Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2564: (221) I'll go for you, the taboo of hell!

It is estimated that even Ouyang Xiasha hasn’t noticed how obvious her little daughter’s posture is in front of Ming Su. The difference from the queen image she portrayed in front of other people is more than ten thousand miles away. , To say that Ouyang Xia Sha is boring to Ming Su, and fools don’t believe it, okay? If it's boring, why does she treat him so differently? If it's boring, why is she so squeamish in front of him? You know, no matter how cold, savage, and powerful a woman, in front of her beloved, she will become extremely gentle and extremely gentle, and that's probably what it means.

"Girl, I have restored my memory. Of course I know the identity of your Lord of the Underworld! If I know, how can I make such a low-level mistake and make a nuisance in front of you? So, I am not saying this!" Ouyang Xiasha didn’t find anything unusual about herself, but it didn’t mean that she kept her affairs in her heart, and she was always paying attention to Ming Su did not find it. Of course, he didn’t mean to break it. After all, some things still wait. The person involved found that it might be easier for her to accept it. Therefore, facing Ouyang Xiasha's almost unreasonable temper, Ming Su is not only lifeless, but also quite happy. If you don't believe it, listen to him. A patient answer without concealing a brisk tone is enough to prove it.

"What's that?" In front of Ming Su, although Ouyang Xia Sha looked a lot squeamish and arrogant, it was not completely unreasonable. It was like hearing Ming Su's patient explanation at this time. After that, she calmed down and asked back with a good attitude.

"Girl, although you are the lord of the underworld, you know the structure and conditions of the eighteenth hell, but you must have never been there before?" Because you can see clearly and understand the situation of Ouyang Xia Sha, so , The ghost who prescribes the right medicine, wisely chose the way of step-by-step guidance to let Ouyang Xia Sha understand the real reason for his reaction. Otherwise, with Ouyang Xiasha's mentality at the moment, I am afraid that I can't say it properly.

"You're right, I have not been there yet! But I didn't mean it! From the beginning, it was because of the unification of the underworld, and after the unification, because of the need to control the underworld, I didn’t find it until I stepped into reincarnation. Time to take a look, but now, it's because I just came here and I haven't had time to go!" I don't know what kind of psychology Ouyang Xia Sha is in, instinctive, and don't want to leave a bad impression of laziness in front of Ming Su? Or is it just to clarify for yourself? Who knows! Anyway, Ouyang Xiasha's answer, apart from the guess that he affirmed Ming Su, was more like an explanation.

"So, it's no wonder that no one has told you the key to the problem." In response to Ouyang Xiasha's answer, Ming Su nodded clearly, with an expected expression, and then used a natural tone, saying Ouyang Xia Sha didn't know it, and came a so-called concluding statement.

In fact, the meaning of Ming Su is also very simple, that is because you Ouyang Xia Sha did not go, and there is no intention to go, so no one tells you that it is tricky. If you were going to go there, or if it was interesting, someone would have told you the key to the problem.

"The key? What do you mean?! Is there anything in there?" At this time, if Ouyang Xia Sha still doesn't understand what Ming Su wants to express, then she is really stupid, or the kind of stupid home. According to the meaning of Ming Su, there must be something in the eighteen layers of hell, something that you cannot touch, or something that is very dangerous! Otherwise, Ming Su would not be so excited, would it? Although guessing the general direction, Ouyang Xia Sha still has no bottom in the real root of it. Therefore, she combined this question with the part she had guessed, and once again threw it to Ming Su.

"Because no place in the entire underworld will cause any harm to the master of the underworld. The underworld in the entire underworld can be said to be truly one-word, and it can be completely overbearing like a crab, probably to prevent the underworld from being partial. , Let go of the relatives and friends who are full of evil in it! When the 18th layer of **** was formed, Tiandao put a special suppression to restrain the Emperor Underworld. Simply put, once the Emperor Underworld releases the eighteenth floor of **** , The thoughts of evil spirits whose sentence has not expired, at the moment when they enter the entrance of the eighteenth floor of hell, the special suppression will take effect immediately. Once the special suppression takes effect, then he will not only cancel out the Emperor Underworld’s The guards in the eight levels of hell, the restraint of evil spirits, and also produce a certain level of suppression on the Emperor Hades. In this case, let alone bring out the punished souls inside, it is the Emperor Hades himself. If you can’t come out safely, it’s become something that might happen, I mean, girl, can you understand?” Because the worry is too simple to let Ouyang Xiasha understand the danger, so I have always said little, and I don’t like to explain. Ming Su, this time it was rare to become a chatter. Seriously, he gave such a paragraph in detail and analyzed such a thorough explanation, which shows Ming Su's intention.

