Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2556: (213) Confrontation! (15)

Don’t ask how the three brothers of the gods came to know that Ouyang Xiasha did not collect the so-called “soul fragments” of Qi; you must know that the scattering of “soul fragments” will be evenly distributed across the entire vast world of the three realms and four realms. In, this is the entire vastness, but everyone who cultivates should know the most basic common sense. Regardless of how the power of the God Realm was once distributed, it is now their territory, at least on the surface.

Even in the past, under the premise that all interfaces are unimpeded, with their current power, it is impossible for them to receive a single message, not to mention that they are facing this situation, where they are forced to be closed everywhere. , It is even more impossible to hide from their eyes.

Or is there any special way for the people in front of them to travel to the God Realm, but they are not vegetarian, so how could they not receive any news? Moreover, the distribution of'soul fragments' has always been random, that is to say, even if the person in front of you can go to the gods without knowing it, but in the process of searching, it is impossible to not reveal any movement, no ? After all, what she was looking for was something that didn't know the location at all, instead of having any clear directions and clues. The only thing she could rely on was her so-called induction. Therefore, the three brothers could be extremely sure. In other words, the'soul fragments' in Ouyang Xiasha's hand have not been found yet, not to mention elsewhere, at least the ones scattered in the God Realm must have not been found!

"For the sake of your fate, this deity will satisfy your curiosity. The reason why this deity can reach the level of the previous Mingling Emperor without collecting the'soul fragments' is because , The deity has one life before the Emperor Underworld! And the identity of that life, you are all familiar with it, that is, the characters that only exist in your so-called legends, the **** emperor who created the world! Haha!" The people in front of me are all dying. Even if I tell them her secret, it will not have any effect. In addition, they are the confidants of the temptress, so she has to scare them and scare them. The idea of ​​interest, or, is this just the result of her sudden benevolence, in order to just want them to die? Who knows! Anyway, Ouyang Xia Sha did not deny their accusations and suspicions at all, not only did not deny, but also quite obediently, telling them the final truth.

However, when I look at Ouyang Xiasha’s smile, which is slightly mocking, I feel that the second possibility is unlikely to happen, and even vaguely makes people feel that Ouyang Xiasha’s weird expression is mixed with deepness. Deep gloating.

"No matter what Ouyang Xiasha's true thoughts are, in short, the three brothers of the gods are really frightened by this answer. They were there for a while, speechless, and didn't know what to say. what.

Can you not be scared? Who is the God Emperor of Creation? That is the only creation **** in the vast sky from ancient times to the present, and it is also the only one, the closest and most likely to become the creation god, the existence of the level that is almost impossible to achieve. Such an existence, is it possible for the juniors who do not know how many years to be born to be able to fight it? Of course, things are not absolute. After all, Ouyang Xiasha hasn't reached the level that is difficult to touch and feels remote, isn't it? In other words, to avoid future revenge from the Creation God, the only way is to kill her before she fully grows up.

It’s not that they do not know how to live or die, and commit the following crimes, and they will have such a big idea of ​​rebellion, but this Ouyang Xiasha in front of them is not the one in history, the broad-minded, extremely fraternal God of creation. The emperor, the person in front of him, said that he must be reported to him, and his little belly is not an exaggeration. And judging from the grievances between them, killing them and taking their lives is only the lightest punishment. If the other party is in a bad mood, like afflicting the nine races, frustrating bones and ashes, or losing their souls, it is not unreasonable. Will be applied to them. In other words, even if they have this idea, it is also the result of human instinct to survive.

Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that this kind of thinking of theirs can't be implemented at all, and it can only become an illusion that will never be realized. Because Ouyang Xiasha really protected herself too well. If she didn’t admit it today, I’m afraid they would break their heads, and it would be impossible to associate her with the God Emperor of Creation. At most, they would only think that she was a encounter. When it comes to a great opportunity, it will have today's strength.

It seems that Ouyang Xia Sha is indeed worthy of the title of'monster and ghost'. Not only is she outstanding in cultivation. Although'son of **** and devil' relies on absorbing spiritual fragments to restore its strength, the speed of absorption is still It is related to its aptitude; it is mentally unmatched by ordinary people.

