Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2373: Forced to beg for mercy (2)

And the reason why these people broke out so thoroughly, there is not even a basic process, in addition to the tight time, and they can't allow them to think deeply, there is actually no other reason to be found. You know, they originally listened to Ouyang. In Xia Sha's tone, she thought she was a master (to be able to stop them so easily and set up a barrier that they could not shake even if they tried their best, such Ouyang Xia Sha, in their hearts, is not a master!) , Like this, I just want to scare them and punish them for their mistakes (in their view, the method of'causing trouble for the east' in order to survive is actually not wrong. It is the so-called'people do nothing.' Self, Tianzhu Dimie', isn’t it? If they have to say that they did something wrong, then their only fault is that they chose the wrong candidate for the'Tongyin', that's all, so, in their eyes, It can only be regarded as a fault, not an unforgivable mistake), and then let them go as agreed.

But in fact, the final result is completely contrary to their guess. They never thought that Ouyang Xiasha, a sinister and despicable fellow, did not have the slightest demeanor of a master, facing them who were weaker than her. People actually cheat and don't admit it!

Such an outrageous thing makes them unable to believe their eyes. After all, practitioners like them have always cared about their vows, lest they become obstacles to their advancement and demons of calamity. The higher you are, the more you care about it. Someone like Ouyang Xiasha who doesn't take the oath seriously doesn't dare to say that they don't. At least based on their experience, they have never seen it so far.

Such a large spiritual gap coincides with the dangerous situation of'a wolf before and a tiger afterwards'. These people will be anxious and open, regardless of the image, which is understandable. As for the difference between them, they are small-minded. , And the mind is smaller, and this is the only difference between them.

With a small heart, just cursing and accusing Ouyang Xiasha, there is nothing more extreme; with a smaller heart, he began to swear and curse, feeling viciously that if you don't want me to get better, you don't get better.

Of course, no matter how vicious they are, they can't change their fear of death. Therefore, even if it is a vicious curse, they will leave themselves a ray of life. Unless they have to die as a last resort, they are I will never despise my own life and don't take it seriously.

"An idiot is an idiot. I don't think I need to explain to you the truth of'cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows again.' Class, and I’m not stupid, why should I leave some unknown troubles to myself? In case of harm to my relatives and friends, who should I talk to to reason, and who should I regret to go to? Together with you so vicious, think If you want to force me to submit, I can’t keep you anymore. Who knows how cruel or even cruel means you will use to retaliate against me or my relatives and friends? So, in order to cut off troubles, or eliminate them. Good for you! As for whether the technique is despicable or shameless, it is even more not a question I need to consider. After all, if I can defeat the most enemies with the least strength, why should I waste that energy and look for something more complicated. Way, I’m not stupid! Besides, we neither recruited you nor provoked you. You still used us as cannon fodder and stepping stones for no reason. Since you don’t take our lives seriously, since that At that time, you didn’t think about fairness and unfairness, and now you are worthy to discuss with me what despicable and shameless issues?" Hearing those people rants, curses, or accuses, or all kinds of radical speeches of theory, Ouyang Xia Sha is like It didn't take the matter seriously at all, neither uttered a hoarse retort, nor did it impulsively angered him directly. He just sorted out his robes slowly, and then said with a mockingly cold voice. That posture, that appearance, as if standing in front of her, not a group of people, but a group of ugly clowns.

As for the curse of Rao Shizi, although Ouyang Xiasha didn’t mention it, she didn’t care about it. She didn’t care about it at all. Even her incomparably magnanimous posture explained everything. It seems that she is really not afraid, not just Just behave.

But think about it, as the reincarnation of the God Emperor, although Ouyang Xia Sha has not fully recovered her strength now, she can’t be regarded as an existence of'exiting outside the Three Realms and not in the world', but she will return sooner or later. The position of the creation **** emperor is an unquestionable fact. And as it was created by her, it is now regarded as the'rules of heaven and earth' of half of her subordinates. Whether it is Yuqing (the kindness of creation) or Yuli (strictly suppressed by the upper and lower levels), he will not be true. He deliberately aimed at Ouyang Xia Sha, even if this curse is really established, in the eyes of the world, the incomparably fair'rules of heaven and earth' will definitely choose to open one eye and close one eye when you have not seen it, not to mention, Ouyang Xia Sha's next calamity, who can be sure that it is not the time for her to return to the position of God Emperor? Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha didn't have the slightest worries, and didn't care about any messy prevention at all, which was expected.

Those who are trapped in that, if they don’t walk at the correct pace (and the correct pace is all one-off, and all those present are old fried dough sticks, how could they have not tried the steps of Xi Hengzuo and others before, as for the answer, see They are still trapped inside, so you know.), the monks in the barrier that can only enter and cannot exit, when seeing Ouyang Xiasha's cold expression and the posture of not entering, They were really scared in their hearts. In addition, they had used various methods to break the barrier in front of them, so many of them were a little courageous, and fell on the ground with their legs weakened and hugged their heads in horror. Incomparably, timidly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me! Lord, I beg you don't kill me! I one by one I can give you many, many treasures, I can also give you all my collection, just beg you Do not kill me!"

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