Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2634: (291) Assemble on the eve of the devil training!

Although Ouyang Xiasha's actions will inevitably affect her own serious tribe, in the final analysis, besides the feeling of physical exhaustion, there is actually no harm in them! Well, even if there is any disadvantage, in the face of the righteousness of the family and the rise and fall of the family, a small personal gain or loss is nothing, let alone, it is really nothing!

And this is a choice that can pull out the spies and strengthen the body with one stone. Baicheng Mansion doesn't have any reason to refuse, isn't it? Therefore, he would nod his head affirmatively, which was the answer that Ouyang Xia Sha expected.

It's just that Ouyang Xiasha didn't expect that Baicheng Mansion would be so firm. He didn't wait for a moment, and nodded without hesitation, thinking that he would hesitate a little or think about it! It seemed that Baicheng Mansion's disposition was not as honest as he seemed on the surface.

"Xiaobai, don’t you doubt me at all? Maybe I’m trying to sow discord? After all, I’m so coincidental that you don’t even know my background or my details. Are you so confident?" I don’t know if it’s really curiosity, or a messy tendency to abuse. To Baicheng Mansion’s affirmative answer without hesitation, Ouyang Xia Sha actually felt extremely awkward, hesitated again and again, in the end it was I couldn't help but asked the doubts in my heart.

"No doubt, no doubt at all. Of course, it’s not that I’m too confident. As for the reason, it’s not that I didn’t tell you, but that I didn’t know why it was because it was just a feeling. The slightest suspicion is the feeling of blasphemy against it!" Baicheng Mansion was also honest. Whatever Ouyang Xia Sha asked, he answered honestly, without any concealment. If you don’t believe it, see if he doesn’t carry it. With a trace of dodge and clear eyes, he understood that he really didn't lie, but the content of the answer was a little weird. Of course, Baicheng Mansion didn't finish what he said. It wasn't that Baicheng Mansion wanted to hide anything, but he didn't think it had anything to do with this time and it was unnecessary, so he didn't say anything. As for what Baicheng Mansion didn’t say, he relied on this inexplicable and unclear feeling in the past. Let’s call it the'sixth sense' for the time being. It is relying on this so-called'sixth sense' to hide. After countless various assassinations and crises, he has lived steadily to this day. Otherwise, I am afraid that the grass heads of his grave will be overgrown at this time, and he will have multiple generations of children and grandchildren!

"That's it! It's really strange. If I have a chance in the future, I would like to do a good job of research, but now let's go to the training field first!" It is obvious that Ouyang Xia Sha was hanged by Baicheng Mansion. With an appetite, the curiosity was aroused again. Looking at those shiny eyes, he looked hungry and thirsty looking to swallow Baicheng Mansion. What else is there to doubt? But fortunately, Ouyang Xiasha’s desire and reason did not conflict. At the critical moment, the reason was more extraordinary, occupying the top. Otherwise, how could there be such a picture now, with a serious speech but an extremely exaggerated expression? !

"Okay!" Although Ouyang Xiasha's undisguised eyes looked at Baicheng Mansion, the heart was furry, but in the end reason still occupied the peak, otherwise Baicheng Mansion really didn't know if he would retreat and be scared. Turned his head and left.

After getting the affirmative answer from Baicheng Mansion, Ouyang Xiasha didn't ask anything more, drank two sips of tea, and when it was almost two and a half minutes, she went to Baicheng Mansion, who was waiting for her decision, to the morning. , Now has a new look at the training ground.

"Good job!" Seeing the new training venue, Ouyang Xia Sha couldn't help but praised it, and this "good" not only refers to the progress in quality and quantity, but also very surprising, otherwise Do you think that why Ouyang Xiasha made a fuss, why did Ouyang Xiasha, who always likes to remain silent, be like this? But think about it, in such a short period of time, her request can be completely 70% to 80%, which is indeed a half miracle, and the appearance of this half miracle, even if it is related to the Bai family's hands-on ability, More importantly, it is the commanding ability of Baicheng Mansion. Thinking of this, Ouyang Xia Sha felt, maybe, probably, it seems, can promote Baicheng Mansion in the future? Who told her to have talent in her hands!

