Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2406: Greed (1)

Ouyang Xia Sha couldn’t help but admire this elder lady’s arrogant and unreasonable attitude to a certain extent. After all, she could be arrogant to this point, and let the elder guardians not dare to attack her. I don’t dare to have the idea of ​​destroying it at all. I have to say that this woman still has a certain ability, but if she is not targeting herself, maybe this kind of admiration will appear more real, but since The object is herself, she also

Just not waiting for Ouyang Xiasha to act, nor waiting for Ouyang Xiasha’s few black-bellied beasts to go wild, the next step of the young lady started again, only this time, because it was too Meng Lang, Ouyang Xiasha and his party were quite stunned. After all, who could imagine that the daughter of a family or the daughter of four old families in the underworld would actually ask for a man?

Yes, you read that right, just want a man! I don't know if Ouyang Xia Sha is in conflict with it? Or they should be the opponents by nature, this eldest lady, who is going to finish Ouyang Xiasha's monsters, is starting to want Ouyang Xiasha's people again! Don't get me wrong, Ouyang Xiasha's people can not only represent Ouyang Xiasha's men, but also subordinates, relatives, friends, etc. These people are collectively referred to as Ouyang Xiasha. don’t know if the two characters are the same? It’s the'ape dung' that the two of them can't give up (isn’t it the damn'ape dung'? Otherwise, why is this eldest lady alone among the few men, and her appearance is not the most top-notch" What about Xi Hengzuo?), when the young lady clearly saw Xi Hengzuo's true appearance because of the shortened distance, she was shocked at first sight, and it was difficult to let go. Even the so-called self-cultivation of ladies was forgotten. , Chi Guoguo stared at Xi Hengzuo without blinking, and without hesitation, he pointed at him to the elders behind him and said with certainty: "I want him!" That tone was just a command. , Order, a decision has been made, or rather, it was just to inform them, and did not mean to solicit their opinions.

"Are you sick? What do you want your little master to do?" I don't know if Ouyang Xiasha's training was too rigorous before, but the effect is remarkable, so that the grievances of the young master cannot be vented, and I finally found it now. What about the next home? Still awkward, upset with the conflict with Ouyang Xia Sha before, irritable and don't know how to deal with it, now finally found a way out? Or simply because her temper is inherently irritable. As a dude, she can't bear the humiliation of a woman at all (when a woman asks another man, even if there is no other meaning, it is also underestimated. The man, and the meaning of this family of men, not to mention, the look in the Chi Guoguo eyes of the eldest lady doesn't mean anything else, okay?), this is the start? Who knows? In short, when Xi Hengzuo spoke, he still opened his mouth in an extremely angry and contemptuous tone, which shows that his heart is uncomfortable.

"I want you to be my man!" It's probably the relationship between'Love House and Wu', the eldest lady who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is actually unprecedented, and doesn't care about the'little master' in Xi Hengzuo's mouth, and He was humiliated by his'illness', even in a good voice, and gave him an affirmative answer.

"Who do you think you are? If you say that you want my little master to be your man, this little master will listen to your failure? Did you get kicked in your head by a donkey or was caught by the door? Did you eat shit! Not the little master Your tribe, don’t be afraid of your **** status! Where did you call the little master, go back, don’t let your little master’s appetite be exhausted here! After all, in the eyes of this little master, it’s just one end. The beasts on the periphery are more pleasing to the eye than you want to see!" Sure enough, as long as the mouth of this guy like Ouyang Xiasha and Xi Hengzuo can still be perfectly maintained and extremely poisonous, I can’t wait to see the popularity directly. Dead record. As for ‘the difference between men and women’, ‘good men don’t fight women’, and ‘men shouldn’t bully women’, what’s the matter with him? He didn't take it to heart at all, okay?

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