Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2642: (299) Connector, the so-called spy! (on)

"My lord!" When Ouyang Xiasha brought Baicheng Mansion and a piece of personal identification, based on the clues Ouyang Xiasha had left on'Baichengyu' before, she rushed to an extremely remote and deserted place on the outskirts of Yunxiao City. At that time, the fake'Bai Chengyu', as well as Ouyang Xiasha had guessed, the superiors who belonged to'Bai Chengyu', had gone through a series of processes such as docking secret signals, and met. As for how Ouyang Xiasha knew that the master was the so-called superior, it was actually very simple. If it weren't for the superior, but just a person who spread the word, the fake "Bai Chengyu" would never lower himself like this. The posture, bowed down to salute him, after all, this counterfeit "Bai Chengyu" is a real meticulous work, but his upbringing and etiquette, after so many years of education and influence from the Bai family, still has his own self-esteem. And proud, and such a person is not easy to bow to a person, so the identity of the other party is simply self-evident.

"No gift! Xiao Shao, what do you want to come to me in such a hurry? You'd better give me a perfect reason to convince me, otherwise, you should understand that for no reason to contact your boss, and The people who may cause the target to be exposed, how did the clan deal with it in the past! At that time, don't blame this seat for not thinking about our friendship for many years!" The person who came to the emergency contact of'Bai Chengyu' was simply incomprehensible. Clear your mind, after all, apart from the fact that the guy who was making a huge bet with his own young master, who was not very threatening, went to the Bai family recently, hasn't heard of anything major happening in the Bai family? And they are still very confident about their Dongli family’s news network. Therefore, this adult, this contact with'Bai Chengyu' can be said to be extremely skeptical, otherwise, he will not After speaking, he said so many words of warning in a row. The purpose is not to believe that something is wrong. Therefore, do you want to beat "Bai Chengyu"?

And that "Xiao Shao", at least on the surface when there is no one around, obviously refers to "Bai Chengyu". In other words, this "Xiao Shao" should be the real name of the counterfeit "Bai Chengyu".

Well, in general, the original intention of this adult, or the starting point for such words, is completely good. After all, is it a subordinate who has followed him for many years? He didn't hope that the other party would do something because of a momentary impulse to make his heartache and make him regret it! That's why he was warned and eager to make him sober. As for why I didn’t say the words more clearly and more popularly, in addition to the awkwardness of this adult, it was also because of the Dongli family's supervising army lurking nearby, and this supervising army, put it nicely, called the supervising army. To be more unpleasant, it is called a spy. The purpose is to supervise the words and deeds of this adult, fearing that he will act for personal gains, that he will act emotionally, and that he will turn back on impulse. To put it bluntly, it is to stare at this as the eyes of the owner of the house. Of an adult. I have to say that the Patriarch of the Dongli family is really guarded enough. He can't even believe his own people and the subordinates who have followed him for many years. However, it can be seen from this that how chaotic the Dongli family is. How ruthless it is, otherwise, how can it make people so indifferent, no matter who it is, can't let the owner of the family give their trust?

Okay, let’s go a little bit further. In other words, since'Bai Chengyu' can hide in Bai's house for so many years without being discovered, not to mention that it must be extremely clever, but it can also be said to be wise and foolish, that is to say. In fact, what his boss meant, Bai Chengyu understood very well in his heart. Therefore, for his boss’s sharp remarks, various warnings, and Bai Chengyu, who is usually so easily affected by irritable emotions, it will be only now. There was no response, and he even replied with a sincere tone and a sincere attitude: "The subordinates understand what your lord means! If the subordinates are not forced to do so today, they will not act recklessly, but even though time is tight, the subordinates will not act so recklessly. I have not forgotten before, just in case, the subordinates came here to look for an adult after completely eliminating the possibility of someone following. Therefore, for safety issues, please rest assured that the adults!" Otherwise, just use the fire of'Baichengyu'. Huoliao's temper broke out not long ago, can he be so sincere, without any personal temperament at all?

"That's fine! Okay, let's talk about it, what do you have? Is there something new in the Bai family, or is there any unexpected problem with the kid who set up a gambling game with the master? Or, is there something worthy of our special attention? Concerned?" This existence, which is called an adult by'Bai Chengyu', doesn't know if it is really confused or too stupid. I can guess the possibility that'Bai Chengyu' suddenly contacted him with a secret code. They were all related to the family, and there was no mention of the so-called personal issues at all. Maybe it's because "Bai Chengyu" is too conscientious in normal times, so what is wrong with him? Maybe it's because this adult is too old-fashioned. Most of the time, he is more upright. Therefore, his temperament determines his true mind and thoughts? Maybe there are other reasons and reasons? Who knows!

