Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2653: (310) Answer questions!

As for whether to use them, do you know the effects of these medicines? Baicheng Mansion is not worried at all. After all, although Ouyang Xiasha’s voice just now is not too loud, he can let nearby clansmen and corpses fall on the ground. Those spies in the Dongli family heard that there is no problem, unless the spiritual power of these people happens to be abolished at this moment, or they deliberately pretend not to hear, otherwise, they don’t know the usage and effect of this medicine. This possibility is absolutely impossible.

Just now the spiritual power is abolished? That is obviously impossible. Not to mention whether anyone can sneak attack under Ouyang Xiasha's eyelids, that is, the previous enchantment, until Ouyang Xiasha does not reclaim it, outsiders will not be allowed to approach.

As for the problem of the fish that slipped through the net, it is even more unspecified. Although Ouyang Xiasha did not know the details of the "fishing operations" in other locations, it was separated from each other. Therefore, even if there are so-called fish that slip through the net, there is nothing too much here. influences. What's more, Ouyang Xiasha has taught all the teachers through the sound transmission before. The introduction can be regarded as knowing everything, endless words, without any concealment, plus other places, it is not like the boss. In this way, experienced and sophisticated exist, so Ouyang Xiasha has every reason to believe that it is not a problem to capture those people at the level of the disciples of the Bai family, that is, even if there is no such isolation zone, Other locations will not have any impact on this side.

And here, because of the relationship between Ouyang Xiasha, the strongest man in the underworld, there will be no so-called accidents. After all, the level of infinitely close to the gods is not a good-looking display. He Since it is so difficult to practice and not easy to achieve, there must be reasons and difficulties that are difficult to practice and difficult to achieve. It will never be just a simple term or level. It's like, people of this level are more powerful than ordinary demigods. I don’t know how many times stronger they are. I didn’t see that when Ouyang Xiasha first said the total number of spies in the Dongli family, the boss was dumbfounded. The horror of'how do you know' the **** expression? Obviously, he was telling everyone that Ouyang Xia Sha was right; and the number lying on the ground at the moment happened to be that number. Dare to ask, where can I find a redundant sneak attacker?

Intentionally pretending not to hear? Are you looking for death? Still looking for death? Or are you looking for death? After all, it is about two families, and these two families are still hostile and unending relationship. At this time, if someone does something deliberately, causing irreparable harm to the entire family, it is like this fashion. I didn’t hear, let these meticulous works have a chance to escape or commit suicide, thus exposing some of the secrets of the family, such as the secret property of the Bai family controlled by the fake "Bai Chengyu", or let the Bai family dig out a lot of Dongli family's Xin Secret, then no matter if he is really joking or has other meanings, he will be instinctively regarded as a betrayal of the family. In other words, as long as he is not a fool at the moment, he will not do it. Any strange behavior.

Obviously, the children who can become a famous and represent the family in a first-class power like the Bai family, even if they are unsatisfied and unreliable, they will not be really stupid. Therefore, at this moment , No one had the so-called twinkling eyes, and no one had any strange actions. They were all extremely firm, and replied loudly to Baicheng Mansion in unison: "Young Master! We know what to do!"

"That's good!" Well, Baicheng Mansion is still very satisfied with the firm eyes and tone of his family members. Therefore, his answer is also very simple, except for the "that's good" with a little comforting tone. Aside from these words, he had been brewing for a long time before, or about explanation, or about education, or about condemnation, or about other words, all of which were swallowed abruptly by him, without mentioning a word.

"Young Master retire! Boss retire!" Since there is nothing wrong, the Bai family is ready to take people away. After all, it is not early now. They will have to get up early tomorrow. Not only do they have to get up early, but also basic tasks, and The extra doubling task needs to be completed. Instead of wasting time doing nothing here, it is better to complete the tasks and things at hand earlier, and go back to rest well. Therefore, everyone in the Bai family clasped their fists against Baicheng Mansion and Ouyang Xiasha. He hesitated and retired.

As for why there are two objects of resignation, it is actually very easy to understand. Baicheng Mansion is because of his young master status, while Ouyang Xiasha is a little more complicated, except for the position of his instructor, as well as between the disciples of the Bai family. In addition to the teacher-student relationship, it is also because of its infinitely close proximity to the powerful strength of the gods.

