Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2638: (295) Hell Mode is on! (4)

Isn't it just gloating? Now that she knows that this is only good for them, and it will not be fatal, and she can't participate too much in this matter, so as an idly bystander, watch acting and listen to jokes, this is always okay!

Don’t underestimate the training method of this mortal world. It’s just five centimeters taller than an adult’s sideways thickness, and just five centimeters wider than the width of a human body’s shoulder width. Everyone tells everyone that when you climb over this piling net, once If the range is high or wide, it will be scratched by the blades hanging on the three-sided net, and judging from the density of the blades, the injury is not light, and once the low is very low, or the extension of the arm If the degree is low, it will obviously affect the speed of advancement, so it will be completed within the time specified by Ouyang Xiasha, which becomes a whimsical answer.

Of course, if the monks deliberately used spiritual power to protect their bodies, they wouldn't be able to rush through, but who was Ouyang Xia Sha? How could she not think of such a situation? Now that I have thought of it, how come there are no corresponding measures and countermeasures? In other words, how can Ouyang Xiasha, who is so smart, test a monk with ordinary pediatrics? I want to know that these pile nets are tricky.

Since the piling net has been improved, I want to know that other props will not be as simple as possible. If you look at Ouyang Xiasha's gloat, it is clear that it is the abusive eyes of watching the play, it is not difficult to judge. These improvements, or the tricks, were all aimed at the monks present.

Well, as the initiator of all this, Ouyang Xia Sha knows that, that's for sure. In addition, the only person present is the Baicheng Mansion, who arranged all this by hand, know the problem here! As for other hands-on people, let's not talk about whether they have spiritual power, whether they can feel the existence of these tricks, but the identity difference that they are not qualified to enter the training ground is doomed to the fact that the news will not be revealed for the time being.

As for whether it will be leaked out in the future, it is not Ouyang Xiasha that needs to worry about, because what she wants is that it is enough not to leak the news for a day. After all, after today, whether the agent was forced to be exposed, or the fact that everyone present had already experienced it personally, it was enough to prove that this news no longer has the meaning of keeping it secret. Even if there is an accident, for example, tonight, the spies can tolerate it without being exposed, that is not a big deal, because these spies have already experienced it personally regardless of whether they are exposed or not. It is indisputable. fact. If they unintentionally expose them, then she doesn't need to worry about them. If they want to convey some news, isn't it the same as exposing themselves? So, what is there to worry about Ouyang Shasha?

In fact, Baicheng Mansion very, 100%, or even extremely wanted to be the first to step forward and train for his own people once so that they could wake up, but Ouyang Xiasha didn't do it! Before Baicheng Mansion spoke, she acted directly. No, she said faintly, "Because it's the first time you have come into contact with this thing, so I will give you the teacher once. Only this time, look. I'm clear!" When Ouyang Xia Sha was speaking, while maintaining the cold and calm face, she gave Baicheng Mansion a warning look with her deep-hearted eyes. After Baicheng Mansion nodded clearly, this Only then did he withdraw his gaze, and the meaning of its expression was also very obvious, that is, to let Baicheng Mansion not be troublesome, that's it.

If it is normal, a simple and honest person like Baicheng Mansion, no matter how much he likes Ouyang Xiasha in his heart, how much he has a good impression of Ouyang Xiasha, and the responsibility he bears on his body, he will not be so easy to show weakness, or It was to agree to such an uncomfortable condition, but at this time, Ouyang Xia Sha's warning was very obvious, because he made Baicheng Mansion weak and compromised.

This is not to say that Baicheng Mansion is too timid or too afraid of death. It is really good that Ouyang Xia Sha pinched it. As the so-called "snakes hit seven inches", that's roughly what it meant. As I said before, Baicheng Mansion cares about his own responsibility. Since this responsibility can make him fearless and careless about anyone's opinion, then of course he can be used by others! Ouyang Xiasha obviously did just that.

Others can't understand the meaning in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes. How could Baicheng Mansion, which was transmitted by Ouyang Xiasha, not know? Ouyang Xiasha clearly told him that if he were to attack, then she might be even more ruthless.

Such a threat that is not considered a threat, although Ouyang Xiasha did not make it clear that this attack may be more ruthless to what extent, what tactics she used, and what consequences will eventually be, but Baicheng Mansion has Knowing that it will definitely be more serious than this time.

A little bit of sin can save your life; compared with a big sin and don’t know if you can save your life, fools know how to choose, don’t they? Therefore, Baicheng Mansion will eventually retreat, which is also an expected choice.

But it's unlucky for Baicheng Mansion, who told him that he didn't even see Ouyang Xiasha's identity? Otherwise, he will definitely not be threatened by Ouyang Xia Sha again. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha is just doing superficial work, she really wants to do something cruel, but she won't. It was not that Ouyang Xiasha was afraid, nor how much she cared about the loyalty of the Bai family, but because of the existence of the causal cycle that the cultivator cares about, so that Ouyang Xiasha cared about it.

Although Ouyang Xia Sha’s promotion is very easy, it is completely advanced by absorbing spiritual power fragments, and the owner of those spiritual power fragments is still herself, so she does not need to care about the so-called sky thunder problem at all, but the heart demon But because of her special race, she will not shelter her like the rules of heaven and earth. Although she has full confidence in resisting the problem of the demons, what if? Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case it is not?

If it can be avoided, if it is not a last resort, Ouyang Xia Sha still hopes to avoid it. What's more, she doesn't want to be loyal to her, so she feels chilly. And the above is the real reason why Ouyang Xiasha is unwilling to attack the Bai family. It has nothing to do with the so-called fear or not. In other words, if she really wants to provoke her, she will also disregard it. of.

