Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2361: On the cutting edge (4)

And the "blood-sucking mosquitoes" that have lost their leader do not rush away like other species, but are like headless flies, running around and attacking at will, but all this is for those who have already stood in the enchantment. As far as Xi Muyuan and others in China are concerned, it is not a question worthy of their consideration.

As for the two of Xi Hengzuo and Xi Jing who are still standing outside the barrier, I don’t know if it is because the corpses of the mutant king beasts are still remaining, or because they are afraid of their strength. Anyway, near them, it is obvious that there is no period of time. Any vacuum zone where'blood-sucking mosquitoes' exist.

However, compared with the second possibility, Xi Hengzuo believes in the first one more. Even the reason why these "blood-sucking mosquitoes" are unwilling to leave, Xi Hengzuo thinks it is the relationship between the corpse of this mutant "blood-sucking mosquito" in front of him. .

In order to prove his guess, he discussed the method of the experiment with Xi Jing, only to hear him speak to Xi Jing very seriously: "Master, in a moment you will hold this mutated'blood-sucking mosquito' corpse first. Don't go back to the enchantment, but go ahead for a while. I want to see if my speculation is correct. If it is correct, then we will guide these'blood-sucking mosquitoes' afterwards and it will not be a problem."

"I am your master, and my strength is higher than you. Therefore, if you hold the corpse and I will experiment, it is the best choice." After all, Xi Jing has so many years of practical experience there, so Xi Heng Saichi said that he understood his intentions, and then made the most correct allocation in his opinion. Of course, there is another reason why he insists so much, that is, he already knows the final result of this experiment (I have seen it before, and the reason why I didn’t say it is just to encourage his juniors to practice and experiment more. To prove his own ideas, rather than to discourage his enthusiasm), a little bit more preparation than Xi Hengzuo, in other words, it is a few more seconds to react than Xi Hengzuo to experiment. Don't underestimate such a few seconds. You should know that in general, even if it is only one second longer, there will be a lot of vitality to survive, let alone several seconds.

"Master, I'm one by one." Because I don't know what Xi Jing's thoughts are in his mind, Xi Hengzuo is certainly not willing to take the risk of Xi Jing. After all, this method was invented by him, isn't it? How can there be any reason to let the master take risks after thinking of a way? He is not a black-hearted, selfish ghost with no conscience, he really can't accept such a thing. He just didn't wait for him to finish speaking and express what he meant. His words were interrupted by his master.

"What am I? Am I a master or are you a master?" Xi Jing knew that Xi Hengzuo, a proud ghost, is typically hard or soft, so when he opened his mouth, he sternly reprimanded, because this is the only way. , In order to suppress its rebellious heart. "You are!" Obviously, watching Xi Hengzuo's voice, you know that Xi Jing's scolding has already worked.

"Since I am a master, then you have to listen to me! Don't worry, what you can do, is it impossible for a master to do it?" All things are emphasized, and blindly suppressed will always be counterproductive. Therefore, it is very correct to slap a slap and give a candy. It is like how Xi Jing treats Xi Hengzuo at this time. Obviously, this method is used.

All that said, Xi Hengzuo is of course not good at refuting his own master, so the assignment of the experiment was set in that way, and the facts have also proved that Xi Jing’s ability is powerful, and the mutated blood sucking mosquito 'The importance of the corpse coincides with Xi Jing's own meaning and Xi Hengzuo's initial guesses. It is completely correct. (Xi Hengzuo initially wanted to catch alive, so he didn't know much about the corpse, so he did this experiment.)

"Are they all okay?" After Xi Jing and Xi Hengzuo went one after the other, after safely entering the barrier, Hua Bian quickly fell in front of the two of them, looked around, and made sure that there was nothing serious about both of them. Slightly relieved.

"Boy Heng Zuo!"

"Brother Heng Zuo!"

"Brother Hengzuo!"

The four Xi Muyuan who had entered the barrier in advance, except for Zuo Yi, who was seriously injured and could not move at will, after seeing that Xi Hengzuo finally entered the barrier, they all rushed up anxiously, and Xi Muyuan was even the first step. I grabbed Xi Heng Zona, because I grabbed the mutated'blood-sucking mosquito' straw with bare hands and rubbed it with the force of the mutated'blood-sucking mosquito' itself. The **** palms and beautiful face showed extremely flustered, very sorry She looked anxiously, and then heard her anxiously say: "Oh my God, Brother Heng Zuo, you hurt your hand one by one, we hurried to find the Lord, and heard that the pills on the Lord are extremely powerful. You can see the effect immediately!" This time, Xi Muyuan and the previous Xi Muyuan’s attitude towards Xi Hengzuo is completely different. If Xi Hengzuo hadn’t seen it with his own eyes and made sure that there was no change in the middle, I would really doubt the person in front of him. The authenticity of people has come, I have to say that Xi Hengzuo was very surprised when faced with Xi Muyuan like this.

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