Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2420: Xi Hengzuo who got the true biography of Shasha (1)

As soon as this remark came out, the result was indeed exactly as Ouyang Xiasha expected. Even the Xishang family who had always been shameless and thought they were shameless ancestors could not help but secretly curse Ouyang Xiasha's despicableness. Shameless, so shameless, he actually played a word game with them, grabbing the words in her guarantee to take advantage of the loopholes. But no matter how people in the Xishang family despise Ouyang Xiasha's despicableness, how to spurn Ouyang Xiasha's shamelessness, they still have to admit that what she said seems to be reasonable, because she has never said it from beginning to end. Not let her beasts or juniors do anything to them, so although they are angry, even though they are angry, there is really no reason or standpoint to accuse her or something.

The people of the Xishang family, in front of Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, the speed at which the complexion changes is really enough, but do you think this is enough? The answer is of course no. After all, making your enemies unhappy, but Ouyang Xiasha is the most enjoyable and favorite thing to do.

No, before everyone in the Xishang family was comforted by themselves or adjusted to a good mood, Ouyang Xiasha did not hesitate to move towards the center of their heart and made a stab at it, so everyone only heard She didn't care much and said again: "Furthermore, don't say that the main hall has not said it, it is the main hall that has said it, and now you regret it again, what can you do with the main hall? You know, the previous remarks in the main hall were just casual Talking casual words is not the kind of formal vows? I don’t know if you are too simple? Or is there a problem with the understanding of the temple? How can casual words be taken seriously?" That attitude and tone all prove that there is no fact that everyone in the Xishang family is taken seriously, even if these Xishang family members are all protectors, elders. The existence of ranks also has a good position in the Xishang family, and for Ouyang Xiasha, there will be no change in the slightest.

"You one by one, you one by one" Of course, after Ouyang Xiasha's remarks about the knife, the elders of the Xishang family were also expected to be choked by the anger, and pointed at Ouyang Xiasha. Nose, the expression of only one word of'you' after angrily said for a long time is the best proof.

As for the elders of the Xishang family, they were so embarrassed that they finally had such a completely speechless result. Perhaps it is because these high-level Xishang family are usually flattered by people. , Tens of thousands of years of flattery, even if it is not used to it, it has become instinctive, when was it so shaved? Maybe it was Ouyang Xia Sha, and I don’t know how to answer. After all, although Ouyang Xia Sha’s words are a bit ugly, it is not unreasonable, is it? Maybe it's just one of the two reasons. Maybe it's both. Who knows? But relatively speaking, Ouyang Xiasha may be more inclined to have two reasons.

"Xiao Hengzuo, Xiao Xiangyuan, Xiao Muyuan, Xiao Yiyi, Xiao Chaochao, although these Xishang family elder guardians are a little weaker, their eyes are lower, their eyes are lower, and they are a little bit of fist and embroidered legs. In short, they are rubbish. A little bit, a little bit of food, but you will just take a look, at least for you who have never really played against people before, they can barely be called opponents by you, right? There is a problem with the points of the'Life Storage Ring', so it is still quite valuable to hit it with a fight, right?" It seems that the previous blows to the Xishang family were not enough, Ouyang Xia Sha thoughtfully glanced at the people of Xishang's family, and then she spoke again with a calm smile, and her words suddenly felt like a chill.

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