Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2592: (249) Set a lottery!

At first, Xiao Rongtian thought that he would need to communicate with Ouyang Xia Sha a few more times before it was possible to achieve the purpose of making him swear this time, but he did not expect that Ouyang Xia Sha would be so decisive and on the road. However, after a tentative inquiry, she took the opportunity to accept his request, and did not wait for him to ask anything, she took the initiative to speak, and fulfilled this oath, so that Xiao Rongtian's heart was immediately relieved.

However, the joy in Xiao Rongtian's heart did not last long, because soon his joy was replaced by doubts and doubts in his heart. Although the incident happened suddenly and changed too quickly, considering the environment in which Xiao Rongtian grew up, it is no wonder that he is so suspicious. You know, in a highly competitive environment like the Xiao family, if you don’t have anything to do with people or things, you will keep three points of vigilance. If you have three points of doubt, let alone Xiao Rongtian, who can occupy the family. A certain position has a lot of influence, I am afraid that even a successful adult will become an unattainable luxury.

Such a habit, after years of accumulation and development, even if it is only for self-preservation at the beginning, it is just a compelling practice, but later, this habit, this practice, will naturally become a kind of practice. Instinct, a habit.

And this Ouyang Xia Sha looked not stupid or stupid, not only not stupid nor stupid, but also shrewd. Even the deliberate concealment could not conceal her sharp edge, so similar to a human being. Faced with this, there is obviously no benefit. She can refuse, and there will be no harm in rejecting. Why did she not even hesitate, so decisively, that she made the final choice? Is there any conspiracy here? The more suspicious, the more certain Xiao Rongtian's heart became. So, Xiao Rongtian, who was still happy just now, immediately became nervous, always feeling that Ouyang Xiasha had some premeditated plans to target him. And when he looked at Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, he couldn't help but be a little more alert and careful. Even with the passage of time, Xiao Rongtian became more and more determined by this suspicion and speculation about the so-called "conspiracy theory". If there is no evidence to prove it, I am afraid Xiao Rongtian would not hesitate. Regarding it as a real fact, of course, even if there is no evidence, it will not affect Xiao Rongtian's guard and suspicion in his heart.

However, at this point, Xiao Rongtian is no matter how suspicion, no matter how suspicion, he can no longer choose to take the initiative to retreat and put the matter back again, because in the end it is a matter of their face, he can't let people Talking about him, talking about the Xiao family behind him, can't afford to lose even this little thing, don't you have any care for it! Not to mention that Xiao Rongtian couldn't do it by himself. It was for the sake of the Xiao family, the food and clothing parents behind him, that he could not choose to regret it. Therefore, in the face of such a jealous mood, Xiao Rongtian really had no other way except to make himself more careful.

"I believe this time I should not let you down, Shizhang Amethyst! How do you look at this thing? Maybe it caught your eyes?" Because I have a little more suspicion about Ouyang Xiasha, because I am worried about the so-called conspiracy theory Because of the existence of'because of a little more guard and caution in his heart, naturally, Xiao Rongtian's face became a little more serious, and even in his tone of voice, there was a little less cynicism. , A few more wipes carefully.

I don’t know if it’s affected by this mood. The color that Xiao Rongtian took out this time can really be regarded as bleeding. At least it is more than a grade higher than the previous babes. If you don’t believe it, look. Seeing the sudden smile on Ouyang Xiasha's face, I knew that this thing must be a good thing.

And the fact is indeed the case. The name of Shizhang Amethyst Jingjing sounds like nothing special, and it does not seem to be very different from the previous baby. When people hear this name, the first reaction is that this thing is one. This kind of ore, but in fact, this material is a supplementary material, not a medicinal material, but it is a medicinal material, not a mineral, but a mineral, not a treasure of heaven, but a treasure of heaven and earth. To put it bluntly, it can be eaten or melted into minerals. And the function of Shizhang Amethyst Essence is: whether it is to refining pills or refining all kinds of utensils, as long as a little bit of this material is added, it can be steadily improved. It is one level, and it is still a large level, like the distance from the earth spirit tool to the sky spirit tool, the pseudo-sacred tool to the divine tool, the earth-level pill to the sky-level pill; and if he is taken directly, the level of the monk can be increased. , The effect is similar to the treasure of heaven and earth, there are no so-called side effects; it can even be used for injuries, grind it, sprinkle it on the wound, and act as a wound medicine when injured. The effect is good, but it is not ordinary Jinshuang medicine can be compared.

