Rebirth of the Little Military Wife

Chapter 516: "My name is Zhang Shifang, do you know me?"

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update rebirth 80: wife is a little bit of the latest chapter!

"Isn't it? My elder sister is beautiful and gentle, or she graduated from an undergraduate, and her English level is quite high. It's just that she is too kind, she doesn't have any scheming, and she doesn't play tricks."

"What do you want to do with scheming and tactics? Isn't a woman with scheming and tactics a bad woman? How can such a woman compare with Sister Shi Wan?"

"Some things you don't know." Zhang Shifang smiled on her face, but stared at Tang Huai's back coldly, with words in her words, meaning: "My elder sister is so kind, everything No fights, no robs, even the people she loved since childhood were taken away by others. The other side is terrible, especially the men who grab the limelight. Ten of my elder sisters are not her opponents. "

Zhang Shifang's remarks were very harsh. If other students didn't hear it, I didn't know. Tang Huai and Li Ruyi heard it very clearly.

Li Ruyi looked back, glanced at Zhang Shifang, and when Zhang Shifang stared at Tang Huai's back with a sneer, Li Ruyi froze for a moment.

Quickly turned her head and dared not go to see this again, the female student with a terrible smile.

She looked at Tang Huai, pursed her lips, and thought, "Why do I think that the female student behind me said Tang Huai?"

"Bad women won't end well, and they will die ugly." Liang Feng is not stupid. Looking at Zhang Shifang's eyes, he knows who Zhang Shifang is talking about.

Moreover, Liang Feng has also read newspapers about Tang Huai. Anyone who cares about Tang Huai knows that she and Jing Xuan are there.

People who do n’t know Zhang Jintao do n’t think that Tang Huai and Jing Xuan are wrong, but everyone who knows the Zhang family knows that Zhang Shiwan likes Jing Xuan.

Coupled with Mrs. Zhang's fast and many mouths, Jing Xuan began to say everywhere at nineteen, I will be the son-in-law ...

After talking for a long time, everyone is really fooled.

And Zhang Shiwan also nodded shyly with her aunt and aunt in the military compound, and her ideal husband is Jing Xuan.

Jing Xuan and Zhang Shiwan stood together. They were so well-matched. Duo-lang's talented woman looks really like a natural pair.

Plus before that, Jing Xuan had no scandals.

The abstinence looks cold, and I don't care about any girl.

There are several girls like Zhang Shiwan and Zhang Shilan in the military compound.

They tried to talk to Jing Xuan, but they failed to talk to Jing Xuan.

They often see Zhang Shiwan walking in and out of Jing Juntai's house. Over time, the people in the military compound's courtyard regarded them as a pair.

Now, kill a Tang Huai ...

At the birthday banquet of Jing Juntai, Tang Huai and Jing Xuan appeared together. All people know that they are true couples.

People in the military compound also realized that Jing Xuan had always been abstinent, not for others, but for the girl Tang Huai in the same village.

Despite this, there are still some self-righteous people who think that Tang Huai has taken Jing Xuan from Zhang Shiwan.

Especially the Zhang family has a strong agreement with this matter.

They agreed that Tang Huai had robbed Jing Xuan!

Liang Feng listened to Zhang Shifang, and she was clever, she understood everything.

Tang Huai robbed sister Shi Wan's man!

Zhang Shiwan, in the urban area, is a role model for many girls.

In nice words, Zhang Shiwan is the ideal lady in everyone's heart!

Her clothes, temperament and conditions are all sought after by everyone!

Liang Feng and Zhang Shifang are good classmates and friends and have always admired Zhang Shiwan.

Now Tang Huai has robbed the man of the sister she admires. She naturally hates the death of Tang Huai.

Zhang Shifang took out a ballpoint pen from the pen case, pulled out the tip of the pen, and poked Tang Huai's back with the tip of the pen.

Tang Huai's clothes were drawn with a few irregular lines at once ...

Tang Huai turned his head and looked at the person poking her with a smile.

"My name is Zhang Shifang, do you know me?" Zhang Shifang looked at Tang Huai with a smile on his face, but in his eyes, he was proud and disdainful.

"I don't know." Tang Huai raised his lips, and said politely.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me, my elder sister Zhang Shiwan, do you always know?"

"What do you know? What do you don't know?" Tang Huai nodded and smiled at Zhang Shifang, who was full of arrogance.

Zhang Shifang leaned forward and leaned his head close to Tang Huai, said softly to Tang Huai: "You look like a bitch! Little bitch!"

"Oh, is that right?" Tang Huai heard it and looked at Zhang Shifang exaggeratedly: "How can you say this to everyone?"

Tang Huai raised the voice on purpose, and the whole class heard it.

They all looked at Tang Huai and Zhang Shifang.

The classmate sitting in front of Tang Huai is unknown. So, look at Tang Huai and Zhang Shifang: "What are you talking about?"

Tang Huai pursed his lips and gathered the sharpness in his eyes, with a tone of indignation, and said to the classmates in all directions: "This classmate behind me, she said that she was Zhang Shifang, who was the commander-in-chief of the military compound. Daughter ... She said that those who didn't know her big sister were little bitches. "

The classmate's face changed when he heard it.

The eldest sister who does not know Zhang Shifang, is a little bitch?

In addition to local people, how many people from other places know Zhang Shiwan?

If you do n’t know, it ’s a little bitch, this ... is it too much?

Zhang Shifang pointed at Tang Huai loudly and said, "I am talking about you, not others!"

"Oh ..." Tang Huai looked innocent: "But what you said just now, those who don't know my elder sister are all sluts!"

"Tang Huai, don't go too far, Shi Fang said you!" Liang Feng was very angry about Tang Huai's deliberate distortion.

"That's sorry." Tang Huai sincerely apologized to all the students in the class: "Sorry everyone, I also wrestled for everyone for a moment before the reaction was so big. I thought that classmate Zhang Shifang was referring to everyone, so she meant me. "

Li Ruyi said timidly: "I'm from a foreign country, and I don't know Zhang Shifang's elder sister, so am I also small?"

Listening to Li Ruyi's remarks, the female classmates from other countries in the class have their opinions.

They are not from the city. Before coming to Jinan to go to school, they thought they would be looked down upon by rich children in the city.

But I didn't expect it to be so serious.

The girls from the foreign country looked at Zhang Shifang with a hateful expression and scolded—

"Urban people are amazing? Do urban people look down on our villages like this? Don't know your eldest sister is a little bitch, then do you know your ancestor? I think you don't even know your ancestor? Even yourself His ancestors do n’t know, is it cheaper? "

"Who is your eldest sister? Why should we know, is she famous? You clearly despise our country, dare you say that your ancestors are not rural?"

"It's too much. Looking at nothing, I didn't expect such arrogance. Everyone came here to study. What kind of people are urban and rural people? Whoever has good grades is the king."

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