Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2399: Strength (2)

Seeing the strength of Xi Hengzuo and others, it is not difficult to judge the cultivators brought by the eldest lady with a slight wink. The forces and families behind these people in front of them are not ordinary. They can easily provoke the existence. After all, there are several family forces that can train their juniors to this level, and there are still several, not one, all cultivated to such a degree, how many will be simple? At least no one would underestimate him easily.

You must know that the training of a junior requires not only that he has good aptitude, but also ample resources and investment in the foundation to be able to truly cultivate it. Otherwise, it will be a so-called delay, and this The fundamental difference between aristocratic families and Xiaomen Xiaohu is also the fundamental reason why those Xiaomen Xiaohu, even if they have a peerless genius, will never be able to catch up, or shake the status of those aristocratic families.

Unless it encounters a great opportunity, such as the so-called peerless genius, obtains some powerful inheritance, or finds a large amount of treasure, otherwise, the peerless genius will become inferior to a family due to delays. Waste material from ordinary children of the Han Clan.

It is like Xi Hengzuo and their five juniors. If only one or two of them can reach such a level, these people can still suspect that their family is not very good. They just fight back and put all the resources into them. They have been trained to this point, but if the five juniors are all so good, then no one will doubt that they come from small households who can let them handle it at will, because, unless it is a super family The big clan, the ordinary small family, it is impossible to have the resources to train so many people to such a level at the same time, even if these juniors are genius, there is no exception. (Although Xi Muyuan's level is not as good as Xi Hengzuo, Xi Xiangyuan and the others, they are already outstanding among people of the same generation. Therefore, no one would underestimate Xi Muyuan.)

When the group headed by the so-called eldest lady was observing Ouyang Xiasha and the others, in addition to Ouyang Xiasha who had already seen them through, Xi Jing and the others were also observing the group. At a glance, Xi Jing and the others can see (Xi Jing and their true level are higher than these demi-god powerhouses, so it can be easily seen, which is not an exaggeration), these people, except for the leader Apart from the so-called eldest lady, there are no exceptions from the semi-god powerhouses. One of them has already touched the threshold of the gods, and he can advance to the gods with a single step.

Well, this so-called imperial kick is relative to the past, when the underworld was not sealed, but now, because the underworld is sealed, this imperial kick is stretched to an indefinite period, unless One day, the seal of the underworld will be lifted, otherwise, he will never have the possibility of crossing over. So, I'm talking about this impending kick here just to express that this person is a little bit more powerful than the others, that's all.

It must be said that a team of demi-god powerhouses is indeed a good configuration in this underworld, and it is not difficult to judge from it. It must come from a powerful force or family, even if it is not the so-called so-called The super family should also be a good first-class family. After all, the demigod powerhouse is not an ordinary Chinese cabbage. The general small family and small forces are good enough to come up with one or two. How can they come out like this? Lineup?

Although there are a lot of people in this group, and their strength is in this underworld, they can be regarded as the top configuration, but for such a team, Xi Jing and others did not take it to heart, nor did they really regard it as a thing. After all, in such a dangerous place, how can you mix without the strength?

Although this kind of strength is very powerful, at least if you simply practice in the forest of Rizhao City, there will be absolutely no problems. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can walk sideways in this inner circle, but such strength , Put it in the battle for the'Golden Lingzi' and the king beast, it was not enough. After all, in their team, there was still a dragging existence like the so-called eldest lady.

Yes, that so-called eldest lady, in the eyes of Xi Jing and others, and even in the eyes of Xi Hengzuo, she is undoubtedly a trouble, and it is still a big trouble, because they can see with just one glance. It can be concluded that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it will definitely bring a lot of trouble to these semi-god powerhouses.

If only'Golden Lingzi' was born, then because of the tasteless status of'Golden Lingzi', this team, if it hadn't met Ouyang Xiasha, would definitely have the hope of contention, even if there was a dragging existence. There are no exceptions, but with the addition of a king beast, the battle will be completely different.

After all, the'Golden Lingzi' is completely dispensable to those super powerful forces, at least it is far less important than'the day of the dark moon, a hundred years of comparison', so, The lineup of its dispatched teams can be imagined. Anyway, the dispatched personnel will definitely not affect the result of its "Hundred Years Competition".

But the appearance of the king beast makes the result completely different, because a king beast is still a high-level king beast equivalent to the gods, and it can completely change the destiny and status of a family. It is conceivable that other families sent What is the lineup coming to grab, at least it will never be worse than the team in front of you, and it is very likely that there will be even worse.

You know, each interface has different suppression conditions for monsters and humans, but the more advanced the monsters are, the more difficult it is to find, the more advanced the monsters, the more they like to practice and practice behind closed doors, so, The leader of each interface is still human. Therefore, once such a powerful monster appears, people will be so excited, breaking their heads, and wanting him.

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