Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2629: (286) Shasha of the prehistoric behemoth attribute! (4)

"You don't need to say anything, Mencius said:'Leaving the Ming of Lou, the skill of the public losing the son cannot be square without rules; the wisdom of the master is not based on the six laws, and the five sounds cannot be corrected; the way of Yao and Shun is not based on benevolent governance. The world cannot be governed peacefully. As the so-called state-owned law, the family has family rules, since the Ouyang brothers are already a member of our Bai family team, then we should treat them equally, instead of making excuses for our selfishness on this or other reason. People are unfamiliar, so you can learn about them slowly. After all, you only need to know their own strengths in training games. This is not a lot of time. It is not a blind date and marriage. It is about one's life and needs to understand so deeply. , You can also exercise slowly. After all, we also came from that period, didn’t we? Therefore, the reasons you mentioned are totally untenable excuses. To put it bluntly, your actions are just to prevent Brother Ouyang has the right to train." Hearing the dissatisfaction and rebuttal words from everyone, Baicheng Mansion responded without saying a word, even hesitating to expose the righteous words from the family. The slogan is actually extremely hypocritical. The sharp, straight center, and the attitude that does not save a bit of face is not like the previous existence that makes people feel bullied at first sight. If it is not from beginning to end, I saw it with my own eyes. Everyone present might think that the two Baicheng Mansions with different attitudes were not a single person, but twins with the same appearance and different personalities!

"I one by one" don't know if there is a real reason? Or was it exposed to the fig leaf, too embarrassed, eager to find other topics, and guilty of trying to get rid of this situation? Who knows? Anyway, as soon as Baicheng Mansion's voice fell, some members of the White family eagerly spoke.

"Don’t rush to deny it. In fact, what is it, God knows and I know, you know I know, why are you so anxious? As if you are afraid that others don’t know that you are in a guilty conscience, not to mention that I have never wanted to get it from the beginning to the end. Your answers have been past, anyway, I know it in my heart, just understand it!" Since Baicheng Mansion has made up his mind to let Ouyang Xiasha come to power, he will never allow his clan members to have the opportunity to argue, so as not to disturb the hearts of the people. Destroy his plan. Of course, in order to achieve their goals faster and more steadily, it is not enough to not give him a chance to argue. Taking the opportunity to stabilize his guilty conscience so that he can no longer refute, that is the best way to put an end to everything. Obviously, the honest knot of Baicheng Mansion, which does not show the landscape, actually did it.

I have to say, don't look at Baicheng Mansion's honesty, he also performed quite honestly before, but once this honest person makes up his mind, the routine is quite deep. What's more, this person in Baicheng Mansion is not an ordinary honest person, but an honest person who has been cultivated for so many years by the family as the future owner. With such a foundation, as long as Baicheng Mansion is not stupid, it will not suffer anyway, it just depends on whether he wants to use it or not.

Obviously, Baicheng Mansion belongs to the kind of special case that is unwilling to use and does not want to use scheming. In contrast, he prefers the special case of direct communication. And this is why, Ouyang Xiasha is the first side of Baicheng Mansion. After seeing his essence, he also said that he and his name were not worthy of the truth. Just ask, how can the heir of a family be really just a silly white sweet who has never been online with an IQ? In other words, this person in Baicheng Mansion still likes to show people with his true temperament, but once he needs to use the so-called smart calculations, he has no problem at all.

And people like Baicheng Mansion seem to be honest on the surface, but in fact, they are not as innocent as he is. They are full of bad water, not to mention some good or bad tactics. Many. Such a person, if it sounds nice, is called Xinyouchengfu, if it is straightforward, it is called black belly, or bean paste buns. It's just that Baicheng Mansion is a little simpler than the normal black belly.

"I don't know if it was blocked by the Baicheng Mansion and was speechless?" Or do you want to understand something in your mind? Or is it another reason? Anyway, this time, when Baicheng Mansion's voice fell, the entire training ground was so quiet and quiet.

"Actually, I also know the reason why you are so anxious to refuse. It is nothing more than the **** means of the brave brothers Ouyang. That's it. You can think in another direction. Isn't this a kind of tempering for us, a kind of What about the test? We have known and understood this sentence since we were young, but it is limited to knowing and understanding, but we have never put it into practice. Think about us carefully. Didn’t you find that we’ve lived too arrogantly and a little too selfishly from the experience we’ve grown up since we were young? Seeing that our strength is pretty good, but in fact, they are all without any actual combat ability, relying on family protection and chewing. The embroidered pillows of the Shi family’s roots are nothing more than embroidered pillows. If we don’t work harder, how can we get rid of the fate of the first-class power from the bottom of the list? Do you still want to try the taste of being laughed at? Obviously we are not wrong, Xiao Jiayun Those guys in the family are traitors who deserve to be humiliated and despised. Why do those who are ultimately humiliated become us? It’s nothing more than being inferior to humans, plus the last name is too loud, leaving us speechless That's right. Now, there is such a strong man who has given us such a chance. Are you going to give up just because of your timidity? Is your dignity so cheap? Can’t you persist? What's more, I believe that Brother Ouyang is not the kind of cruel person who kills, otherwise, with her ability to kill everyone in seconds, how can the majestic'Bai Chengyu' who provoked her to live safely to this day? Don’t you look at the injury of'Bai Chengyu' that looks scary, but it is actually plain, it just looks scary, but it is just a little fleshy wound, it does not hurt his roots at all, just raise it at will, or Eating some so-called special effects, targeted pills can help you recover!" As for the routine of'play a stick, give a sweet date', Baicheng Mansion, as a first-class force, has learned power and strategy from an early age. The young master of this kind of conspiracy, of course, is also good at it, and seems to be very good at it. No, I was still playing piercing before, but now I can face it without changing his face, and start to play without any guilty feelings. Although the method seems a bit old-fashioned, I have to admit that the effect is quite good. If you don’t believe it, look at everyone present. Except for those who are obviously guilty of conscience and are identified as meticulous by Ouyang Xiasha, whoever is loyal to The Bai family's face showed a thoughtful or suddenly realized look, what else is there to doubt? !