"Thank you for the compliment!" Baicheng Mansion knew in his heart that excessive humility is pride and hypocrisy. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha's praise is not too exaggerated. Baicheng Mansion took it for granted and accepted it with peace of mind.

Just when Ouyang Xiasha was talking softly with Baicheng Mansion, just when the time set by Ouyang Xiasha was approaching one by one, all the members of the Bai family team swayed, zero and zero. The scattered ones, like shopping, chatting and walking in.

Seeing the sluggishness of the younger generation of the Bai family that the mud couldn’t help the wall, Ouyang Xiasha, who looked on coldly, didn’t gnaw at first, because she wanted to see how much they could slack off, but two seconds. The second passed, fifty-sixty seconds passed, and the other party seemed to have no feeling at all. Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly became anxious because of the mentality of hating iron and steel, and couldn’t help it. No, it’s not far away. The children suddenly yelled like that: "The time is almost here, you are still so leisurely, do you want to go shopping? Or think you are in the vegetable market? Don't hurry up and train the deity to die!"

In fact, it's no wonder Ouyang Xiasha is so irritable. Why did she treat these Bai family boys as her own? Why did she have secretly vowed to help the Bai family train and improve? Who told Ouyang Xiasha to care about the so-called responsibility?

Ouyang Xia Sha's roar was really fucking, it didn't scare everyone to death, after all, it was too sudden, isn't it? Moreover, the surrounding environment is still so quiet, it is conceivable that with these two premises, it will appear how loud Ouyang Xia Sha's voice is.

In fact, these direct descendants of the Bai family were indeed frightened by Ouyang Xiasha. No, as soon as Ouyang Xiasha's voice fell, the group of people from the Bai family looked like a mouse meeting a cat. Immediately scattered, looking for their own training place, the posture, the expression, as if Ouyang Xiasha is a scourge, even if they don't seem to understand what the new equipment set by Ouyang Xiasha is for, there is no Affect their reaction at the moment! I thought I could see how embarrassed and helpless the Bai family’s group of people was. But I didn’t expect that the Bai family had just moved their feet. Before I could step out, I heard the roar of Ouyang Xiasha Hedong's lion's roar again in my ears. No, I only heard her roaring: "Who told you to run around? It's really stupid. , Don’t you come back to gather and line up first?"

Ouyang Xiasha was so angry that he forgot that this was the underworld, and the Beyonder world was still using the army’s plan to evaluate everyone. So, one can imagine how sad these people in the underworld are now. . Isn't it just sad reminder? Let me ask, how could they, as people in the underworld, know that the troops of the mortal world must assemble before doing anything. Such a sharp question?

It's a pity that I don't know, but I don't know. It's a pity that they can't turn back in the end. Who calls Ouyang Xiasha their training instructor, their immediate boss? As a result, the sorrowful children's shoes could only pant one by one, extremely hot, and came back to gather at the speed of a tortoise.

Seeing the obvious unwillingness and unwillingness of the Bai family, daring to be angry and not daring to speak, Ouyang Xia Sha's face became cold, and she said solemnly: "Hurry up to the deity, who dares to be slow, who will the deity throw to the sun? Go inside the forest and play with Warcraft!" It’s not that Ouyang Xiasha deliberately finds the fault, but sometimes, if everything happens in the early stage, it can be stifled, and a lot of unnecessary trouble can be avoided!

Hearing that, everyone in the Bai family was obviously frightened, although they wanted to tell themselves that Ouyang Xiasha must be frightening them. In fact, she didn't dare to really do it, but look at Ouyang Xiasha's brutality. With eyes without a hint of joking, recalling the fact that'Bai Chengyu' and Bai Chengchao had come to an end, everyone didn't dare to gamble, so they had no choice but to speed up and gather in line according to Ouyang Xiasha's request.

