Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2648: (305) The boss's wrong decision, explain!

But it's no wonder everyone in the Bai family thinks about it this way. Who told Ouyang Xiasha to get along with them so far, leaving them with only unpleasant memories? Even that little letter has nothing to do with Ouyang Xiasha's own temperament, it depends entirely on his current instructor status, that's it. Therefore, if you don't say it clearly, it is absolutely impossible for those in the Bai family to truly believe in Ouyang Xia Sha from the bottom of their hearts.

But don't underestimate the issue of trust at this moment. He decided whether the Bai family can let go of their arms and go all out without any scruples when they fight against the boss. Go all out without any scruples, with restrained left and right scruples, I want to know which situation can exert the greatest strength and which situation will be safer. Therefore, it is no wonder that Baicheng Mansion will deliberately have this. I asked.

Baicheng Mansion will hesitate, be puzzled, will stay steady for the time being, and will not do it easily, but it is easy to understand. After all, if he doesn't say it clearly, his people will not be able to completely let go, can they fight the enemy with all their strength? But as the enemy's bosses, they actually gave up the opportunity to take the initiative to attack. It's a bit strange, isn't it?

But if you think about it carefully, it's actually not that difficult to understand, isn't it? After all, people have the so-called curiosity. The boss will be curious about Ouyang Xiasha's hole cards and want to figure out Ouyang Xiasha's hole cards and layout, so as to find out the strategy to break the game, it is not a difficult problem to understand.

It's just that things will really develop smoothly as he expected? The answer is of course no, and afterwards, when facing the white family members desperately, the boss also saw how ridiculous his thoughts were before. His hesitation, his hesitation, he decided to postpone the action, and did not let himself get the so-called break-through strategy, but made a wedding dress for the other party, let the other party completely cut off the last trace of worries in his heart, and single-mindedly Fight yourself. Isn't the so-called "stealing a chicken and ruining rice" a true portrayal of him not long after?

But that's all something to say, so I don't need to mention it for the time being. At least so far, the boss still doesn't know how wrong his decision to defer hands is, and he is complacent thinking that he can get a glimpse of some secrets of Ouyang Xiasha. And find out the so-called countermeasures from it!

Although I don’t know the specific spiritual journey of the boss’s decision, but what is the decision in his eyes, Ouyang Xiasha wants to judge, there is still no problem, and this also makes Ouyang Xiasha feel very relaxed. Sighed.

After all, Ouyang Xiasha did not say that he was confident about protecting the safety of all the Bai family members present, and she was barely able to deal with it. But in the end, he was only one person, and he would be worried, scrupulous, and afraid to be busy. However, it is not something incomprehensible. In addition, the Bai family members do not know Ouyang Shasha's hole cards, and they are always worried about the escape of the so-called slippery fish, so that they can't let go of their hands and feet at all. They are playing here. It was fierce, and when I saw someone fleeing over there, I had to stop the move forcibly, ignoring the internal injuries, and chasing forward. This led to, many times, their enemies hadn't made much action, and I was full of tossing myself. So, it's no wonder Ouyang Xiasha is so bad, and in the face of such a situation, she will involuntarily strain her nerves.

Of course, there are many other restrictions. The above-mentioned situation is just one of the possibilities. It is only one of them. It is not the only one. It is conceivable that the pressure on Ouyang Xiasha will be how old are you.

But now, let everyone in the Bai family be prepared in advance and do their best to confront the enemy. There is no need to worry about those who flee, and there will be no situation where they are too powerful and afraid to stop at any time and they will be backlashed. It is said that it has reduced a lot of his pressure, and it is not an exaggeration. Therefore, it is no wonder Ouyang Xia Sha feels very relieved.

"I said you guys, it’s not your heart. You’re so worried when you’re young. No wonder one looks like a little old man. I have already considered what you said, and I’ve already done it well. The corresponding measures have been taken, so you don’t have to worry!" It was probably because I saw the decision of the boss, I felt confident in my heart. At this moment, Ouyang Xia Sha actually had the intention to tease people. This was placed in the previous Ouyang Xia Sha. It's something that will never happen to him. This is not to say how serious Ouyang Xia Sha is, or how old-fashioned, it is really that he does not have that much energy! It is too late to worry about the safety of the Bai family, where is there to do that? I have to say that sometimes the environment is really important, and it can directly determine a mood problem.

