Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 32 Passage (please collect and recommend)

The giant beast roared instinctively, and its huge body struggled on the snow. Its thick legs were entangled with vines, making it unable to move. The broken-bone arms twisted together strangely, and some bone residue pierced the hard skin on the arms, but no blood flowed out.

Ye Xun turned over and landed on the ground, the strength in his body exploded, the blood vessels in his right arm expanded, and his muscles burst out with a huge force. The giant beast raised its head and roared. There was no fear in its dead gray eyes. Following the will in its mind, it raised its arm and slapped Ye Xun. It's a pity that the bones of the arm are shattered and it doesn't obey its orders at all.

The fist came into contact with the giant beast's head, and a terrifying force shattered its skull. The shockingly destructive force was released and poured into its brain, instantly shattering its central nervous system.

At this moment, Ye Xun's mental power felt a wave of magic, and he saw the surrounding wood energy rushing towards the giant beast's brain crazily. Ye Xun was shocked. He didn't expect that the plant had actually tampered with the giant beast's head.

Without any time to think, he quickly stepped back, and the terrifying magical energy exploded instantly, covering a ten-meter radius. The ground shook, and countless trees and vines emerged from the ground. A force burst out from Ye Xun's feet, breaking the entangled vines. After escaping from the area covered by magic, fire flashed in mid-air and fell from the sky. After coming into contact with the plants spawned by magic, the fire burst out instantly, igniting all the plants.

A terrifying fire enveloped the area, and the flames began to spread, igniting the giant beast that had pierced the plant. The giant beast's central nervous system was shattered by Ye Xun. It stopped moving and was swallowed up by the huge flames. The flames burned the fat in its body, making a crackling sound, and the jungle was filled with the smell of barbecue.

Ye Xun continued to retreat, shocked in his heart. This ability to plant magic in others frightened him. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, the wildly growing plants would have surrounded him immediately, imprisoning him inside, and raining fire from the sky, with only one result. Thinking of this, Ye Xun shuddered.

The magic has dual attributes of wood and fire. It seems that a special method was used to combine the two magic runes. After they burst out, the two superimposed on each other, and the power was terrifying.

Ye Xun felt a burning sensation in his heart. When his mental power touched the ground under the plant, the attraction that came from it definitely came from a certain inheritance. Even Yeluzi's overlord-level ferocious beasts could not release magic, let alone a plant.

Although this is just a guess, Ye Xun feels that the possibility is very high. According to the principle that fighting spirit and magic cannot be cultivated together, the plant itself should be very weak. Ye Xun thought of a way. Maybe he could observe it for a few days to understand how many ferocious beasts it controlled.

With the decision made, he gathered all his energy and blood and stood in the snow, just like a tree or a stone. His breath blended with the jungle, and the naked eye would not pay attention to him at all.

Following the path pushed by the giant beast, the jungle seemed very quiet. There were no animal activities, and even the insects that could be seen everywhere were very few. Ye Xun walked all the way and only saw an oviraptor scurrying in the opposite direction in the snow.

After a few minutes, Ye Xun saw the plant with flowers again, swinging in the wind under the moonlight. There was nothing scary or strange about it. Several unknown animals were walking in the snow, their eyes blank, one step at a time, making a crunching sound in the snow, as if they were lost.

Ye Xun didn't move. He lowered his body as much as possible and observed with his naked eyes. His mental power was just covering the surface of his body, emitting waves as silent as a stone. Although he may not be able to deceive the plant that looks like the ecstasy flower, it can still serve as a warning to prevent him from being discovered by the plant's spiritual power without him knowing it.

The soulless creatures are like puppets, slowly approaching the Ecstasy Flower. They don't know what is in front of them. They only have one thought in their minds, move forward, keep moving forward.

They finally stopped in front of the Ecstasy Flower, staring blankly ahead, standing blankly in the snow. The Ecstasy flower moved, and the flowers spread out again, and the pink petals glowed pink in the moonlight. Several dark green vine tentacles grew out of the flower core, and with a hiss, they pierced into the body of the creature standing there.

After the Ecstasy Flower bloomed, Ye Xun was highly focused and worried that it would emit spiritual power again. He tensed his body and waited for a moment. The mental power covering his body was not touched, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The animals controlled by the Ecstasy Flower stood there quietly, the blood in their bodies flowing slowly, passing through the dark green vines, and being sucked by the Ecstasy Flower. They seemed to have no sense of pain, their expressions were dull, and their bodies began to shrivel up quickly as the blood and nutrients drained away, just like the mummies Ye Xun first saw.

