Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2428: Kidnappers (1)

Seeing these beasts without image, gorging and losing their faces, the three little cuties who were chewing slowly and utterly felt contempt for them, and completely forgot the first time they ate the food made by their owner. , Their appearance, it seems that they are not much better than the dozen or so little guys in front of them.

Well, although WoW is all you can eat, even if you eat raw meat for three meals a day, it’s okay, but when there are really delicious options, who would be stupid to eat those **** ones? Raw meat? They are Warcraft, not stupid! Especially after they have cultivated to beasts, their IQs are not inferior to humans. How can they not know what is good and what is bad? What is delicious and what is not delicious? As for the problem of being deceived by humans sometimes, it is only because of their relatively simple nature, not that they are really stupid than humans and have lower IQs than humans.

If these beasts have never eaten such delicacies, do not know that they are so delicious, and think that the food all over the world tastes the same as the raw meat they eat, then it’s okay. The so-called “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know” probably means this, but Once you have tried this tempting taste and know what kind of garbage they ate in the past, then let them switch back to eat the tasteless, fishy raw meat, how easy is it to say? And Ouyang Xia Sha was fancy and took advantage of this psychology, preparing to abduct a few beasts and go home, yes, you read it right, it is abduction!

You know, with Ouyang Xiasha’s perverted consciousness, I want to know, I’m afraid she discovered the traces of these little guys a long time ago, at least when Xi Jing and others were preparing to speak, or even earlier. Since it was discovered so early, how could someone like Ouyang Xiasha who never suffer and never waste, how could he not take any action? Especially at this special time, this special time when there are not too many beasts and beasts to follow her to the underworld. After all, this is the benefit of being delivered to the door. After all, she will not refuse the beasts and beasts, after all, deal with those. The hostile forces of the Underworld, she also needs a certain amount of help.

In other words, this barbecue event is a ‘Hongmen Banquet’ prepared by Ouyang Xiasha for the little guys. Including the selection of dinner materials, I am afraid that Ouyang Xiasha deliberately contributed to it, or it was Ouyang Xiasha's negotiation with the three little cuties through the contract platform. The reason for this choice is that most of the monsters are carnivores.

you do not say? If you want to seduce these carnal animals to come to your door, of course you need to choose their counterpart favorite, otherwise, how to seduce them to come to your door? Therefore, pure meat food is not the first choice he thought, and among pure meat food, barbecue is the most, so there is such a purposeful barbecue feast.

As for Ouyang Xiasha's sentence, "Since the three little guys only dragged the meat of Warcraft, Ouyang Xiasha did not hesitate to decide that the food for tonight is barbecue." The purpose is only to reduce these. The little guy is wary. It's not that Ouyang Xiasha really doesn't know what the food is brought back by the three little cuties, otherwise why did she know that she should take the barbecue out? It can be seen that this barbecue feast was indeed planned by Ouyang Xia Sha early in the morning.

The atmosphere at the scene, except for the contemptuous glances of the three little cute animals who occasionally cast their eyes on the beasts, as well as the confused expressions of Xi Jing and others, who were confused for a long time, and occasionally scattered, it seemed extremely harmonious for a while. , It seems that everyone is eating the delicious food with relish, until these beasts, after eating the barbecue on their hands, look at Ouyang Xia eagerly, and want to eat again but dare not say it, and are embarrassed to say it. , Ouyang Xia Sha smiled, and launched the first round of offensive toward her goal this time.

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