Of course, if the person has internal injuries when taken orally, this object will first heal the internal injuries of the person taking the medicine, and the excess medicinal properties will be transformed into upgraded abilities, which will be absorbed by the monks, saying that they will not be affected at all. Waste, without exaggeration at all.

Such a thing is multi-purpose, has many benefits, and has significant effects. It also allows her to have a great possibility to refine the auxiliary baby of a top-notch artifact such as the Chaos Super artifact in advance. It is no wonder that Ouyang Xiasha hears it, and her eyes are one of them. Bright.

"That's him! Let's go, go to the Martial Arts Stage!" Obviously Ouyang Xia Sha is still very satisfied with the Shizhang Amethyst Essence, otherwise she would not say nothing, and she was ready to take Xiao Rongtian to the designated position to compete. , In that way, it was as if I was afraid that Xiao Rongtian would run away with the baby.

Although it has been said before, private fights are not allowed in Yunxiao City, especially during the'Day of the Dark Moon, Hundred Years Competition', and the punishment for those who offends it is also natural. The normal period is several times more serious. Otherwise, why do you think Ji Run had so much scruples before, so he didn't take action early? However, this does not include the battle where the two parties have an agreement and the battle is on the stage of martial arts. In other words, as long as the two parties in the fight agree and the positions they choose for the battle are several designated points of competition, Then this action is not considered a violation, and Ouyang Xia Sha's "Yanwutai" is one of them.

"Wait, this sir, since it's a martial arts competition, since there are prizes, then before the competition, let's explain everything well, so as to avoid any unnecessary disputes later, that's not good, what do you think? For example, for the lottery between us, Ben Shao has already said Ben Shao’s bet before, but you don’t seem to have said your bet yet? May I ask what your lottery is?" I escaped Ouyang Xia Sha’s claws. Xiao Rongtian thoughtfully glanced at Ouyang Xia Sha, whose movements were not right, but his emotions were unusually stable, and then paused for a while. After about a breath, Xiao Rongtian was a little flickering in Ouyang Xia Sha. In his eyes, he spoke slowly. Although Xiao Rongtian instinctively felt that there was something wrong with Ouyang Xiasha, but he couldn't guess at all, and couldn't see what was wrong with her, because Ouyang Xiasha's emotions and eyes were too calm and calm. Yes, it made him feel that it was wrong, but he couldn't find the problem at all, so Xiao Rongtian had to be more cautious about himself. As for the reason, it is actually very simple. Isn't the saying that often used? If you can't find a breakthrough in the problem in another person, then you can go directly to yourself to find the cause. Now, since you can't see the other person and can't prevent the other person, then you can only avoid making mistakes, right?

"I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot. After all, in the deity's heart, the deity always thinks that the deity must win in the end. It doesn't matter whether or not the prize is won. Anyway, the deity will still have to get it back!" Get used to betraying your family! In addition, the first time I met with him, it was a picture of him bullying others. Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha instinctively had a feeling of resistance to Xiao Rongtian, even a feeling of disgust. Therefore, he would constantly play targeting and make irony. It’s a matter of course. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ouyang Xia Sha estimated that all the arrogance and domineering of this life have been used on Xiao Rongtian at one time. After all, Ouyang Xia Sha has been hostile to a certain People have never been as mean as they are today. They are targeted everywhere and mocked at all times.

"Your Excellency, excessive self-confidence has become conceited. I think you must not be that kind of conceited person?" Although somewhat inexplicable, Xiao Rongtian still felt that Ouyang Xiasha had deliberately targeted. As for the reason, At this moment in time, it is really impossible to find out, but Xiao Rongtian can be sure that his previous initiative to find fault can only be regarded as a part of the cause, but it is not the whole cause. Since it was certain that the root cause could not be found for the time being, in order to prevent it from appearing, even if Xiao Rongtian was mentally aggrieved at the moment, he was too angry, but in the end he still chose to act low-key before and do himself well.

"In fact, the deity doesn’t matter if you are self-confident. Believe it or not, the final result will be that way, but if you insist, the deity will do it according to the formal process! The deity’s color head is a life of 500 square meters. What does Xiao Dashao think of the space ring? Is it qualified?" Ouyang Xiasha still knows how to grasp a certain scale after rejection and repulsion, and disgust. It's too bad, isn't it? Therefore, although Ouyang Xiasha is still sarcastic at the moment, it can be received quickly, at least the latter half of the sentence is no longer deliberately targeted.

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