Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2611: (268) Get away!

"It's easy to say! Don't worry, Dongli brother, if there is anything really wrong, I won't be polite to you!" Can't Ouyang Xia Sha not see the aggrieved feeling in Donglixuan's heart? No, of course she could see it, and she could see it very clearly, but she still calmly chose the practice of turning a blind eye and not hearing, and even in her tone, there was still something faintly not too big to watch the show, adding fuel to the fire and gloating. foot.

But think about it, it’s actually no wonder Ouyang Xiasha made such a decision. After all, how polite Donglixuan is to her, whether it is sincere or fake, he can’t change it, and Ouyang Xiasha It is the fact of the enemy. As the saying goes,'kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself', Ouyang Xia Sha thinks that she does not have the hobby of self-abuse, so she can only accept the wrongdoing Donglixuan first.

As for gloating, the kind of rushing to add fuel to the fire is actually very easy to understand. After all, Donglixuan, Ouyang Xiasha, one of the enemy members that cannot be ignored and cannot be changed, is under the premise that Ouyang Xiasha decides not to wrong herself. , Has long been destined to be the one who will eventually be aggrieved, but now only a little bit of other ingredients have been added, just as a pleasure for her, in fact it is not too much, right?

"Brother Ouyang, goodbye!" In that chaotic, always bloody, fighting family, Donglixuan, which can sit on the throne of the young master without risk, is really simple and simple. To the foolish fool? In other words, Ouyang Xiasha's schadenfreude, he has completely felt it. If you don't feel it, that is definitely a lie. He is a human being, and he is not a ruthless Buddha, and he can't control his emotions without any influence. As it is now, temporary suppression is what he can do, the biggest cover is, if he is stimulated by Ouyang Xia Sha again, he can't guarantee whether he can continue to cover up and pretend, so, immediately, Escape immediately and leave this place of right and wrong is what Donglixuan wants to do most urgently now. Of course, he thought this way, and he did it like this. No, opening his mouth means leaving. Fortunately, he has already said everything that should be said before. This does not appear to be such anxious words to leave. It seems so abrupt. .

"Brother Dongli, goodbye!" For Donglixuan's eagerness to leave here, can you understand if you want to ask Ouyang Xiasha? The answer is of course yes. After all, Donglixuan's performance is obvious, isn't it? So, is there any way or topic Ouyang Xia Sha can let Donglixuan's escape plan be ruined? The answer is of course yes, and it is no exaggeration to say that Ouyang Xia Sha has already had no less than ten ways to destroy his escape plan and drag it here abruptly. But in the end, Ouyang Xia Sha did not do this, but chose to follow the topic and let it go.

It might be that I can't force Donglixuan too hard, after all, there are still some useful things behind him? It might also be that she feels that her goal has been achieved, and there is no point in delaying it like this? Or do you think that it would be no good for her to force her to jump over the wall without any sense, so why don't she save it for the first time to help her solve her troubles? After all, although she doesn't like to cause trouble, who can guarantee that trouble will not come to her? So, it's better to keep it first, so that you don't have to do it yourself when you get it. Or I remembered that I still need to deal with the follow-up matters of Cao’s family. It’s not that much of a delay here, and even if they meet Donglixuan at that time, it’s not that simple to want to leave. So, Ouyang Xia Sha wanted to rush to Donglixuan and they didn't meet with them, and didn't think of them before they entered the city with her, so she should leave quickly, so as not to be caught by Donglixuan and they would threaten her for anything. Hostages.

Maybe this reason is one of the several possibilities mentioned above, maybe the above possibilities are all included in this reason, who knows? It is an indisputable fact that Ouyang Xia Sha followed his intention and let him leave.

Ouyang Xiasha’s answer obviously made Donglixuan stunned for a while, because he thought that he needed to argue with reason to get such a result, and thought that he would need to argue with him for a long time before he could have this answer, thought about it. There are many, many, but I have never thought that things will be so simple and smooth, so simple and smooth, all this seems to be fake. Does Donglixuan doubt that there is any problem or conspiracy? The answer is of course no, especially for a suspicious person like Donglixuan, who thinks more and more complicated, but the feeling of leaving this place in the end makes him unable to think so much at all. Everything is just thinking about everything. Let's leave now.

No matter whether Ouyang Xiasha was intentional or unintentional, conspiracy, or no calculation, Donglixuan can't think so much at this moment, but she must accept her love, so even if he No matter how suspicion and suspicion in his heart, he still nodded with gratitude to Ouyang Xia Sha, then panicked, as if there was a beast chasing after him again, and fled this place that made him uneasy. .

Seeing that Donglixuan is gone, other people certainly don’t have to stay here. After all, not only did this thing not get photographed, but they had to watch Dongli’s family holding this opportunity. They were in a good mood. Where? Speaking more directly, in fact, they wanted to leave a long time ago. They were even more eager than Donglixuan's desire to leave. They also came into being earlier, lest they feel upset when looking at Donglixuan’s joy here. It's just that I haven't caught the opportunity.

This is not to say that the other four families are afraid of the Dongli family, but they are now grasshoppers on the same rope. When it is time to give face and maintain surface peace, they still need to give it, or Doesn’t it need to be maintained?

And although the treasure was not auctioned, no one can guarantee that the Dongli family will not capsize in the gutter. Of course, although this is what they hope and pray for. In other words, before that life space has truly decided on their final ownership, they cannot be completely isolated from Ouyang Xiasha, turn their faces, or even treat them like strangers, as the so-called'Thirty Years of Hedong, Three Ten years of Hexi', maybe when will they beg her? Is it always good to leave a way out for yourself? Anyway, they don’t need to spend any extra effort, just maintain the superficial friendship! Therefore, although the family representatives who did not photograph anything were depressed, they still politely said'goodbye' to Ouyang Xiasha, and then left this street. Of course, before these people left, Ouyang Xiasha did not forget to remind Xi Shang's family and tell them the fact that they were affordable at the second highest price.

