Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2371: Front and rear pinch (2)

Because the result has been set, Ouyang Shasha’s character is unlikely to change. Therefore, Ouyang Shasha did not answer these people’s questions. In addition, these people have been positioned as enemies by Ouyang Shasha. There is no need to solve their doubts.

Seeing Ouyang Xia Sha reacting in this way, the monks who were besieged in the enchantment suddenly collapsed and panicked. If Ouyang Xiasha is still willing to speak to them, even if it's just a perfunctory "yes or no", these people will not be so scared, because that shows that there is still a possibility for negotiation between them, but Ouyang Xiasha's silence , But gave birth to their hopes, making them want to resist, and they don’t want to believe the speculation in their hearts, because a person can only do this if he has nothing to say to you or feels that there is no need to say anything. The stingy didn't want to say more than one word, and these two situations, no matter which one was directed at them, were enough to send them to hell. You know, these people are afraid of death, or they are super afraid. Otherwise, because of a little threat, they would not be so disregarded for their image and rush to reveal the secret. Therefore, when I see Ouyang After Shasha's reaction, it was understandable that she would panic like that.

Just when those people wanted to find a reason to fight for themselves, they wanted to express or explain something to Ouyang Xiasha, time no longer allowed them to hesitate any longer, because the group had been evaded by them, and In order to avoid them, they chose to lead Xi Hengzuo to the people who caused the trouble, so that they eventually caught fire and burned their bodies. The poisonous ant who stole the chickens and destroyed the rice had already caught up and was close to them. Up.

It is too late to say, then it will be fast, aquamarine, like a little star, shrouded in the body of the "poisonous ants" in an instant, and then gathered on their chests, forming a green color. Lightning, one after another, moved towards Chichi who was close to them, and they were also the targets they had been chasing before. The group was targeted by Ouyang Xiasha as enemies, and was also smashed by the monks who wanted to harm Xi Hengzuo and the others.

Don’t be surprised to see that the “Poisonous Ant” will use spiritual power to attack. After all, it is a monster in the middle, how can it be like the surrounding monsters, only knowing pure force attacks, but not knowing how to use spiritual power? ?

Of course, they are already poisonous, of course, their spiritual power is also poisonous, and it's the kind of super poisonous that kills them at the touch of a touch. After all, the urging action with spiritual power is used, small poison can become big poison, let alone the poison of ‘venomous ant bee’ that is already poisonous? And this is why these people, even if they have good strength, are already at the top of the underworld, but still choose to escape. So, remember, don’t see green spiritual power in the future, just instinctively regard it as wood spiritual power or life spiritual power. You should know that poison spiritual power can also be green. Okay, I’m going a little bit further, but I don’t know if these man-made misfortunes are not singular, the luck is too bad, or Ouyang Xiasha deliberately did it and calculated the result. Just when the group of'poisonous ants' gathered their spiritual power and prepared to attack them, Xi Hengzuo and the others, who had previously followed Ouyang Xiasha's instructions, also brought the troublesome group of'blood-sucking mosquitoes' at this time. Go in.

As for the safety of Xi Hengzuo and the others, since they are acting in accordance with Ouyang Xiasha’s instructions, of course they will not be in any danger. Even if they enter the enchantment, they will definitely be able to leave smoothly. After all, Xi Hengzuo and the others are Ouyang Xiasha's own person, to her own person, would she harm their truth?

Of course, it’s not that the group of people trapped inside has never thought of holding Xi Hengzuo and them alive, but after all, the time for Xi Hengzuo and them to enter is too short, and the distance between them is too short. In addition, no matter how fast the reflection arc of thinking is, it will take time. The group of people will not have time, nor can they have time to do something. It can be seen that, in the above two situations, perhaps the second possibility is more reliable. After all, how can there be so many strong players in this world? Coincidentally, Xi Hengzuo and the others brought that group of ‘blood-sucking mosquitoes’ here at this time? By chance, following the steps of Xi Hengzuo and the others, they only need to step into the barrier at this moment to leave? By coincidence, the group of ‘poisonous ants’ came here? Coincidentally, the group of "Vicious Ants" used the skill at this time? Too much happened to gather together, but it became deliberate and human.

Speaking of this, maybe someone wants to ask. Others happened to be calculated as calculations, but they are still in the past. But can Ouyang Xia Sha even control the use of the ‘Vicious Wasp’ skill? The answer is of course yes.

Don't be surprised or surprised, don't forget what Ouyang Xiasha's other profession is? Alchemists, yes, they are alchemists. As the number one alchemist in the vast world, he was also the first person to create the art of alchemy, or the ancestor of the alchemist, Ouyang Xia Sha’s familiarity with medicinal materials is undoubtedly strong, she said second, I’m afraid In the vastness of the whole, no one dare to claim to be number one. Therefore, she would take a small medicinal plant specifically aimed at the'poisonous ant and bee', and induce a little bit of the'poisonous ant and bee', what else is there? Impossible?

I have to say that even if this scene was deliberately performed by Ouyang Xiasha, the result after careful calculation is still impressive, because it can be calculated step by step without error, without any deviation. It can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha's temperament is strong.

And Xi Jing and others who watched the show, and Xi Hengzuo, who personally led the team, actually didn’t know about Ouyang Xiasha’s serial calculations before. The only thing they knew was “blood-sucking mosquitoes” and “very poisonous”. The ant bee' will pinch the group of monks who count them. As for how to pinch it? What method can be used to make the group of people face the situation of being trapped? And how can they not be implicated? They actually don't know at all.

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