Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2644: (301) Connector, the so-called spy! (under)

However, being able to understand does not mean that you fully understand. In some places, like the inexplicable courage of'Bai Chengyu', the boss really doesn't understand how he got here. The principle of'question', after a brief period of doubt, the boss spoke directly without hesitation.

As we all know, in order to control the so-called overall situation, the heads of some families tend to lay down some corresponding items on each clan member, or relatively speaking, more important and useful people, unless it is a practice. The ghosts among the medicine wizards, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to crack the secret medicine, and they are afraid that they will rebel against the water. The more important or useful people mentioned here are actually easy to guess. They are like the guards who guarantee their lives, the dead men who perform various tasks ordered by them, and the detailed work of sending to various families to inquire about the news. , The spies who collect all kinds of intelligence for them, as well as the people in power in various departments of the family, are, in general, all people who are closely related to or involved in it.

The more powerful and long-standing family, the more complex the composition of its internal members, and the more complex the composition of the internal members of the family, the more worried the so-called Patriarch's heart is. The more worried Patriarch is, the more it needs it. With the aid of these drugs, the Dongli family is obviously such a family, or is it a typical example of such a family, but what about the "Bai Chengyu" person? Don't know if he should be said to be a sad reminder? Still sad? Or is it a sad reminder? Because regardless of the former possibility or the latter possibility, he couldn't escape the scope of being drugged. To put it bluntly, he was drugged and ordered.

The antidote to these drugs, well, the term antidote is used here, perhaps it is not appropriate. Who said that this thing is a temporary cure but not a permanent cure. It can only temporarily ease the drug's properties, but it cannot be completely eradicated. It will continue to be poisoned next month Is there? Therefore, it may be more appropriate to say that it is a reprieve.

Most of these reprieves are given once a month. Only a few of them require one for two to three months or even six months. However, no matter what kind of control drug, no matter the time between them. How long, once the medicine is cut off, the effect is the same, that is, although it will not die immediately, but the so-called suffering will definitely eat a lot. It is said that you can’t survive, you can’t die. Maybe It's not an exaggeration.

As for why the drug is not immediately lethal, the reason is also very simple. After all, a large family, with so many people up and down, can't all stay at home and eat in the air, right? Therefore, there are a lot of people who are going out and performing tasks.

In the process of performing the task, of course, some external factors and emergent factors can be said to be impossible to prevent. It is not a big deal to accidentally delay for a few days. At this time, if this kind of controlled medicine is made If it's too poisonous, wouldn't it be wrong for the people who lost their lives because of such errors? Of course, it is also a loss for the entire family. Is it not easy to cultivate a talent?

But it can't be so easily cheap, aren't these late people? No matter what reasons or excuses they have, being late means being late. As the saying goes, “State-owned, state-owned, and family-owned,” if they make mistakes, they should bear the consequences that they should bear because of their mistakes. By the way, they should be warned. Let them arrange their time more reasonably next time. Don’t do it in such a hurry. After all, for one thing, there are only people who can’t arrange time, not enough time. In other words, just These people who are late are not really lack of time, but miscalculated the time delayed by external causes or emergencies. To put it bluntly, if they can act earlier, this result will not happen, so The physical and mental torture at the time of the poisoning can be regarded as a correct interpretation of the so-called "capital crime is unavoidable, and living crime cannot escape"! Of course, it can also be regarded as a disguised punishment for being late.

Having said so much, in the end, I just want to express the serious consequences of being cut off the buffer. Can't survive, can't die, what kind of torture! Faced with such serious consequences, the boss really doesn't understand, "Bai Chengyu" how he dare to gamble? Does he have the so-called certainty? Or do you really just want to fight, that's all? Had he never thought about how terrible the predicament he would face once he failed?

When a person is pushed to a desperate situation, how much potential and explosive power is, as long as the boss has not experienced it personally, he will not understand it for a lifetime, so it is no wonder that the boss will have such a thing. Puzzled.

