Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2562: (219) Finally faced the feelings of gain and loss one by one!

Ouyang Xia Sha is not stupid. Of course, she understands the true meaning of what they said. To put it bluntly, they are heartbroken for themselves, unhappy for themselves, that's all. As for where can I prove this? Just think about their usual style of doing things, what else do you not understand? ! You know, the two people in front of you have always dealt with their own affairs decisively and quickly. Even the biggest grudges are based on short time. After all, the more time is delayed, the greater the variables will be. , As the so-called'latency will cause change', it means this. Ever had such an annoying mood, feeling that the enemy died too quickly and died too easily? Even faintly regret this? Moreover, the regret was so real and so obvious that it was impossible for her to just want to ignore and turn a blind eye to self-deception.

But because I saw it too clearly and my heart was too clear, Ouyang Xiasha was confused, confused, and entangled. After all, the relationship between them is not as beautiful as imagined. ?

Master Chaos will react like this, Ouyang Xia Sha understands it. After all, although Master Chaos is usually very arrogant, she will appear to be indifferent to her from time to time, even if it is rare to care for her. , It can be said to be a little pitiful, but is he his own contract beast? With the contractual relationship between them, no matter how big the contradiction they usually have, it is simply impossible for them to fail to save themselves, even if it is just for his own sake. Why do they mean that their lives are closely linked, and they have partners who are both prosperous and damaging? What's more, there are no contradictions or problems between them. The indifferent appearance of Lord Chaos is just his nature, and there is no deliberate embarrassment or deliberate problem.

But all the actions of Ming Su really puzzled Ouyang Xia Sha. Of course, Ming Su here is just a representative. It is Feng Yuexi and his group, who have been willing to follow themselves and give up without hesitation. In the mortal world, all the hard work for many years, facing endless troubles with myself, even the representative of the group of people who can live with each other, but now standing in front of Ouyang Xiasha, there is only one person, so , Ouyang Xiasha has always been confused, has never understood, and has been confused, so Ouyang Xiasha has been directly thrown into Ming Su, that's it.

Well, Ouyang Xiasha is not a fool, on the contrary, she is still very smart and sensitive, so of course she knows Ming Su they are like this, all because they like themselves. But she doesn't understand, does she really like herself so much? Like it, to the extent that they can sacrifice everything for their so-called liking? But where does this love come from? Is it from the **** of the previous life? Or entanglement in this world? If it is a past life, is it just a memory, a memory, is it worth their sacrifice, so crazy? If it were this life, then she would not understand it even more. You must know that what she brought to them in this life, except for the long-term avoidance and deliberate cold treatment that she brought to them because of her selfishness and inability to face I really don't know, what else did she give them?

Do you want to say you don't like them? How can it be? Which woman would not like such a man of high wealth and handsome talent? What is even more commendable is that such a high, rich and handsome talent, what they give is still extremely cherished, and a woman is extremely eager to love and be favored. She Ouyang Xia Sha is not a root of wood, nor is she cultivated by a Buddha who has no desires or desires. How could she feel no sense? How could it be unwilling to yearn for it?

But the source of this feeling made Ouyang Xia Sha feel too illusory. It was baseless at all and not an exaggeration. The depth of the feeling came for no reason, so she felt something in her heart. Feeling unreal, dreaming. Since it is a dream, who would dare to plunge into it?

To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xia Sha just thinks that their crazy love is too inexplicable, because it is too inexplicable, so she is worried about the authenticity of its existence, because she is worried about the authenticity of its existence, thinking it is just one The scene mirror is beautiful, a dream that breaks at the touch of a touch, so even if she yearns for it and is very emotional, she can't really accept it, coupled with the unforgettable betrayal she experienced in her previous life, although she later discovered that, Her feelings for that person did not stem from love, but rather a kind of reliance and dependence. But the feeling of being betrayed and teased was unforgettable. Therefore, facing this She desires and is afraid of losing the feelings, so she is even more unable to face them. As soon as she meets them, she wants to escape. It has the same effect as the so-called'a pity to abandon, tasteless chicken ribs'. Meaning, thus forming a so-called vicious circle.