The four big families were gone, and the final bet game was decided. Of course, Xiao Rongtian, Ji Run and the others had no need to stay any longer, so they followed and left. Ji Run and the others walked simply, without any extra actions. As for the reason, they probably had the same idea as those of Beisu's families! Although hope is very slim, after all, even the most expensive family has nothing to do with them, isn't it? But there is hope in the end, even if the hope is really invisible, it is better than nothing, and they only need to pay some superficial friendship in exchange for this slim opportunity. This In terms of their existence that often needs to wear a mask to show people, it is not too simple, they are not stupid, so that they do not need to pay too much, and will not cause them any loss, why they should refuse ? It's always good to leave a way for yourself, isn't it?

Ji Run and the others can think about it, because they have never really been in contact with that life space, but Xiao Rongtian is different. He has obviously been the closest distance to it, only a little bit away. , Will become his bag, but because of a thought of others, he unfortunately missed it. With such a gap, such a gap, how can he really treat it as an accident in his heart?

As for Dong Lixuan, the initiator of the incident, he said earlier that Xiao Rongtian couldn't afford it. Therefore, he could only vent all the aggrievedness and anger in his heart to Ouyang Xiasha, another party involved in this matter. As for the reason, who made Ouyang Xiasha look good at bullying?

Do you think that Xiao Rongtian's anger can only be vented by just one sentence or two before? Of course it is negative. This is especially true for Xiao Rongtian's kind of cautious and pretentious existence. So, in the face of Ouyang Xiasha's allegiance, faced with such a good opportunity to humiliate Ouyang Xiasha, how could Xiao Rongtian let it go for nothing? But the fact is that it is true. After everyone left here, Xiao Rongtian walked slowly to Ouyang Xiasha's side, and whispered ironically in his ear: "Trash , Ben Shao watched and watched how you get the first place! Haha!" After speaking, he left in a big step pretending to be chic, and didn't give Ouyang Xiasha a chance to respond at all. If it is not that laughter, how to listen to it will make people feel a bit yin and yang, full of malice, if it is not that name, it will be insulting at the first hearing, just looking at its chic steps, it really makes people feel that he is just casual Well, there is no malice!

Looking at Xiao Rongtian's far away back, the killing intent in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes flashed and disappeared very quickly. It seemed that there was nothing like this at all. Before, everyone was just dazzled and misunderstood. But I want to know, how can Ouyang Xia Sha tolerate people who insult her, and still live smartly?

What's more, Xiao Rongtian is still one of Ouyang Xia Sha's candidates. Therefore, this is doomed, Xiao Rongtian will die in the future, and even compared to the same, Ji Run and others who belong to the same betrayal family heirs, the death is even more miserable.

After everyone had left and could no longer see the figure, Ouyang Xiasha turned her gaze to Baicheng Mansion, and saw that he was still flattered. At the moment, she felt that this young man was really naive and straightforward.

However, for this young man called Baicheng Mansion, Ouyang Xiasha feels good. As for the reason, maybe it is because he really likes his non-calculable personality, which makes people feel at ease with intuition; perhaps because of the Bai family. Grandparents and fathers are loyal to themselves, even after they disappeared, there is no relationship between the heart of betrayal, who knows? But still the same sentence: Even if I still don't talk about how much I like it, at least it is not disgusting, and even a slight favor! It is precisely because of this so-called good feeling that Ouyang Xiasha is rare, and she has a ridicule of people. No, I only heard Ouyang Xiasha speak to Baicheng Mansion in a playful manner: "This person is finished. , Why are you still standing here and not leaving? What's the matter, is this reluctant?"

The tone of the ruffian, such an obvious joking tone, made the introvert and righteous person of Baicheng Mansion a bit shy! After being shy, I realized that there was still business to talk about. It was not when he was shy, so he coughed lightly, and asked Ouyang Xiasha as if he changed the subject: "Your Excellency one by one. "It's just that before Baicheng Mansion finished speaking, he just called out a name, and his words were interrupted deliberately.

"You can call me Ouyang Xia, or Ouyang, or Brother Ouyang, your Excellency, you are so polite, then what are you doing? We will train and play together afterwards. You are so polite, you can’t be so polite. , It’s not conducive to the cultivation of a tacit understanding between us!” Obviously, Ouyang Xiasha was dissatisfied with what Baicheng Mansion called her, so before Baicheng Mansion finished speaking, Ouyang Xiasha interrupted her next words. And gave it a piece of what she called reason.

Although Ouyang Xiasha's these principles seem a bit nondescript, just like fallacies and heresies, and even a little untenable, but who calls Baicheng Mansion upright and honest? He believed in what Ouyang Xia Sha said, and didn't mean to refute it at all.

This is not to say that Baicheng Mansion really lacks his own judgment, of course, it does not mean that he is easily affected by others' judgments. You know, for an upright existence like Baicheng Mansion, although conspiracy and calculations are no good at all, but their minds are absolutely tenacious. In other words, the reason why he is willing to follow Ouyang Shasha's will has nothing to do with his character, nor with Ouyang Shasha's principles, it is entirely because Ouyang Shasha can give him a trustworthy feeling, that's all. . I have to say that sometimes, a man's sixth sense is also very accurate, no worse than a woman's.

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