"My lord, my subordinates believe in the credibility of the family. What's more, if the family has spent so much effort and effort to save the subordinates, how can they do anything to lose money? The antidote to the subordinates was cut off. Isn’t it true that the family will have no money, and the wealth is empty? So, it’s better to squeeze the surplus value of the subordinates to a greater extent, until the last point of value is gone, or the so-called principal return Ben, it’s not too late to kill the subordinate, or think about how to toss the subordinate, wouldn’t it be better?”'Bai Chengyu' is not Ouyang Xia Sha, not gifted by God, and can see through the other's inner nine-aperture exquisite heart at a glance. Help, everything he sees depends entirely on his own intuition and so-called experience. Although there are still many details that have not been seen, but fortunately, the most important point is that'Bai Chengyu' can understand it, and it is nothing more than he needs him. Answering questions for him, explaining the reason why he dares to gamble, that's all, so there is a positive answer to the above paragraph full of rhetorical questions.

As the saying goes,'Bai Chengyu' previously threatened the family's behavior and behavior, no matter what the reason, forced or proactive, it seemed a bit too much, even if it was Putting it on the most impartial Bai family among the nine great families in the underworld, this kind of provocative threat theory is also not allowed, let alone the Dongli family with the strictest hierarchical system? I also want to know, what kind of huge impact this threat theory will have on the future days of "Baichengyu" when the threat theory is passed back to the family? Was ordered to be punished by the family? Being harshly treated? Was deducted various fees? Who knows? Maybe there is no good luck, maybe it's not just the few points illustrated here, who knows?

And in the heart of'Bai Chengyu', there must be no more clear about this than his client. Therefore, in order to make his life easier in the future, with this answer, he can talk good things about the family, and there will be nothing. It's strange. Maybe it's lucky. After receiving his hole card, did the other party really expose the matter? Although the hope is small, no one can completely deny its existence, right? Otherwise, how could the word ‘miracle’ appear?

"Hehe, you are smart, I just hope that your secret is really worth the family action, otherwise, you know the result!" After all, I have brought subordinates for many years, whether it is because of their personal feelings or to prevent wasting time To cultivate a tacit understanding between each other, or to prevent him from being involved, the boss doesn’t want it, and there is no reason to want "Bai Chengyu" to have a problem, so don’t look at what the boss is saying like irony. Like a warning, the tone inside is even more like a family preceptor, but the deep concern in it can't hide it. The so-called "cold face and warm heart" and "mengsao" probably mean this.

"Subordinates understand!" Since the boss's concern has been said, the performance is very obvious, so'Bai Chengyu' has no reason to say that he didn't see it. Therefore, there is no argument, no rebuttal, honestly, just like a good baby. Similarly, throwing out such a sparse and ordinary answer is also expected.

"That's very good, just in case something happens, you today, now, immediately, immediately leave with this seat, so as not to have many nights and dreams and delay things! But then again, this seat is curious, what makes you young? Shao, you are so afraid, before you have completely exposed, you just want to retreat from the rapids. After all, you are not as fearful of life and death as dead men, but you shouldn’t be like this. If you haven’t lost thoroughly, there will be no The thought of fighting again!" After speaking, after a while, the boss did not hold back, and he asked the question he was curious about.

"Because of that person, he is a lunatic! A perverted lunatic!" As soon as this question was mentioned,'Bai Chengyu' actually swept away the gentleness before and quickly entered a strange emotion, that was excited. Appearance, crazy posture, fearful, ghost-like eyes, all explain how terrifying Ouyang Xiasha is to him. It seems that what Ouyang Xiasha did today is true. Shocked'Bai Chengyu', and asked for the psychological shadow area of'Bai Chengyu'!

I don't know that "Bai Chengyu" has this result because of so many years of pampering life, which has eroded his ambition and reduced his so-called endurance? Or his own courage is small, although the possibility of this is very small, otherwise how could he dare to risk his life and come to the hostile family as a so-called undercover? It's not that I'm tired of living and looking for death! Is Ouyang Xiasha's methods really scary and bloody? Or are there several possibilities? Who knows! Anyway, "Bai Chengyu" is afraid of Ouyang Xia Sha, that is an indisputable fact.

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