Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2424: Reach the Valley of Extinction to block the rift (1)

"Master, it's not far from the entrance to the Valley of Extinction!" Hearing this voice, I knew that this person had spoken, except for Xi Jing.

"That's the one that blocked everyone's advancement, that is, the horizontal ditch that was used as a prerequisite for entering the Valley of Extinction?" What can be called by Xi Jing as the'Master', there is no doubt. Except for Ouyang Xiasha, there is only Ouyang Xiasha, so this person who answers is not so difficult to guess.

"Return to the Lord, what the Lord said is very true!" Don't look at Ouyang Xia Sha who treats Xi Jing and the others very graciously, without the slightest pretentiousness. Xi Jing and Ouyang Xia Sha are also very comfortable with them, but when it comes time Respect, when it was time to pay attention to identity, Xi Jing was not at all ambiguous, just like this moment.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and try to arrive before the sunset. Let's rest there tonight. As for crossing the ditch, wait until tomorrow morning!" Ouyang Xiasha, who is used to making decisions, of course not. Will be vague, and immediately made an affirmative arrangement for the future itinerary.

"Yes!" Regarding Ouyang Xiasha's arrangement, no matter whether Xi Jing and the others are between Ouyang Xiasha's identity, or they really agree with him from the bottom of their hearts, in short, at this moment, no one said that Opposing, and this neat and consistent answer is the best proof. Yes, this pedestrian, this pedestrian less than one mile away from the Valley of Extinction, is Ouyang Xiasha who killed the elders of the Xishang family not long ago. Human, to be more precise, it has been three days since the elders exterminating Xishang on that day. As for who got the precious'life storage ring' in the end, look at the bright smile on Xi Hengzuo’s face. And the obsessive gaze staring at your fingers, what else can't you guess?

Well, even though Xi Hengzuo's overall strength has improved rapidly after being specially trained by Ouyang Xia Sha, and because of his reckless hard work, his level and so on, he has far surpassed the past few juniors. Among them, the uncrowned king Xi Xiangyuan, even has the strength to fight with his uncle Xi Jing, plus his uncompromising means to obtain the "life storage ring", and the madness of life and death. If this game, only If several juniors participate, they can get the'Life Storage Ring', which is a natural and expected thing. But to say that he can defeat the three little guys, Xiao Bifang, Xiao Heihe, and Xiao Xing, would be a bit of a fantasy.

After all, these three little guys are monsters, or three incredible monsters. After all, as everyone knows, the same level of human beings, the three are not opponents of the same level of monsters, otherwise, the upgrade of the monsters will not be so difficult. The robbery can be called the process of nine deaths and a lifetime.

Ordinary monsters are still like this, not to mention the so-called incredible monsters whose level is much higher than that of Xi Hengzuo? Therefore, it is clear that Xi Hengzuo's ability to obtain the'Life Storage Ring' was the result of the deliberate compromise of the three little guys.

As for the reason, maybe the participation of the three little guys is just to promote the growth of the juniors like Xi Hengzuo and trigger their sense of competition? Maybe the three little guys received some hint from Ouyang Xiasha? Or does it want to encourage and encourage these younger generations, and contribute to the master's plan of cultivating younger generations? Who knows? Anyway, the fact that the three little guys deliberately wanted to let it go is indisputable.

I don’t know if it’s “people are happy when they are happy, and everything else is negligible” (that is, Xi Hengzuo Mingming discovered the concession of the three little guys, but because he was too happy to get the “life storage ring”, he deliberately I chose to ignore)? Or is it really too happy and didn't notice this rashly? Or is it that his care for the'Life Storage Ring' far exceeds his strong self-esteem, so that he can completely ignore his exaggerated self-esteem? Regarding this question, if Xi Hengzuo does not say it himself, then he probably only knows the real answer!

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