Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2618: (275) The true face appears, and the gender is hidden!

Fortunately, aptitude is not like appearance. It is clear at a glance and can be seen immediately. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will be even more surprised. Whether they can recover today or whether they can continue training is all a question.

As for why Ouyang Xiasha chose to show her true face and no longer continue to cover it, except that she felt that this was the underworld, her home ground, that is, her home. If she still needs to cover her at home, wouldn't it be too awkward? In addition to this reason, but also because the informants here are all dying people in her heart, which is not enough. Coupled with the chic sentiment she was determined to live yesterday, this is what we have today.

What's more, the grievances between Ouyang Shasha and the old witch, the desire and greed for power in the old witch's heart, and the important position of Ouyang Shasha in the eyes of the two dominating brothers are all determined. Now, it will be a matter of time for the two to meet, and with the old witch’s methods and some magic weapons, it is estimated that the target of suspicion has been slowly turned to her at this moment. In other words, it is Determining her appearance is only a matter of time. So, no matter how she conceals it, it is in vain. After all, how does the man-made block affect the visit of some magic treasures of heaven? Just because the interface is blocked and suppressed, it will waste some time. In that case, why does she want to wrong herself and keep her face always covered in something?

Of course, if you want to investigate the results earlier, it is not impossible, but who told the old witch to be so squeamish and unwilling to personally descend into the realm? As for the reason, it is also very simple. It is nothing more than not wanting to put oneself in a passive position that suppresses strength, that's all.

Therefore, this allowed Ouyang Xiasha to take a step ahead of her and seized the so-called first opportunity. After all, in the God Realm only the strength of the old witch can drop quickly, and other people who want the God to descend to the Lower Realm need a lot of money. Time was ready, and at that time, I was afraid that the old witch would not be suspicious of her. In other words, I believe that in the near future, people from the upper realm will come down to make trouble for her, and at that time, it is also the time for the old witch to figure out her identity.

Well, Ouyang Xiasha is not worried at all, because of the unique love of the rules of heaven and earth. Here, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an invincible existence. It is the old witch who came in person. It's all like this, let alone its lackeys?

In other words, no matter how many people that the old witch sends, they can only say that they brought food to Ouyang Xiasha, and those people, to put it bluntly, rushed to the door to die, and this What Ouyang Xia Sha said before were all dying people, so there was no need to worry about the leakage of the news, and it was almost the same.

Of course, it can only be said that the difference is almost the same, but in fact it is not the case. Why did the old witch leave a little bit of consciousness on the people who were loyal to her because of her suspicion? Ouyang Xiasha could prevent those goddesses from speaking, but he couldn't prevent the old witch from reclaiming her own consciousness, just like she used to deal with the four big families and those goddesses. Isn't that true? Otherwise, you think, why can Ouyang Shasha be sure that the old witch will doubt her alone? Wasn't it because she clearly saw the silhouettes of those divine consciousness flashing past?

If there are only one or two people, with Ouyang Xiasha's strength and speed, it is still possible to wipe out all those divine consciousness, so that it will never return, even if the speed of divine consciousness is fast, it is so fast that ordinary people can't capture it. There will be no exceptions to its traces. But once there are a lot of people, Ouyang Xia Sha will be a little bit powerless. After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, isn't it? No matter how powerful Ouyang Xia Sha is, he has only two hands, right? This gave the old witch a chance to learn her own news. But fortunately, even if the divine consciousness returns, it is only a vague concept. Otherwise, Ouyang Xiasha would have been discovered long ago, and this is why Ouyang Xiasha only said that the old witch was only suspicious of her, but never said that she was affirmative. Her root cause.

Although it is very troublesome, if Ouyang Xia Sha really runs into the old witch's lackey, she can't let them just because she is afraid of the old witch's consciousness, right? Isn't that trouble for yourself? Although she looks down on these little ants, isn't it the old witch's helper? For such an existence, of course, one more can be destroyed. Is it possible to wait for them to come together and deal with her together?

What's more, even if Ouyang Xiasha didn't kill them, it didn't mean that they would accept their kindness and would not report their situation and news to the old witch, right? So, no matter how you would leak your own news, it would be better to kill the old witch's few lackeys.

In other words, Ouyang Xiasha’s trouble has always been only the old witch. Therefore, whether it is because this is her own territory, there is no actual threat, and even the so-called goddess can pose nothing to her. The threat was because the old witch had guessed that it was definitely her. That was a matter of time and night, both of which were decided. Ouyang Xia Sha didn't need to continue to cover up the facts of her appearance.

And I want to wait until Ouyang Xia Sha finishes handling the affairs of the underworld and the realm of cultivation, absorbs all the spiritual power fragments in these two places, and when he goes to the gods, he will definitely receive a warm welcome from the old witch! Maybe, I might receive her mysterious gift! Of course, the warm welcome here and the mysterious gift are not a compliment.

Okay, let’s go a little bit further. In other words, yes, what Ouyang Xia Sha reveals is true. Although the difference from yesterday is not very big, you can observe carefully, there is still a difference in the end, it is said that they are two completely. Different people is not an exaggeration.

The eyes are brighter, and the edges and corners are sharper. If Ouyang Xiasha was still introverted yesterday, then she has really let go of it today, so it's no wonder there will be such an effect. As for the issue of men and women, there is not much difference in this point. Unless Ouyang Xiasha deliberately put it through, no one will really doubt her gender. Who calls Ouyang Xiasha is so good at first sight, and she gave birth to another one. Where is Zhang's face that is indefensible?