"That's it! So one by one." If Ouyang Xiasha couldn't understand it anymore, she would really be a fool who had lived for so many years in vain. Of course, as for the decision made by Ming Su, which he wanted to say later, Ouyang Xiasha also had some guesses in her heart, just because she was worried about the so-called in case, she did not want to become a self-sufficient being. So Ouyang Xia Sha said nothing, and threw the problem to Ming Su again.

"So this trip to the eighteenth level of hell, I will go on your behalf!" The level of understanding of Ouyang Xiasha's mind is like another Ouyang reappearance, how could she not know the true nature of Ouyang Xiasha Ideas? However, thinking that the other party was a girl with a thin face, so even if he knew Ouyang Xia Sha's thoughts, he finally chose to pretend that he didn't know anything, and asked his own answer.

"You go?!" Although Mingsu's answer had been guessed a long time ago, Ouyang Xiasha couldn't help being surprised when she really heard it. After all, her attitude towards him all the time is not much. Okay, but he still treats her so well, even in such a dangerous place, he didn't hesitate to fight for himself, saying that he didn't feel touched at all in his heart, how could it be possible? She is not a wood knot with no roots and no emotions! If you don't believe it, just look at Ouyang Xiasha's slightly raised brows and you'll know. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha's surprise was completely touched from the heart. As for the subsequent rhetorical answer, it's not that she didn't believe him. After all, with Ouyang Xiasha's violent temper, if she really didn't believe him, she wouldn't have the patience to tell him so much, right? To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha's rhetorical question was entirely due to the instinctive reaction triggered by the shock in her heart, the surprise.

"Yes, I'll go! I know, you feel guilty and want to help Aunt Yao leave there, because the reason why Aunt Yao goes there and suffers is entirely for you; I also know that you are worried about Aunt Yao. Safe, I don’t want Aunt Yao to continue to suffer there. After all, there is no other place. It is the most painful place to be tortured in the entire underworld. Even a powerful adult man can’t bear it and can’t help but do his best. What's more, what's more, it's a weak woman Aunt Yao? Presumably, after so many years, I don't know how much suffering I have suffered and how many sins I have suffered! I couldn't come to the underworld before, and I couldn't save Aunt Yao out. , But now that you have reached the underworld, and if you don’t save Aunt Yao out, it’s really impossible, isn’t it? I also know that the reason why you rushed to rescue Aunt Yao out of the eighteenth **** is because you are afraid that once the interface opens, the demon The woman will play up Aunt Yao’s idea, hoping to threaten you with this is one of them, and torturing Aunt Yao to satisfy her jealousy is the second. After all, based on the grievances between Aunt Yao and the enchantress, I want to know what will happen once Aunt Yao falls into the hands of that temptress. Even if she does not die, she will definitely not be any better than the eighteenth hell! And girl, you have something to do now, affected by time and energy, At this moment, you are not allowed to go to the location of the eighteenth floor of **** first, and coupled with the rule of heaven, you, as the emperor of the underworld, even if you have the status of the “son of the gods and demons”, it is the same. It’s suitable to go there, even if you have time! So, in order to prevent you from being distracted and delaying your progress when doing other things, and even dangerous because of this, let me replace you and go to the eighteenth floor of **** to rescue Aunt Yao, it can be said to be the best choice now! And with Aunt Yao going to take care of me after my mother passed away, as well as the relationship with my mother, I have to go this way too, don’t I? Solve it early. So, so that you don’t always worry about it!” As if worried about Ouyang Xiasha’s objections, the reason for Ming Su this time is really sufficient, and even the details are analyzed thoroughly and thoroughly. I can't say half a'no'.

"If, as you said, the eighteenth-layer **** has restrictions on the Emperor Underworld, then we will be divided into two groups. You will replace me to the eighteenth-layer **** and rescue the mother and concubine, which is indeed the most feasible way, but, Are you really sure that the special suppression there is only aimed at Emperor Underworld?" Whether it’s the relationship between her and Mingsu’s previous life, or the inexplicable **** between them in this life, he replaced her. It’s indeed the most important thing. A good choice, but she was also worried that Ming Su concealed something from her in order to comfort her. In fact, the special suppression was aimed at all those in power, not at her alone.

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