Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2386: Arrangement (1)

"You don't care, but what about these little guys? They are not the opponents of those fierce treasure hunters!" Don't look at Bi An's usual carelessness, as if her mind is very simple, but sometimes, she can In the shortest possible time, I noticed the important points that were ignored by everyone. Just like this moment, Xi Jing was still immersed in the excitement of having a fight, but Bi An thought of the little guys they had brought. It’s not that Xi Jing’s response is slow and he can’t even detect this, but Xi Jing is in a state of excitement and ignores this point. Of course, he must still be able to find out afterwards. After all, how could it be possible for so many living people to stand there. Turning a blind eye is just the time of discovery, compared to the other side, it is so late.

"Yeah! What should we do? After all, Little Rob is still waiting for us to save our lives! You know, the legendary talents like'Golden Lingzi' don't mean that you can meet them when you meet them, maybe after this Village, it’s hard to meet this shop, so we must get this'Golden Lingzi' strain, or should we send them back first?" Xi Jing was reminded by the other side, thoughtful, suddenly realized I looked at Xi Hengzuo and the others not far from them, and started to have a headache with these little guys’ travel problems. No, as soon as I opened my mouth, I firmly established my position and purpose while facing Ouyang Xiasha, tentatively. Put forward his own opinion.

It’s not that Xi Jing didn’t want to give an affirmative answer, and had to use some questions to express what he meant, but in the final analysis, among them, the one who could call the shots was his own master, that is, Ouyang Xiasha. Therefore, no matter how worried he is, he can only make a suggestion instead of making a final decision. This is out of respect for Ouyang Shasha, and it is also an almost instinctive reaction.

But speaking of it, it’s no wonder that Xi Jing was so worried. You know, when I brought these children here, I hoped that they would have a real experience, which would be helpful to their growth. After all, no one thought of it at the time.' The birth of Jin Lingzi's will have such a big movement, the sensation is that they can't hide it if they want to cover it. If they know it early, they will not have this plan, and they will not only bring such a few people.

But now, knowing that the shock caused by the "Golden Lingzi" will attract many powerful people, and even those hidden powers may not help but appear, then how can these children's experience continue? Obviously, this time of experience had to be stopped ahead of time. Otherwise, something went wrong at that time. What should I do?

But since he brought them here, he must be responsible for their safety in life, and this has become a responsibility that Xi Jing must bear. Coupled with the relationship between their relatives, Xi Jing can't relax anymore. . With such a big responsibility, Xi Jing wouldn't be able to worry about it.

In addition, there are not many people who come here this time. If they really drag on until the "Golden Lingzi" is born before acting, how can they still dedicate their hands to **** these children away at that time? If you don’t send them away, just relying on the talents of a few of them, I’m afraid it will take care of the east and not the west. If they can protect them, they will not be able to protect the "Golden Bell", and Little Rob is still waiting Their "Golden Lingzi" is life-saving, that is to say, "Golden Lingzi" they are bound to win, so Xi Jing now considers sending them away directly, interrupting the so-called experience schedule so that they can concentrate on snatching. Jin Lingzi', it's not a strange thing.

As for Ouyang Xiasha’s strength, although they have absolute confidence and believe that their own master is the strongest, there is no specific comparison, and it is difficult to make too much extravagant expectations. After all, if they make a mistake in judgment, they lose. , It's not just a natural treasure, or a king beast, but the life of the person they care about, so he didn't dare to make this bet at all.

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