Okay, let's go a little bit further. In fact, it is no wonder that Ouyang Xiasha is not willing to be such a good old man in Baicheng Mansion. After all, when she was questioned by everyone before, among the people of the Bai family, except for the Baicheng Mansion alone to protect her, which one did not humiliate him or slander him? Although Ouyang Xia Sha had dug the hole before and took care of the two people of "Bai Chengyu" and Bai Chengchao, the others were still unscathed, were they? As a typical blemish that must be reported, how could Ouyang Xia Sha really stop doing it and slap herself in the face? That obviously won't work. Isn't that smashing your own sign?

As the saying goes, "Capital crimes are unavoidable, living crimes cannot be escaped." For the Bai family's loyalty for nearly ten thousand years, Ouyang Xia Sha felt that she could not spare their lives, but some small lessons could not be waived.

If at this time, let the Baicheng Mansion demonstrate, and let these disciples of the Bai family have a defensive heart and fail to achieve the results she expected, then it would be really not fun. Of course, taking this opportunity to kill these dudes is also one of the reasons Ouyang Xia Sha stopped Baicheng Mansion.

At this moment, since Ouyang Xia Sha took the initiative to speak, she certainly wouldn't shrink back from her choice of slaps! Coupled with Ouyang Xiasha's temperament, she is always in a hurry and talks about one thing. Therefore, it is an expected answer to do what you say without delay. But the fact is indeed the case. No, before everyone from the Bai family could speak, Ouyang Xia Sha took off his coat and walked towards the entrance of the five-hundred-meter long pile net.

And Ouyang Xiasha's decisive action was not accidental. It was the result of her character, but the best choice that Ouyang Xiasha made after considering all external factors. Because of this, the people in the Bai family can be caught off guard, lest they use this as an excuse to say that she is tossing them on purpose, and this matter is simply impossible to complete. Under such rumors, even if it is She later clarified that if she did, the effect would be greatly reduced. In this way, it would be better to avoid people's tongue at the beginning; secondly, she passed easily and can completely let everyone in the Bai family, because she suddenly proposed this before. The seemingly simple training, but the wariness raised completely disappeared; as for the third thing, it is to prevent these dudes of the Bai family from continuing to delay time. After a while, the wicked first complained that she delayed them, that is, instead of letting them. It is better for them to take the initiative to drive the action on the spot if they are stunned. And the above three points are all based on the premise that Ouyang Xiasha can easily pass through the pile net here, otherwise, it will only end up with a shameless end. Fortunately, in the past, Ouyang Xiasha stayed in the army. It's not a short time, and during this process, I have never used spiritual power, just treat myself as an ordinary person, otherwise it would be really difficult to do this.

As for why Ouyang Xiasha had to isolate her spiritual power in such training in the past, it was not because she wanted to show off or prove something, but in Ouyang Xiasha's view, whether spiritual power or magic weapon, these are so-called external. Factors are not omnipotent. Once there is an accident, it will not disappear. In order to prevent this from happening, she will become a so-called weak person who has no power to restrain the chicken. Ouyang Xia Sha always feels that It is still very necessary to learn such self-protection ability. What's more, these skills are not incompatible with their own spiritual power, are they complementary to each other? Therefore, it is very necessary to learn these fighting techniques. Although Ouyang Xiasha has not encountered a situation where her spiritual power has failed, and she has recovered her memory, she knows that she has a special physique and will never encounter this situation. You can learn more, is it always good? But now, at this moment, doesn't this method have a place to be used?

Yes, you guessed it right. These new training equipment all have one thing in common, that is, all of them are forbidden to use spiritual power. To put it bluntly, everyone in the Bai family needs to rely on their own mortal bodies. The physical body, to pass this item of training, the difficulty can be imagined.

You know, people who are accustomed to using spiritual power suddenly cannot use spiritual power, but their physical strength is much worse than ordinary people who have never used spiritual power before, because they have already developed a kind of dependence on spiritual power, suddenly Losing this power of dependence is like a lame man without crutches, high myopia without eyes, it is difficult to maintain a normal person’s physical strength, not to mention having such a difficult training, it can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha has to prepare this time. It's ruthless.

Although Ouyang Xiasha’s starting point is good, and the process of doing so, even if it contains a little bit of her own emotions, it is generally beneficial to them without any harm, but she has to say, this way The kindness is also enough to toss people.

At this moment, Ouyang Xiasha leaned down and lay on the ground as her voice fell, and then quickly crawled from one end of the pile net to the other without waiting for everyone to speak. The speed, that simple and neat skill, simply amazes people. It can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha has not returned to the teacher the skills that Ouyang Xia Sha has trained in the mortal world in the past. This is an indisputable fact.

Ouyang Xia Sha quickly ended the results of this training, not to mention other effects, but let everyone in the Bai family have an illusion that this training equipment is not fraudulent, it is a simple illusion, but it is not a lie. Yes, and everyone in the Bai family suffered a lot because of this thought of underestimating the enemy, which is the best proof of this statement. That’s right, the reason why everyone in the Bai family hasn’t moved for a long time, willing to stand there wasting time, and never act rashly, is not that they are really tired and unable to move. Everyone is like this, not even an alternative?

To put it bluntly, they were just worried that this matter was fraudulent, and accidentally caught Ouyang Xia Sha's trick calculations, so they were careful to this point. At this time, seeing Ouyang Xiasha so relaxed, she completed the training, and this kind of caution disappeared. Therefore, it became a matter of course for someone to try out one after another.

As for the news that the stakes network will ban spirits, will it be revealed before everyone tries it out? Ouyang Xiasha is not worried at all. Who makes people selfish? This is especially true for these dudes who have been raised crooked since childhood.

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