"Return to Sir, the subordinate hopes that the adult will allow his subordinates to leave the Bai clan and judge that'Bai Chengyu' died in an accident. The subordinates really can't stay at the Bai's house for one more second!" I didn't say anything about the purpose of contacting the boss today. Fortunately, with this opening,'Bai Chengyu' seemed a little urgent.

Look at the silent posture of "Bai Chengyu" and the frightened tone. If you don't know, do you really think there is a terrible existence in the Bai family, or what terrible Longtan Tiger Den? Who would have thought that the trembling of'Bai Chengyu' was just because of Ouyang Xiasha? It can be seen how shocking Ouyang Xiasha's methods are. If nothing else, at least he successfully shocked this fake "Baichengyu", didn't he?

"Why? I think you have been serving the family for so many years, and you should understand the nature of the family very well. I think that if you take the initiative to contact your superiors without a family summons, it is the most illegal thing you can do. Something happened, but I didn’t expect that you have even more terrifying thoughts! This is simply an unreasonable thing, who do you think you are? Do you think the family will break all the plans of the family for you as a small person? You should Understand, the family will definitely not do such a small loss and big thing! Therefore, I still advise you to do it for yourself!" This adult really does not want'Bai Chengyu' to be confused and go wrong. Lu, so, every sentence and every word in the response appeared so sharp. The purpose was to stimulate and stimulate Bai Chengyu, so that he could see the so-called reality clearly. The so-called'good medicine is good for the disease, and faithfulness is against the ears. "Good for action", that is probably what it means. In other words, what is said to be nice and beautiful may not really be for your own good, maybe it is a soft knife to kill people, killing people invisible? And cynicism is not necessarily just for you to be bad, and it is also the eagerness to hate iron and steel, and it is not impossible. As for whether it is good or bad, you need to carefully understand and feel it.

"My lord, the subordinates are naturally very clear about the nature of the family, and they also see very clearly about their own positioning. The subordinates have also said before that they are forced to make the next move. Otherwise, the subordinates I don't dare to be so bold and make such a request!" Obviously,'Bai Chengyu' is the one who can see the other party's sincere example, otherwise he will not repeat it again and again, patiently and sincerely answer. , After all, with the irritable temper of'Bai Chengyu', how could he be so patient? He was not like such a patient person.

"To talk about the reason for your request, I am curious. What makes you compelled to say it!" The "Bai Chengyu" mentioned repeatedly is compelled, whether it is because of his own curiosity or acting. The boss needs to understand that the subordinates’ psychological reasons are mixing up, and this adult has reasons to ask.

"Returning Sir, there is a 90% chance that the subordinates' details have been discovered by the kid named Ouyang Xia, so "Bai Chengyu" said one by one, although at first glance, it seems that there is no problem. , The tone of hesitation and cessation seems to be used just right, but after careful consideration, you can discover the problems in it, just like how he was found to be a meticulous identity? And why would the other party doubt him? He hadn't mentioned it, and even deliberately avoided it. It can be seen that'Bai Chengyu' deliberately did not mention those reasons. Its purpose is simply self-evident. It is nothing more than people who do not want Dongli's family. It was he who lost his mind and deliberately revealed the fact of his identity. It seems that the previous practice of ‘Bai Chengyu’ he did not leave himself behind was the result of his own proposition, not the order of the Dongli family. And once this matter is exposed, I believe that without waiting for Ouyang Xiasha's next step, Dongli's family will immediately and completely solve the disobedience of "Baichengyu", and also specifically cause trouble. 'Bai Chengyu' obviously understood this truth too, so he avoided it like this.

"So, you want to leave the Bai's house?" This adult didn't know if he really didn't notice the deliberate avoidance of'Bai Chengyu'? Or is it the result of intention? Who knows? Anyway, he didn't mention it, and even skipped this answer, and proceeded directly to the next topic, which is an indisputable fact.

"Yes! Whether it's for the family or for the subordinates, leaving is the best choice for the subordinates, isn't it?" To the question of his boss, no matter what's in it,'Bai Chengyu' finally In the end, it can be regarded as giving a very affirmative answer, isn't it?

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