Although since the vast history, there have been mysterious and powerful gods such as the God Emperor of Creation before, and heroines such as the Emperor Underworld, but that is still a minority after all. Affected by the foundation of the feudalism here, the status of women, in the end Still inferior to men, even in terms of aptitude and strength.

Although it is not to say that I look down on women, after all, the identity of the lord of the underworld is not a joke, unless it is the longevity of the father, otherwise, no one really dares to despise women like this, it is not equivalent to being Do you indirectly despise the Lord of One World?

Whether it is for the sake of their own life, or out of gratitude and gratitude to the Underworld Emperor for calming down the war in the underworld, and giving them a peaceful living environment, no one will obviously show that kind of discrimination. But if it is for the sake of convenience, the identity of a man is better than that of a woman, and this is the fundamental reason why Ouyang Xiasha did not tell the truth and restored her appearance, but still maintained the men's clothing.

What's more, Ouyang Xiasha from the Bai family hasn’t seen it yet, let alone knowing their details, whether they are all as honest and honest as the Baicheng Mansion, or are there any spies who have been involved in other families? Who is that? There is no guarantee, after all, it is related to that piece of spiritual power, and the plan to destroy the eight families later, so before figuring it out, Ouyang Xia Sha did not want to reveal that it was the reincarnation of the Underworld Emperor. Otherwise, what can she do if the eight companies receive the news and hide in advance? Is it really going to look for one by one? You know, time is very urgent today.

As for why Ouyang Xiasha felt that after receiving the news, the eight houses would definitely choose to avoid the most headache for her, instead of the joint confrontation she expected to see. In fact, the reason is also very simple. You must know that she unified the underworld back then. The method of "is indeed a bit brutal. For them, it is still vivid, not an exaggeration, and the people of the four major families, always shaking when they see themselves, are the best for this. prove. Even those who always like to fight against themselves, like Bei Sutao before them, are no exception. To put it bluntly, the reason why they often confront themselves is nothing more than to distract them. Forcibly suppressing her inner fear of her, that's all, Ouyang Xia Sha had already seen it clearly, but she didn't bother to expose it.

And the Underworld Emperor was able to use his own power to beat their four major families into the water. He didn't even dare to put one fart. He obediently chose to surrender. If it weren't for worrying about economic chaos, the underworld would finally have peace , It collapsed again, even if they surrendered, the Emperor Underworld would not agree. Back then, the Mingling Emperor who had not opened the blood of the gods and demons could still do it, let alone today's Ouyang Xiasha? Of course she can do it.

In other words, at the beginning, Ouyang Xiasha didn't think about exposing her identity and forcing them to unite against her. After all, she also has that strength, right? But as soon as they thought of seeing themselves, they had the same fearful posture as a mouse saw a cat. Ouyang Xiasha gave up this plan. She didn't want to waste time playing hide and seek with them! Fortunately, I kept that one hand back then, otherwise I really don’t know how long this plan to destroy the eight families will be delayed, and will it be dragged on for so many years like the Underworld Wars back then!

As for the four betrayal families, the fear of the Underworld Emperor is even more serious. It is even dozens of times that of the four major families, which is not an exaggeration. After all, they had been with the Underworld Emperor for a while. Yes, those unknown, cruel and **** methods of torturing criminals, they have seen a lot of them. In their hearts, the Underworld Emperor is not the savior of the underworld, but a devil, wearing a gentle and elegant skin, but **** and cruel inside. The devil.

Of course, the Emperor Underworld did it deliberately. The purpose was to alert them and let them stop those thoughts of betraying her for good. The effect was pretty good before. At that time, Emperor Underworld said one, they absolutely didn’t dare to say two. Emperor Underworld said that it was still a horse. They definitely nodded and said yes, if it weren’t for Ouyang Xiasha’s sudden disappearance, afterwards Some people have even confirmed that the Emperor Underworld is dead, plus there are thousands, even thousands of years of proof, they are afraid to give them a hundred, one thousand, ten thousand courage, they also dare not. Those who betray the Emperor Underworld, even if they have great benefits, no matter how much they desire for rights, are no exceptions. Who makes the deterrence and psychological shadow left by Emperor Underworld be too deep? Therefore, I would like to know how they would react if they heard that the Emperor Mingling returned. It would be certain to hide, and it would be good if they were not scared.

Therefore, before confirming that there are no spies in the Bai family, Ouyang Xiasha will never reveal her identity as a woman, because once this is revealed, how can she be unique in a world where women are generally not strong in the underworld? Will it not attract everyone's attention? When it is time to be watched, and then take a closer look, her identity, some people will be suspicious, to put it plainly, reveal the woman's gender, and tell everyone directly that she is the reincarnation of the Underworld Emperor, not too much. The difference.

It’s a long way off. On the other hand, there is no need to worry about the flaws. After all, Ouyang Xiasha’s style and habits are there. As long as she doesn’t say or admit it, no one will talk to her. Connected together, coupled with the powerful strength as a cover, so no one would doubt her **** at all, just think she is a little more handsome than the average male, that's it. This is not to say that everyone in the Bai family present discriminates against women in the same way as other people in the underworld, but who said that the current situation in the underworld is the fact that the powerful are all men, and there is no woman?

For a long time, everyone recovered from such a stunning scene. All kinds of sights shot from all directions. Some are envious, some are hot, some are worshiped, and of course, envy is indispensable! Of course, these jealous ones are basically men.

Well, this is as early as Ouyang Xiasha expected, and it has nothing to do with the gender she chose, because this is the inferior nature of the person itself, and we can only blame her for being too good, not mediocre being jealous. Isn't that normal! In other words, unless she becomes as ordinary as they are, who can guarantee that if she changes back to women's clothing, there will be no female jealousy?

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