It’s just like the matter of the identity of the previous life mentioned now. If an average boy or girl can get such an identity that is different from ordinary people and respected by others, even if it is for the safety of his own life, he cannot speak to outsiders. Dao, it's unavoidable that there is a heartbreak, but what about Ouyang Xiasha? Not only did she clearly see the curves in it, but her mentality was not generally calm. At least when she told them her hidden identity, they could see the coldness in her eyes. In other words In other words, she did not regard this identity as her capital at all, and judging from her cautious behavior, I am afraid that they are the first people in the world to hear her personally confess her identity!

It has to be said that although the three brothers of the gods are not very good in character, they are even a bit scum, and the boss of refuge is not a thing, but they sometimes feel that they are really not accurate. Just like this, they guessed Ouyang Xia Sha like this.

They were right, Ouyang Xia Sha did not regard the identity of the God Emperor as his own capital, because, once she died, she was very clear that her identity was only a boost, and only she truly had control over her identity. This strength is her own thing. What's more, her identity is still an invisible bomb. It is the existence of the gods and even the entire vast cultivator, who are jealous and intolerable. In this way, she is even more absent. Se's psychology, in other words, she can't hide it in time, so she's a ghost? Even if she is proud of this identity in her heart, she still chooses to use it as her last secret, so bad in her heart until she can be alone. This is not to say that Ouyang Xia Sha’s city is quite deep, but because of her rich experience, she knows better than anyone else that in this world, only you will never betray yourself. Okay, now you add to her Beasts with various contracts.

Of course, as for the latter point, the Shenjiang trio didn’t guess wrong. They were indeed the first to hear Ouyang Xiasha personally confess the existence of his blood identity. After all, those beasts, once they contract with them, they will Because of the contractual relationship between them, she can understand everything, just like she can understand all the information such as their bloodlines through the contract, there is no need for her to say anything, and the human beings only absolutely believe in herself from the bottom of her heart, even Even her incomparably close relatives, she chose to conceal them for their own good. In fact, it is impossible to completely trust them, or it is really for their good. This is only Ouyang Xiasha. The mentality is clear. Therefore, the three of them were really the first human beings to hear Ouyang Xia Sha personally admit.

"So, you can be regarded as stunned by death, so take it to death one by one!" Ignoring the shocked expressions of the three brothers, Ouyang Xia Sha first warned them, as if to inform them, and then shot the gun. With a wave, with a sharp edge, an elegant arc was drawn in the air. Although Ouyang Xia Sha's tone was quite cold, it was not very polite, and even mixed with a deep killing intent that people could not ignore. But no matter what, this can be considered a courtesy first and then a soldier. Then, without waiting for the reaction of the three people, Ouyang Xia Sha flew with one hand, and a Jie Yin movement began.

Don’t look at the three people who came to the gods were shocked by Ouyang Xia Sha, but for many years, the survival experience wandering on the edge of life and death still made them instinctively leave behind a ray of **** before falling into their own thoughts. Consciousness, so, at this moment, after sensing Ouyang Xiasha’s cold and biting killing intent, the three of them quickly regained their senses out of experience, even the old third who has never been very reliable. , And their first glance was Ouyang Xia Sha Jieyin's movements. Seeing this, the three brothers couldn't help but their pupils shrank, and they were a little stunned.

But it's no wonder that they will be stunned. You know, in their eyes, Ouyang Xia Sha acted like this. This is a way of using killer moves when they come up, and wanting to work hard and make quick decisions. But in the battle, how can there be such an illegal practice? Isn't this method of ‘injury the enemy a thousand, hurt one’s own eight hundred’", isn’t it a choice that is forced to be helpless at the end? So when I get to Ouyang Xiasha, it becomes the opening technique?

Of course they would not think that Ouyang Xiasha made such a stupid choice because it was just a funny one. Therefore, there must be something in it that they don’t know. The three brothers no longer hesitate immediately. They made a posture of confrontation. After all, an existence with the identity of the'Creation God Emperor' used moves that they completely unexpectedly did. They couldn't help but pay attention to such a situation.

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