Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2966: (623) After all, go back to the white house!

Attack twenty to thirty locations and choose to leave one. The location chosen to leave the memory fragments does not necessarily have to be the most accurate location. It's not necessarily the most accurate location around it, or even a little farther away. No, it's not that Ouyang Xia Sha wants to play mystery, it is because of this, it can avoid making people suspect that these things are deliberately left behind. Of course, in order to make these so-called ‘evidence’ more real, Ouyang Xia Sha even moved a lot of the memory fragments. Put it this way! Compared with the memory fragment left by Ji Xiaowu, the memory fragments in other places are simply horrible, and can only be described as "memory fragments" at best. That’s right, Ouyang Xiasha deliberately made half of the memory fragments in other places, which is similar to accidentally changing to the recording mode, and half of the recorded fragments that even the parties do not know. Became a sneak shot. But what is half of it, but in fact, there are only three such fragments left in so many places, plus the one from Ji Xiaowu, there are only four in total. Half of the four is two, two places, what's more?

This is not to say that Ouyang Xiasha does not want to leave any more evidence, nor is Ouyang Xiasha stingy, reluctant to bear the little memory fragments, after all, these things are really nothing in front of Ouyang Xiasha, who is a rich and enemy country. What's more, in the hands of the people he robbed, memory fragments are not said to be owned by everyone, but the possession rate of 80 to 90% is still not a problem. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha left little evidence and had nothing to do with these. In fact, to put it bluntly, this is similar to the principle of "talking too much, you will lose." If you do too much, you will be false. Very few, but it can be proved that it is true. This is the best effect of planting.

Of course, Ouyang Xia Sha did not deal with all of them, just like before, Ji Chengqing, who made Ouyang Xia Sha make up his mind and decided to let it go first, is the best example. But wouldn't it be weird to let Ji Chengqing be alone? The so-called "shooting the head and the bird", because of his speciality, will make him a target of the Lao Shizi. Doesn't it violate my original intention to let him go? Therefore, in order to prevent Ji Chengqing from going back to be suspected, Ouyang Xia Sha handily let go of the disciples in the nearest strongholds, and made a pair of Ji Xiaowu’s lack of spiritual power and fled hastily. He didn't have time to run to them, so that Ji Chengqing could easily get out of the picture. Anyway, they couldn't tell which direction he started to act, didn't he?

In other words, even if Ji Chengqing went back, some people still doubted, so what? The principle of ‘the law does not blame the public’ is that some people suspect that, so many people, plus he is not a so-called special case, in other words, they can’t do anything about it at all.

As for the group of enemy disciples who were let off easily by him and were not within the scope of Ouyang Xiasha’s pardon, that’s not a big problem. After all, they still can't escape the fate of death, and their finances will eventually return to their own hands. Otherwise, do you think that Ouyang Xia Sha has a lot to do, and then the so-called ‘Extermination Plan’ that he arranged is just to look good, or just to talk about it? The answer is of course no. At that time, let alone the lives and finances of these young disciples, it is their boss, uncle Ji family, the elders who are participating in the auction today, and even the lives and finances of the head of their family. Belongs to him.

Okay, I'm a bit farther away, but then again, after Ouyang Xiasha has dealt with Ji Xiaowu's problem, she disappeared unconsciously, although it doesn't seem like no one has ever appeared here. The same, so exaggerated. After all, Ouyang Xiasha just stayed here for a long time because of the need to deal with things and arrange the scene. So, how could it seem that she had never appeared before? However, no one found or saw it at all, but that is an indisputable fact. Then, the place where Ouyang Xia Sha reappeared was the small courtyard of the Bai family's residence.

No one knows how Ouyang Xiasha came into the Bai’s courtyard, and no one knew what method he used to prevent anyone from discovering his whereabouts. In this way, everyone was caught off guard, let alone no one. I knew why he was so fast, or even so fast, that he had to return to the Bai family's resident before the group of Bai family boys. Even the white boys have to go through the relevant procedures because they have also taken some photos, and they have lost a lot of time. Maybe they are on the road, they will be guarded in certain places, or I hadn't had time to deal with it before, or the time wasted by the disciples of the Ji family and the Dongli family who deliberately left behind, but Ouyang Xiasha's speed was too fast. You know, one of them is in the city, and the other came back from outside the city just now. One is a group of people, and the other has only one person. Finally, the ones outside the city, the ones with fewer people, will return home first. Isn't the speed just abnormally fast?

Ouyang Xiasha, who returned to the Bai’s house, saw that the Bai’s boys hadn’t come back yet, and didn’t plan to go out to look for them. They just found a place that was closest to the gate, but extremely quiet, and would not affect his cultivation. He sat down cross-legged so that he could spot them at the first time and explain his arrangements for tomorrow, so as not to call them again later. Although the guards of the Bai family were surprised at the sudden appearance of Ouyang Xiasha, they were also curious about where he came from, but because of their knowledge, they knew that Ouyang Xiasha was the special coach of the Bai family’s team this time, or Bai What the Patriarch deliberately explained should be treated as the Patriarch, and even his orders are higher than his Patriarch and all the elders, and he also has the Patriarch Order of the White Family, that is, he has the same existence as a senior VIP with the rights of the Patriarch. Therefore, in the face of Ouyang Xiasha, the guards of the Bai family would choose to be as if they hadn’t seen him weird, and soon aroused their doubts and curiosity, as if they hadn’t seen anything, and returned to normal. , And then, without squinting, continued to stand straight and stick to their posts, there is nothing strange.

