Baicheng Mansion could not make great progress. There is no way to do this. Even if the seedlings help to grow, it will not work. Who makes the growth of the xinxing inevitably requires a long-term process? Especially the existence of Baicheng Mansion, which is not much in mind, the growth rate is even slower. To put it bluntly, it's like the kind of direct communication between you and Baicheng Mansion. With Baicheng Mansion's ability, you can do very beautifully. Coupled with his excellent qualifications, it is appropriate to sit firmly as the young master. It's proper, but if the other party comes to yin, the city and temper of Baicheng Mansion will not be enough to see, at least so far, it is true, but this is undeniable. Fortunately, there are two complicated existences, Bai Chengye and Baicheng Zheng, who have followed, especially now that they have experienced various dangers together and shook hands and made peace. This complementary cooperation is even more perfect. It's like at this moment, I wanted to be mad at Xiao Da and satirize Xiao Da's Baicheng Mansion. Bai Chengye and Baicheng Zheng who followed him were pulled like that. Even if the other party didn't say anything, it was that simple. After pulling, Baicheng Mansion finally chose wisely and tacitly in the end. In other words, in this way, it just avoided Baicheng Mansion's madness on the spot. This kind of ugly, it is easy to be inferior. After all, if Baicheng Mansion was really sarcastic and really mad at the other party, wouldn't it be inferior in the contrast of the other's gentle and calm tone, and it would appear that he was very uneducated and unqualified?

"Haha, Young Master Bai is like this. First of all, I, someone from Xiao, would like to say sorry to you on behalf of the organizers of the Hundred Years Competition, the Xiao family and the Yun family. This time I am really embarrassed, because yesterday was too much. Late, and our manpower is limited, and the sudden relationship that happened again, we haven’t had time to notify you and let you know that after the discussion of the organizing committee of the Hundred Years Tournament, this time the “Hundred Years Tournament” ', the unanimous vote has been passed, the news of the proposal to use the new rules, please forgive you for the inconvenience caused by this!" Probably I did not expect that such an outgoing person in Baicheng Mansion could bear the anger in his heart? When Xiao Da heard the plain, simple two-character answer from Baicheng Mansion, he was still a little stunned. After all, the Bai family was one of the key objects that their first-class power alliance squeezed and rejected. For such an existence, they It’s not surprising that all the news of every member of his family will be investigated. This is not surprising, especially when the key object with the title of Young Master, like Baicheng Mansion, is so small that when his first tooth fell Yes, as large as his current level of cultivation, it is even more necessary to understand everything in detail. In fact, it was true. Xiao Da knew Baicheng Mansion very well, and there were even many things that even Baicheng Mansion himself had forgotten. Xiao Da knew clearly, and he knew the consequences. It is when Baicheng Mansion violates the personality and acts inconsistent with his usual personality. He thinks he knows Xiao Da, who knows Baicheng Mansion very well. It is because the gap is too big and he froze into play. Okay, this is also the case. It is inevitable. Fortunately, Xiao Da also received professional training, and he recovered after a while, and once again hung up his outsider look gentle and gentle, but in the eyes of the Baicheng Mansion, they can’t fake fake smiling faces. , Explained the reason to Baicheng Mansion.

"Passed unanimously? You coax me? The change was so sudden, on the first night of the match day, but you told me that in the face of such an emergency, it was a resolution that did not benefit many people. No one objected? If you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it!" This time, Baicheng Mansion opened the spray mode, but no one came forward to stop it. As for the reason, who made it so targeted? Looking around, everyone had no unexpected expressions. Obviously, no matter whether all the participating teams are in line or not, everyone on the field, except their Bai family, knows the news, but it is an indisputable fact. Faced with such a difference. How can they remain calm calmly? As the saying goes,'Uncle can tolerate, aunt can't tolerate', even if Ouyang Xiasha reminded them before coming, Xiao family and Ji family will definitely take action, and they can really face such a targeted resolution. , They still couldn't help but want to open their mouths! However, fortunately, Baicheng Mansion opened the spray and returned to the spray, but did not forget the so-called bottom line, that is, the quality problem. Otherwise, wouldn't it be them who would be ashamed in the end?

After all, the unanimous vote passed. Although this is a false statement, since the Xiao family dare to say it, then he must have his basis. In other words, even if Baicheng Mansion asks, the final result will not change. , Who made everyone present all choose to acquiesce, and no one raised objections? In this way, the opening of Baicheng Mansion has completely become, it only exists for venting, and has no substantial effect. In addition, they each have their own reasons for having to play. Therefore, even if they know that this is the result, the boys of the Bai family cannot speak out their requirements for retiring. So, the rule of the family questioned, if you Bad words and bad words are the ones who are finally ashamed. Isn't it them?

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