Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 358 Top Life Form

Afraid, hundreds of thousands of corpse monsters without souls and consciousness are actually afraid, terrified.

Ye Xun paused at the edge of the black thunder area,

He waved his right hand and pulled a corpse monster over. Instantly, the body of the corpse monster began to shake.

Wisp after wisp of death energy was stripped from its body and slowly floated into the black thunder area.

Soon, the corpse monster's skin lost its activity, like a mummy that had lost its moisture.

The shaking all over his body also began to weaken, and he stopped moving completely.

There are many such corpses in the nearby area. They float quietly outside the area where the black thunder surges, like landmarks one after another, warning those corpse monsters.

Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief, at least now it seemed that those ghosts wouldn't come close to him again.

It was only when his soul and will surged out that he discovered that the runes that should have been inside the mummified corpses had completely disappeared.

There are no weird runes, which proves that these guys are completely dead.

Finally, Ye Xun's eyes focused on the corpses thousands of meters away.

The runes in the dried corpses were annihilated, but there were still complete and active runes in the bodies of those ghosts.

Without hesitation, Ye Xun's soul and will surged out, covering all the corpses.

He slowly invaded the body of the corpse, found the runes and began to analyze them simultaneously.

Whenever the scattered corpses wanted to leave, Ye Xun would release one or two magic spells like fireworks to attract the attention of those corpses.

He needs time. With so many corpses, it will take at least thousands of years to fully analyze them.

The black thunder in the thunder area continued to surge, and the corpse monsters came and went and were attracted by Ye Xun countless times.

He has analyzed more than 90% of most of the runes.

Success is not too far away.

The runes in his body were becoming more and more perfect. During the period, Ye Xun was bored and condensed a few life runes again to try to create the body of the living body.

As for the soul, he hasn't been able to shape it yet.

After all, he had only analyzed two soul runes in total.

This time, the plastic shell of the living body was successfully created, but he found that as long as the power of his soul no longer wrapped around the soulless body.

It will dry up at the speed of several pieces, and finally the runes will break into pieces and turn into a mummy.

Ye Xun continued to try,

The living body was wrapped with the power of the soul and sent out of the thunder area. Finally, the runes inside collapsed.

But those corpse monsters went crazy and began to swarm over, quickly devouring the living bodies completely, not even the bones left.

The experiment was terminated, and the overly excited corpse monsters almost left the range of his soul and will, resulting in failure in analyzing the runes.

Simply, he no longer continued to create a living body without a soul, but concentrated on analyzing the order of the rune molecules.

In the end, the runes in his hand could no longer be repaired and seemed to have reached a limit.

The first thousand years have arrived quickly, and most of the runes have been analyzed, leaving only a few special runes that are still in the final sprint.

I don't know how much time has passed, but outside the area where the thunder surged, there are no longer any corpse monsters guarding there. They have lost their attraction and have returned to sleep among the cold stars.

Ye Xun sat quietly in the void and began to pour all the analyzed runes into the life runes in his body.

As the life runes became more and more complete, he felt that his body's strength seemed to have a slight sudden trend.

It was as if he could possess physical strength that surpassed that of the Lord God without using his strongest fighting body and covering the sky with one hand.

His heart was beating rapidly, and the loud sound was like a war drum, constantly pouring out of his chest and sweeping out in all directions.

The blood in the body seemed to be starting to turn from golden to dark golden at this moment.

At the same time, a heart-stopping aura that surpassed the Lord God burst out from his body.

Even the area where the thunder surged seemed to have been impacted. Forcibly, the thunder area moved nearly a kilometer to the other side.

The sound of the huge heartbeat became louder and louder, and finally merged with the sound of thunder in the sky. The heartbeat was like thunder, and the energy and blood were like a giant.


The barrier blocking Ye Xun's body finally broke, and his heart turned into a perpetual motion machine with crazy output, constantly promoting blood to flow throughout the body.

The runes of the strongest combat body disappeared, and the runes of magical power covering the sky with one hand also disappeared.

It turned into the most basic rune molecules and followed the flow of blood into every part of the body.

After the body cells devoured these rune molecules, they began to strengthen rapidly. Any cell became more powerful than the one hand covering the sky in the strongest combat state.

Strengthening continues,

The golden runes of life become more and more brilliant,

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and rich golden light fell from the sky, shining on Ye Xun's body, like an eternal and unparalleled god and demon.

With each breath, two huge whirlpools spurted out and swept towards the cold stars in the distance.


Under the impact of his breath, several stars quickly flew towards the distance and hit other stars hard.

A huge roar quickly woke up the sleeping corpses.

Ye Xun had no idea about this and was paying full attention to the changes in his body.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

The heartbeat was getting stronger and stronger, and a suppressive aura slowly spread out from his chest.

The last barrier was completely shattered, and the body had also undergone transformation.

The visions all over the sky gradually disappeared, and Ye Xun's eyes opened. The divine light inside was restrained and chaotic, just like the scene when the heaven and earth first opened.

The breath of the body spread out, and in the distance, the corpse monsters seemed to feel it too. They trembled all over and knelt down in the direction of Ye Xun.

The origin of life is perfect, and he is now a top-level life form of Dzogchen in the physical body.

The corpse monsters at the next level of ordination, even if they have no soul or consciousness, will instinctively be afraid of him. This is the limitation of the level of the living body.

Ye Xun clenched his fist, and the void kept making clear sounds, like a mirror, which was rubbed into powder in his hand.

He was confident that he would be able to fight even if he faced an ancient god or an eighteen-winged alliance angel.

This is the power of top life forms!

He could no longer imagine what kind of state it would be like once he completed the analysis of the soul runes and became the legendary perfect life form?

The Supreme Ancient God? Or the Supreme Emperor?

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