As for the reason Ouyang Xiasha didn’t go out, it’s not that she didn’t worry about them, but that Ouyang Xiasha knew that those people were carrying their missions on their backs, and they didn’t complete their missions, that is, they didn’t find them. Before the human identity, they dare not leave the position they are holding too far. What's more, this is Yunxiaocheng. Whether they are doing superficial work, do not want to be criticized, or they really have the intention to follow the so-called Anyway, they dare not really do anything in this Yunxiao City, but that is an indisputable fact. So, why should he make the extra trip? What if he ran away and something happened? Isn't that really unnecessary? It's better to wait here, it's just a delay of minutes!

Although Ouyang Xiasha is confident, as long as he doesn't want to, no one can find that he is the former VIP on the fourth floor, but the Bai family don't know! Before telling them clearly, Ouyang Xia Sha didn't believe that they would reveal something. After all, the boys of the Bai family knew the fact that he was the VIP on the fourth floor. They would not betray him. After all, they were the disciples handed over by him. If they were brainwashed by him, they could still betray themselves. , Then it can only be regarded as unlucky for him, but if he accidentally leaks his mouth, or reveals a flaw when he is nervous, it is still very likely to happen. Therefore, he had better not show up before he had confessed to them, especially in front of those from the Ji family and Dongli family.

What's more, Ouyang Xiasha's current identity is considered a troublesome physique. Who told him to have a conflict with the young master of the Dongli family before he came to the Bai family? Not only a conflict arose, but a so-called gambling agreement was also set!

Even if the gambling agreement is set on the'Hundred Years Competition', before that, they did not have any competition on the face, but who can guarantee that he appeared in front of the disciples of the Ji family and the Dongli family, they would not Because of the annoyance of waiting, how about taking the opportunity to find trouble and taking them home now to vent their irritability?

Looking for trouble, it’s nothing. I’m afraid that the Bai family guys, because of a guilty conscience, thought it was the VIPs on the fourth floor that had been discovered, and then they were nervous and exposed everything. That’s what really caught fire. , Ouyang Xia Sha is even more unreasonable to go out. Well, it turns out that Ouyang Xiasha’s guess is very correct. The Ji family and the Dongli family, even if they want to trouble them, dare not Regardless of them, they also didn’t dare to leave their place of holding for too long. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha did not sit down and meditate for long. The boys from the Bai family came back together, and then one after another, talking and walking across. Entered the door of the Bai's residence.

Didn’t know it was Ouyang Xia Sha who brought his own luminous body? Or is Ouyang Xiasha really too strong to be able to ignore it? Is it because the boys of the Bai family care about Ouyang Xia Sha too much, so unlike ordinary people, they can see him at a glance? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, as soon as the Bai family boys entered the door, the first thing they saw was Ouyang Xiasha, who was sitting in the corner, just finished meditating, and was about to get up. That was an indisputable fact.

And when I saw Ouyang Xiasha, these boys in the Bai family seemed to have turned on a switch. Without exception, they all moved in the direction of Ouyang Xiasha with excitement and surged forward. At the same time, I did not forget to shout to him loudly:


"Boss, you are back!"

"Boss, your speed is really not good, you are fast enough!"

And so on, and so on, and so on.

For the enthusiasm of young people, as long as it is positive, Ouyang Xiasha has never been attacked. Therefore, although Ouyang Xiasha feels that they are chattering like this, a person who bluffs shouts several times, and there is no substance after shouting. The role of **** is really unnecessary, but in the end, Ouyang Xia Sha still remained silent and chose to listen carefully. Who made their shouts without any malicious or bad thoughts, but only in Express their excitement after seeing themselves, that's all. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a positive force, so, what kind of shock does he have, or is it good to stop?

However, while Ouyang Xiasha listened to the emotional expressions of the Bai family boys, he still made a small action, that is, the previous one, which had been arranged, was useless for a long time. He recovered the one that trapped Ji Xiaowu and forced Ji Xiaowu to a dead end. And Ouyang Xiasha's gaze in this way is actually very simple, just to prevent the wall from having ears, that's it.

No one overhears, that's fine, at best, it's just one of his own villains, but what if it does? Wouldn't it save a trouble, plus avoid the possibility that it might affect the ‘Plan of Extermination’ in the future? Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha would rather be a villain, and didn't want to make trouble for herself.

Then, until all the Bai family boys present had finished speaking and expressing, the whole scene gradually became quiet, and then Ouyang Xiasha smiled and slowly said to them: "How? At that time, were you being pestered by the Ji family and Dongli family to find fault?"

"Boss, how do you know? Did you also meet?" Baicheng Mansion, who thinks he is most familiar with Ouyang Xiasha, spoke first, due to the identity of the young master of Baicheng Mansion and their slayer of Heaven. No one objected to the name of the team leader.

"Boss, what do you think they are doing? How come it seems that all the first-class forces except our Bai family have participated?" However, no objection does not mean that they will honestly wait there and wait. Isn’t the Q&A mode enabled by Ouyang Xiasha and Baicheng Mansion? So, just finished speaking in Baicheng Mansion, the last voice has not yet completely fallen, so, let alone whether Ouyang Xiasha answered the question, at this point in time, there has been no match with Baicheng Mansion, even if it is now Well, Bai Chengye, who wanted to fight with him, couldn't be changed, and followed closely behind, opening his mouth without showing weakness at all.

"Boss, do you just don't want to meet them, so what special method did you use to flash back ahead of time?" Baicheng Mansion, Baicheng Ye had already spoken, and of course it was indispensable. You can go hand in hand with them. Baicheng Zheng!

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