And then Ouyang Xiasha’s reaction was to break this so-called vicious circle and fight for herself a chance to make herself happy, and the formation of this idea is roughly the same as the previous experience of the moment of life and death. , Has a great relationship! No, I saw Ouyang Xia Sha calmly looking at Ming Su, paused for a moment thoughtfully, and then asked him: "Ming Su, we are Although the time is considered very familiar, and your feelings for me, I also understand this in my heart, but no matter what, it will not make you give up everything you used to without hesitation, regardless of your own life. Follow me without caring about the dangers around me and protect me!"

There is always a reason to like someone, right? appearance? character? Or something else? But the relationship between them is really too inexplicable. It seems that they have just met each other not long ago, and this kind of relationship is unclear, which makes her suddenly suffering from gains and losses, conflicts, and she just wants to avoid it. Well, the feeling towards Feng Yuexi and the others afterwards is probably the same.

The feelings of one person even make Ouyang Xia Sha contradictory at a loss, let alone a group of people? Therefore, once she encountered this sensitive topic, her first reaction was to choose to escape or divert the topic. In the end, she even developed into a deliberate avoidance of their real people. Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, she has never interrupted the entanglement in her heart, but she has never spoken out, that's all.

And today’s perception between life and death, Ouyang Xia Sha finally had enough courage to ask the so-called client to understand, lest she has been entangled in this, contradictory, can not let go, cut constantly, but dare not to participate in it.

Of course, although this is the first time to ask a question, it will not be the last. After all, Feng Yuexi and the others are there? And their answer is related to the number of future Ouyang Xia Sha Xianggong. Well, take it a bit further, let's focus on the present, and see Ming Su's answer!

"Why? No why. If I have to ask why, it's what I think in my heart, and then I did it." Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's question, Ming Su was taken aback for a while, probably never thought of it, and always liked it. Ouyang Xiasha, who was evading, would actually ask this question! After coming back to his senses, Bianxie raised his eyebrows and smiled, opening his mouth to answer, and his tone was full of light and breezy, natural meaning.

But is this really the case? Obviously the answer is no, because he doesn't even know what he is doing. How does this tell him to answer? If you have to have an answer, this "what the heart thinks" is probably the closest and the most reasonable one!

Before the start of the Bianjing auction that day, he was attracted by her playful and sharp words, and inadvertently, he became a **** who called back to play good women. In particular, the phrase "Uncle" is still fresh in his memory. And as everyone knows, he has a very serious habit of cleanliness. When others connect him for half a meter, he can't bear it, but he doesn't feel disgusted at all when he touches her. There is actually a kind of faint, but Unignorable likes are produced in the heart, even when holding her hand tightly, there is a thought for no reason, wanting to stay forever, for this feeling, he even cheeky afterwards, even when she is flaring her teeth and claws. At that time, she didn't let go of her hand, and she changed her former cold and reticent image, and made an exception to tell her his real name. Although the mood of that day was beyond his expectations, he had to admit that he was inexplicably happy that day.

Later, after the separation, he later realized that he was unbelievable about what he had done. This kind of him is really not like himself, he has become a typical representative of what is called a miracle. It stands to reason that for people like him who like to control everything, this uncontrollable source of emotions should be killed in the cradle, lest there is something he cannot control, or is beyond him. Unexpected things, but for her, he felt reluctant and reluctant to give up, and even thought that she would die in his hands, he felt distressed and couldn't help himself, so he gave up the'strangulation theory' he had insisted before.

He originally thought that that day of goodbye, that figure will gradually fade out of his sight, and then fade out of his life, he will still be the original self, even if he made an exception for her, breaking his own persistence, Let her go once, and in the end, she won't have much influence on him, but why is the cloud sky vast and lovesickness boundless after that? He wanted to know everything about her, and even tried every means to create a chance to meet her?

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