After the blood was sucked out, the mummy-like creature began to move, walking towards Ye Xun's left with a somewhat frivolous pace. The Ecstasy Flower emitted a pink mist towards the moon, its pink petals gathered towards the center, its dark green tentacles disappeared into the air, and it returned to its bud state.

The mummy of the animal continued to move forward, its body tripped over a low bush, and it continued to move forward while lying on the ground, dragging a deep trace in the snow. Ye Xun did not send out any mental energy, but carefully watched every move of the mummy. After the mummies came closer, Ye Xun moved to the side, keeping a distance of more than thirty meters from them. Thinking of the healing magic runes in the Behemoth's brain, he had to treat it with caution.

The mummy walked through the bushes and reached a flat area, which was surrounded by bushes and had only a trampled path. The bushes were trampled under the feet of the mummy, and it walked towards the center of the flat step by step.

Ye Xun lowered his body and couldn't see what was in the center of the bush. After waiting for a while, the footsteps of the mummy disappeared. He was a little unsure whether this was a trap set by the Ecstasy Flower. I found a tree nearby and climbed up cautiously. I looked back and saw that the Ecstasy Flower was still in bud and did not move at all.

He looked toward the bushes and saw a wide and messy road leading directly to the center of the bushes. There was a gap about seven or eight meters wide. There were no plants growing there and it looked dark. The mummies controlled by the Ecstasy Flower have disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown.

Ye Xun jumped down from the tree, running his legs vigorously and instantly neutralizing the impact. The cat jumped slightly and jumped onto the road in the bushes. This road was covered with footprints of various creatures, and all the leaves of the shrubs that had fallen on the ground were trampled down. There must have been many creatures passing by this road.

He moved forward cautiously, reaching forward with his mental strength. In the center of the bush, there was a huge hole. In his perception, there was a passage inside the hollow, extending downward to the outside of the spiritual realm. The ground of the passage is covered with a layer of leaves, and some snow has not melted on both sides. There is still no trace of the mummies who entered here.

Ye Xun was relieved, at least this was not a trap by the Ecstasy Flower. Carefully jumping over the ground, he stepped on the floor of the passage. Everything he saw was dark, and he couldn't see what was in the passage. A warm air blew out from the passage, mixed with some unpleasant smell.

The spiritual power spread out until it reached the limit, but still did not reach the end of the passage. One or two mummies fell in the passage, and the flesh on their bodies was all attached to the skeleton. They must have been there for a long time.

Following his mental strength, Ye Xun raised his feet and walked along the passage. As he walked inside, the unpleasant smell became stronger and stronger. After walking about two hundred meters, his mental power reached the end of the passage, and a stone staircase ten meters wide appeared in his perception. There is a platform paved with huge stones under the stone steps, which is covered with a layer of ashes, and some messy footprints extend all the way to the stone steps.

Two or three mummies were lying in the corner of the stone steps, with all the muscles on them dried. Going up the stone steps, extending all the way out of the spiritual perception, two ferocious beast heads were on the square stone pillars on both sides of the stone steps. Just like the giant dragons in the temple, they are also vivid and scary.

With no danger left, Ye Xun left the passage and quickly entered this land of ruins. Mental power enveloped this area, scanning every place carefully. In the four corners of the platform, there are four stone platforms, with different characters carved on the five exposed surfaces. After browsing through the inheritance memory, I could only vaguely recognize the three characters directly above the stone platform, namely God, Sacrifice, and Altar.

Ye Xun was confused, what is the altar of God? There was also a character on a stone platform there that he had not deciphered. He had no idea what it was. After many combinations, he thought the Dragon God Altar sounded better. But no matter how you look at that character, it doesn't look like the character dragon.

At this time, a sound like a dragon's roar came rushing down the stone steps, echoing continuously in this space. The aura of the overlord-level ferocious beast came from the direction of the stone steps. Ye Xun's eyes lit up. It seemed that there was an overlord-level ferocious beast at the end of the stone steps.

At the door of the stone steps, his spiritual power spread out along the passage until outside the sensing area, and he did not find the end of the stone steps. What surprised him was that spiritual power seemed unable to penetrate the stone steps. In his perception, there were some characters carved on the stones paving the steps. Perhaps this was the fundamental reason that blocked the penetration of spiritual power.

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