"Furthermore, our Bai family team has always let the strongest person be the captain. Therefore, Ouyang brothers, it is estimated that the youngest in the history of the underworld, who is infinitely close to the level of the gods, is no longer suitable. But is it? To put it bluntly, no matter whether it is in love, reason, or in ourselves, no one is more suitable for the role of captain than the Ouyang brothers, is it?!" Seeing the shake in the heart of my family, Baicheng Mansion didn’t wait for them to respond or give a reply, so he made persistent efforts to add his words again. What he said before was sentimental, but now he started to talk about reasoning. As for the purpose, of course, it is to implement the shake in their hearts. It has become an indisputable fact! Don’t say it, this reason in Baicheng Mansion is really good, very good. I didn’t see those people who were only at the stage of conscious movement. At this moment, after hearing this reason, the conscious movement in my eyes, Has it all become firm?

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing surprising that you can get such a result, right? A rule recognized by everyone, just like that, with such good evidence, even if everyone hadn’t figured it out before, it’s not easy to refute it, not to mention, except for those few real guilty consciences. , The others had obviously started to waver before.

It has to be said that Baicheng Mansion is indeed a young master brought up by a first-class family, and the future head of the family, even if he does not like this, even if he seems innocent, but if he really wants him to use these methods, he still has nothing to do. Stressful, it can be done easily!

Before, Baicheng Mansion’s admiration of Ouyang Xiasha could only be regarded as a kind of blind trust triggered by the feeling of worship. It was relatively simple and simple, but after that, the blind trust has not changed. But it was mixed with some other factors, such as Ouyang Shasha's strength, and the experience that Ouyang Shasha could provide them with such strength.

And everyone in the Bai family obviously took into account the same issues that Baicheng Mansion had considered. Otherwise, how could the fear in one's heart be overcome so easily? I have to say that the higher you stand, the more important things such as face and dignity seem to be. In this case, you are not just talking about it.

Okay, let’s go a little bit further. In other words, what Baicheng Mansion said is true. Although the Bai family’s team can only be the bottom among the first-class powers, his tradition is to let the most powerful team captain one. Position, now Ouyang Xiasha’s strength lies there, not to mention being in their team, but in the entire Nether Continent, the so-called Underworld, which is the highest, so according to this rule, of course it is Ouyang Xiasha will be the captain! In other words, no one present is more suitable for the role of captain than her, perhaps more appropriate!

Therefore, when Baicheng Mansion's remarks were finished, no one would continue to object to anything. Even the most clamoring one before, followed by several small attendants, and a few stingers who seem to be in the Bai family's status are not low, they also obediently chose to shut up and acquiesce!

Some of them are because they really think clearly, see thoroughly, and understand the key. They want to fight for themselves and their family, and they don’t want to leave before they can only be humiliated, but they can’t speak. The old way of refuting is gone, even if it fails again, so what? At least they have worked hard for this, they are not ashamed of their hearts, how can they have a living, muddled life than before, it is more comforting, isn't it?

The other group of people, because of their guilty conscience, did not dare to appear easily, fearing to cause Ouyang Xia Sha's vigilance, and thus ended up in the same fate as the colleague of "Bai Chengyu" who blatantly exposed his identity.

You know, in the eyes of these people, don’t look at the lightness of Baicheng Mansion, saying that it’s just some skin trauma, but the horrible look, I want to know how painful it is, they are here to be an undercover agent, and It is not here to suffer, so this reaction is a natural result.

The former possibility occupies almost 90% of the people, while the latter, although it is also a classification, can be counted, but only a few people. But don’t feel less, after all, no matter how down-and-out the Bai family, no matter how suppressed by others, he is always a first-class inheritance family with thousands of years of history. If such a family really does not have its own means, it will overflow the meticulous work. The disaster, I am afraid that it has long gone and disappeared in the long river of history. How can it persist to this day and still have nothing to do with it. Those who have found out part of the hidden business of the Bai family shouldn't act rashly? All this is not without reason.

It's just that there are too many enemies, and there are always some omissions. In addition, the enemies are more powerful and deeper than the Bai family. Therefore, it is very difficult to absolutely eliminate the mixing of meticulous work. Under the premise of being embarrassed on all sides, the Bai family has done very well to keep the meticulous work at the current amount!

In this way, Ouyang Xia Sha was inexplicable, and easily became the only captain with training rights in the Bai family's team!

Suddenly crowned such a position, Ouyang Xiasha did not refuse to resign. After all, this is what she asked for, isn't it? Wouldn't it be too hypocritical if you make the hypocritical excuses?

Although the process of obtaining this right is a bit simpler than Ouyang Xiasha imagined, isn't it enough that the result is always good? Therefore, for this situation, Ouyang Xia Sha directly chose the default.

It's not that she has much interest in being the captain of the Bai family. After all, she has even been the leader of the family, Emperor Ming, and the god. How would she care about such a small captain? It is true that the strength of the Bai family is quite choking! If left here, Ouyang Xiasha has no doubt that the so-called God Ascension Fruit will miss her! The result of that earth-shattering gambling game will definitely end in her failure. Such a situation is not what she wants to see.

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