"Corresponding measures? Boss, can you tell us what it is? So we can settle down and complete the assessment wholeheartedly, right?" Ouyang Xiasha's answer was entirely within the expectations of Baicheng Mansion. Baicheng Mansion had long been expecting it. Guessed, Ouyang Xia Sha was prepared, but this kind of answer was far from the effect he needed, or the answer he needed, but it was still not a small distance away. To put it bluntly, in the heart of Baicheng Mansion, this This kind of bewildered answer can’t be regarded as a prepared answer at all. It’s not much different from no answer. Therefore, it’s not difficult to understand if you will continue to ask knowingly. Anyway, you have already spoken. , One question is a question, and two questions are not questions. Since they are all questions, it is better to ask in more detail, and it is not in vain to say that, right?

"As long as you have a lot of shit, just tell you! Didn't you find out that I have been talking nonsense with the two idiots opposite for a long time?" Although Ouyang Xiasha was very impatient with Baicheng Mansion. But he did not hesitate afterwards, and his attitude of telling the truth was enough to show that that kind of impatience was not from the heart, it could only be regarded as a manifestation of arrogance, otherwise, with Ouyang Xiasha's strength, he would really not want to Say, no one can force him, isn't it? However, Ouyang Xia Sha did not directly inform Baicheng Mansion of their so-called answer, but guided them to guess step by step in a step-by-step manner. This is not to say that Ouyang Xiasha is stingy, or wants to avenge private revenge, and deliberately toss them. Ouyang Xiasha did so only because he understands that the answers he finds in person will always be better than others told you. There are many unforgettable, of course, will be more convincing. But don’t underestimate this point of conviction and memory. Usually, you may not see the difference between this point. But at this special moment, at this special moment, the Bai family people need the most conviction and get rid of all scruples. At that time, the importance of conviction and memory, which was ignored by people, was simply self-evident, and the performance of the Bai family later proved this point.

"It seems to be!" Regardless of the attitude of the Bai family toward Ouyang Xiasha's current status, is he the current instructor of the Bai family? Therefore, no one in the Bai family doubts his intentions at the moment. After all, he, who is named as the Bai family, is now a grasshopper tied to a rope with them. Even if it is not for them, but only for his own sake, unless he does not want to live and wants to die, otherwise, he will not harm them. Although he didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd at the moment, the members of the White family were happy to cooperate at this time. Following Ouyang Xiasha's question, he gave his own answer from the heart.

"Do you think about my attitude towards this counterfeit'Bai Chengyu' and Bai Chengchao when they joined forces, and then look at my current attitude, is there any difference?" The Bai family members are willing to cooperate, and Ouyang Xia Sha is of course quite satisfied with this. , So as not to waste his saliva and consume his energy? Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha has become more familiar with this guiding role. It looks like a kindergarten teacher in terms of appearance, attitude, and tone.

"Wow one by one, one is decisive, and one is procrastinated! Boss, you don't say it, we haven't paid attention yet, but this said, we found that the difference is really big enough!" Follow Ouyang Xiasha As a reminder, thinking of Ouyang Xiasha’s ferocious and decisive attitude towards'Bai Chengyu' and Bai Chengchao during the day, and then looking at the now-talkative'good old man' posture, the members of the Bai family suddenly appeared one by one, all showing a sudden realization Come.

Not to mention, the difference between the two is not generally big. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one would think that these two extreme personalities will appear in a person, or that the two Extreme personality, people think that they are two people, it is not an exaggeration. I really don't understand, how can they look like a blind eye with such a big difference before, and didn't notice it at all?

What they don’t know is that after years of tempering and tempering, Ouyang Xia Sha has been able to switch freely as he pleases with various personality changes, to the point of true performance from the bottom of the heart, that is, even if it is pretended, It will be as natural as nature, and this kind of randomness, because it is too natural, as if this person’s character should be like this, because it is natural, there is no feeling of disharmony, so it will not be discovered by others, nor is it What strange things are taken for granted. To put it more bluntly, today if Ouyang Xiasha hadn't taken the initiative to point out, even if the difference between these two personalities was great, they would not have noticed it, and there would be no day when they would discover this difference. Although very weird, very peculiar, and very incomprehensible, it is also an indisputable fact.

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