Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2452: Kidnappers (1)

Although Xi Jing and the others understood the reason, they did not say it too much. In addition to respecting their own master's mentality, they also worried about destroying their own master's plan. Their behavior indirectly caused Xi Hengzuo and other juniors who didn't understand the reason. They didn't understand it even more. No, right after Xi Hengzuo, they started to speak one by one.

"Yes, Lord! After all, this place is so big, and our time, because of the "Golden Lingzi" birth, is very limited. Therefore, once you regret it, Lord, you want to spend such a limited time. In time, it is really not that easy to find these beasts again!"

"Yeah, Lord, if we turn our heads now, it should be too late. They probably haven't gone far yet!"

"If the Lord is concerned about face, we have a big deal to go slower, and then fire up to make some delicious food later? So do the trick again?"

"Do you want to understand? A child is a child. There is no vision! Come, let the deity come to popularize science with you. You must remember that sometimes even if you want something more, don't always stick to him. The so-called “distance produces beauty” is not unreasonable, just take the group of beasts I want to subdue, if I keep letting them follow, because they don’t have any price to pay, they don’t understand at all. The reason why food is hard-won, so slowly, no matter how delicious things are, they will become dull in their mouths, and they will even feel that they deserve your money, so leave appropriately. Let them eat something and become owed, they will cherish it more, don’t you understand? As for your so-called walking slower and turning your head back, it won’t work even more. You don’t really think these beasts are because The relationship that has been isolated from the world for many years is really pure and easy to deceive, and I don’t understand anything? I am not afraid to tell you. You know, in fact, these beasts have a lot of goods in their stomachs, and they are all shrewd!" Even though Ouyang Xiasha disagrees with the remarks of the juniors such as Xi Hengzuo, it can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha is still patient, so that they have all finished talking. Only then did he speak to them and talked about the reason, of course, among these juniors who spoke, did not include Ling Chao, who had remained silent and obeyed Ouyang Xia Sha absolutely blindly.

Didn't he know that it was influenced by his father's confession before he left? Or is it because they are not as good as Xi Hengzuo's relationship in terms of identity? Or was it this way, Ouyang Xiasha's actions completely tame Ling Chao? Anyway, Ling Chao had completely become a fan of Ouyang Xiasa, and he was unconditionally convinced. The one that Ouyang Xiasa believed in what he said was an indisputable fact.

"It's really fake? I can't tell at all!" This is an exclamatory sentence. It is not that Xi Hengzuo and others doubt Ouyang Xiasha's words, but it is true, from the heart, and feels too unexpected and somewhat unacceptable. The intuitive reaction, that's all.

"Of course it's true, otherwise you think, like your Patriarch, who is so smart and resourceful, why do you have to go around so many detours? Is it because you have enough food and support, why do you have nothing to do?" Although you know Xi Hengzuo's This reaction of the little guys didn’t mean anything malicious, nor was it really doubting her, questioning her, but Ouyang Xia Sha was still quite uncomfortable. After all, an arrogant temperament like Ouyang Xia Sha, is She absolutely cannot tolerate other people’s questioning of her, especially those close to her. She regards her as her own existence, even if they are not malicious at all, even if this is just a small joke, or some instinctive reaction, then It's all impossible, so, no, Ouyang Xia Sha couldn't help adding a bit of contempt when he even responded, and even made a small gesture of rolling his eyes. Of course, it's just a little bit more contemptuous tone. Others, no matter how much malice, is due to their relationship, plus whether it is Ouyang Xiasha's deliberate suppression of it in his heart, or a clear mind in his heart, what They all understand that just wanting to make a small counterattack relationship will prevent her from really going crazy.

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