Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2442: Kidnappers (1)

"My child, thank you for your hard work!" Suzaku King finished talking about the key points he had to say, and after explaining his responsibilities, what was left was his strong fatherly love and the unknown and difficult future for his children. Distressed in every possible way. But this is the end of the matter. In order to keep his children alive, Suzaku King can only lay down his heart and throw the burden of responsibility that even adults can't even carry on to his children. After all, that prophecy Who knows when will they appear? After all, waiting is the most helpless responsibility. He is not affected by any external force. It does not mean that you are strong and he will appear earlier, nor that you are weak and he will delay time. After all, in the process of waiting, who knows what dangers and changes will occur? But no matter what, in the eyes of parents, living is better than death, and this is the real reason why Suzaku can be cruel, saying that his father’s love is like a mountain, don’t look at Suzaku, but his love for little Suzaku, But no less than Queen Suzaku.

"My child, because of the tight time, the father and the queen can’t carefully consider naming you, but the name is what parents expect of their children. Although your mother and I very much hope to give you peace, health, etc., really The name that represents our heart. After all, in the hearts of parents, there is nothing more gratifying to their children than their children’s life, but your identity, your talents, and what you shoulder, revitalize and serve the family The important task of revenge cannot be determined by our selfishness. Therefore, the name given to you by the child's father is Lingguang, Junlingguang, I hope you can understand the helplessness and intentions of the father and the mother." If you can choose, unless it is the kind of madness. Existence, otherwise which parent is willing to leave their youngest son? But the situation facing the Suzaku clan now forced the Suzaku king to let himself have just been born, and is the only child of the Suzaku king and the queen so far to live alone in another world, because only then can his children survive. hope. Although letting one's children live alone in another world has become an unchangeable fact, and they may spend more time with their children. Parents, especially the Suzaku king and queen, are forced to be helpless and have to separate from themselves. How can parents refuse? After all, who knows when they will meet again in the future? Speaking of meeting again, don’t think it’s a joke, because the Suzaku King and the Queen sealed a piece of their own spiritual knowledge when sealing the little Suzaku and inheriting memories. As for the purpose? Perhaps it was to help the little Suzaku in his cultivation, to point him to confusion, so that he would not get into trouble; perhaps it was to fulfill his duties as a parent, to make up for his own children, and to make him understand that they were with him; perhaps it was used as a reminder, Worrying that my child is too young and going astray; maybe just to see his child again, to see if he is doing well, what it is like when he grows up, and if he meets the person in the prophecy, will he be too Lonely, who knows? However, looking at the current performance of the Suzaku King, the last possibility may be even greater.

As for the name of Little Suzaku, Jun Lingguang, the significance is profound. You know, Jun Lingguang, that is the name of the first generation of ancient beasts, the Suzaku king, and this generation of Suzaku kings, leading the clan, carrying forward the Suzaku clan, and establishing the status of the four ancient beasts. Of course, this generation The Suzaku king is also the longest lifespan among all the Suzaku kings. It is conceivable that this generation of Suzaku King has the intention and hope for such a name for his child.

King Suzaku not only hopes that his children can get ahead, avenge the success of the family, and bring the Suzaku clan into a glorious era, but also hope that his children can live a long and healthy life in peace. Of course, the latter is the most important.

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