Seeing the neatly organized team in the front row, Ouyang Shasha did not give them much praise, and even frowned slightly because of dissatisfaction. As for the reason, it is actually very simple, because in the eyes of Ouyang Shasha, Their level is nothing short of rubbish, not to mention that when she tried to improve her cultivation level, she relied on the relationship between her father Xiahou, and the special operations team she entered was not comparable to that of the most ordinary soldiers in the mortal world. , That's a world of difference!

Such them, if she were not harsher and more tense persecuted, how could they get rid of the curse of the penultimate? And her gambling game, her ascension fruit, how can she entrust hope to them?

Although this is a bit unpleasant to say, the reality is still reality after all. It can be avoided by avoiding it, and this reality is that if the Bai family can only keep this way, it is really unable to support A Dou. , Then she has to make other plans.

Obviously, this possibility was placed last by Ouyang Xiasha, which is a decision she would not easily make if she had no other choice. It seems that Ouyang Xiasha's expectations for them are still very high, although it is still Not too high to forget reason, but it's already very good.

"Are you old and weak, with broken hands and feet? Or are you suffering from a chronic illness? Or are you actually all monsters, but in fact the main body is just an old tortoise that is too slow? Or do you belong to the category of old, young, women and children? In? How else can you line up, such a simple thing that even a three-year-old baby can do with his eyes closed, you still have to wait for so long? Such a grind? It's just stupid! "Since it's decided to suppress it, much Grinding these little guys in the Bai family, then Ouyang Xiasha will definitely not be merciful, let alone turn back. You must know that Ouyang Xiasha will never do things like breaking promises, and she will not bother to go. What's more, it's for the good of everyone. And the fact is indeed the case, no, at this moment, Ouyang Xia Sha is very shameless, facing all the members of the team, it is a humiliation.

In fact, sometimes, Ouyang Shasha feels that she is really like a Virgin Mary. Otherwise, how could she often do this, sacrificing the ego and fulfilling the greater ego, preferring to be a villain and be misunderstood by others, What about the stupid thing to help others?

It’s like going to the mortal world to destroy Mu’s house alone, and then for the safety of the family, to draw away the assassins of the cultivation world, or to go to the cultivation world alone, as well as all kinds of things in the ruins, this is just a matter of Probably, other trivial matters will no longer be counted. One or two times can also be said to be accidental, a whim, an instinctive reaction after impulse, but this is not the case with more times, after all, this is not like her usual style.

Well, I have to admit that Ouyang Xia Sha can really protect his shortcomings. There are really two very different standards for treating outsiders and his own! To outsiders, it can be said to be like an existence like an iron rooster, oh no, it is like an existence like a stainless steel rooster. After all, iron roosters will lose some rust, stainless steel, but nothing can fall out. It is not an exaggeration to want to take advantage of her Ouyang Xia Sha. But when you treat yourself? It was almost as if earth-shaking changes had taken place, and it seemed to confirm the meaning of the phrase "swords on both sides" all the time.

Okay, let's go a little further, having said that, regardless of whether those people speak or say they are not angry, unless they are sick or have the so-called tendency to be abused, it is absolutely impossible. Because of Ouyang Xia Sha's identity at this time, it is not easy to fight back.

But if you don't say it, it doesn't mean that there is no reaction in your heart! At this moment, in everyone's hearts, almost everyone gritted their teeth. After greeting Ouyang Xiasha's eighteenth generation ancestors, they did not forget to greet Ouyang Xiasha's descendants. It seemed that this was not enough to vent, and then he abused Ouyang Xia Sha himself in their minds greatly. This was like venting some emotions, and I felt much better!

Don’t ask how Ouyang Xiasha saw it. As a result, Ouyang Xiasha was not blind, with their resentful expressions, and the pairs of eyes staring at her, saying that she was not cursing her, I was afraid that there was none. People believe. For the second time, I don’t know if the disciples of the Bai family accidentally said it, or if they forgot to say it, they didn’t notice when they said it, or they underestimated Ouyang Xiasha and thought their voices were a little bit smaller. , Ouyang Xiasha can't hear it anymore? With the muttering and murmuring voice, Ouyang Xia Sha is not deaf, how could she not hear it?

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