Or in other words, for Ouyang Xiasha, no matter which of the above reasons, it is worthy of the Bai family's disciples to respect him and fear him. Now that you have achieved respect and awe in him, how can you be stingy with a resignation that expresses the simplest respect?

Okay, pull it a bit further. In other words, Baicheng Mansion nodded in a gesture of the Bai family's resignation; and Ouyang Xia Sha nodded in a gesture, but also added something. 'Inform them about the usage and effects of these medicines! Of course, Ouyang Xia Sha would never admit that the reason why he ordered this is just to be lazy and not want to waste spiritual energy to transmit sound again, that's all.

"Yes!" As for Ouyang Xiasha's instructions, everyone responded without hesitation. Anyway, it's not something embarrassing them, isn't it? In other words, for them, such a request is just a matter of convenience, and it is also very easy. To put it bluntly, they have no reason to refuse.

After the response, everyone in the Bai family saw that Ouyang Xiasha and Baicheng Mansion really had nothing extra to explain to them, so they nodded, as a greeting, and then took the thirteen. A prisoner retired directly.

"Boss, did someone else have encountered the same problem right now?" After all the extra people left, Baicheng Mansion couldn't help it anymore, and instantly transformed into a'hundred thousand whys', and the bottom of my heart Doubts, bluntly asked.

"Hehe, I thought how long you guy could hold back! You are right, other people have indeed encountered the same problem!" Ouyang Xiasha didn't want to conceal these doubts about Baicheng Mansion. What he meant, so now, since Baicheng Mansion directly asked the question, Ouyang Xiasha did not conceal a word, and admitted it without hesitation. It was only when he admitted that he did not know that it was because of his own bad temper. So, there are still other reasons, Ouyang Xia Sha did not forget to tease and abuse Baicheng Mansion when she answered.

"Boss, you guessed that this would happen early on?" Now that you have already spoken, Baicheng Mansion will of course not give up halfway. Of course, you can ask what you have!

"That's right! After all, those who are not as meticulous as you, the real Bai family children have no choice. Faced with the inhumane squeeze training I conducted during the day, if they can't bear it, the first thing they think of is not gritting their teeth. Persevere, but the retreat that I prepared for myself, that is, return to my own family!" Since Baicheng Mansion has asked here, Ouyang Xia Sha certainly answered without reservation. Anyway, I said before, Ouyang Xia. Sha didn't mean to hide anyone. In other words, if the remaining disciples of the Bai family can guarantee a 100% loyalty rate, he doesn't mind, even they will tell them all.

"That's it!" Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's answer, Baicheng Mansion had to feel convinced by his serial calculations and resourcefulness. you do not say? Baicheng Mansion thought that Ouyang Xiasha’s calculations were just an arrangement of planning, because he thought of the squeeze during the day, and then had plans for the future, but he did not expect that Ouyang Xiasha actually started from the moment he entered the training ground. After all his calculations, whether it was the abusive battle against'Bai Chengyu', or the training they were tired of vomiting blood afterwards, it was just one part of this series. With such a scheming, such a city, Baicheng Mansion thinks that even ten of them are incomparable. Even the ancestors of the family who came out of the mountain are probably not their opponents. The more you think about it, the more Baicheng Mansion is grateful He and his family are not enemies, otherwise, I really don't know what the result will be. Maybe he will be sold by the time, and he will count the money happily. That is not impossible.

"Boss, they won't be in danger, right!" After admiration, Baicheng Mansion began to worry about the arrival of his family. This is not to say that Baicheng Mansion has a big heart, so he let go of the previous problem so quickly, but knowing that it can't be better, why do you want to be entangled in this? It can only be said that this person in Baicheng Mansion is still a little clever, and he has a long-term vision and can see the status quo very clearly, that's it.

"Of course not! Xiaobai, don't worry, I have carefully observed all the hidden piles hidden nearby from the beginning, and found all the hidden piles here. Among them, the Dongli family has the strongest strength, and the others. Yes, it is not to be feared at all, otherwise, I would not be so relieved to let them act alone, am I? After all, anyway, I am now your boss’s instructor and need to be responsible for your safety!" Here, Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't mind letting Baicheng Mansion know more about the truth, lest he worry about this and that.

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