Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 27 The incomplete inheritance (please collect and recommend)

The attraction from the statue grew stronger and stronger, and the mental power in Ye Xun's mind continued to struggle. He had reached his limit, his face was very pale, and beads of sweat broke out from his forehead.

At this time, Changya ran over from a distance, stopped in front of Ye Xun, grinned and let out a slight roar, telling Ye Xun about the novel things it saw. There was some excitement and curiosity in his eyes, after all, this place seemed too unfamiliar to it.

Ye Xun was in a stalemate with his mental power in his mind and had no time to pay attention to it. After standing for a while, Chang Ya went crazy to other places with excitement and curiosity.

The attraction of the statue became stronger and stronger, and Ye Xun couldn't bear it anymore. He relaxed, and invisible spiritual power surged through his head towards the dragon statue. Mental energy poured into the statue, and I don't know if it was an illusion, but the huge stone dragon actually blinked.

The statue of the giant dragon vibrated and burst out with a dazzling light. Ye Xun's eyes were exposed to the strong light and his pupils shrank involuntarily. Subconsciously, Ye Xun made a movement to cover his eyes, and found that his body could move, but there was not much mental energy left in his mind. Even the white mist contributed by the apes had mostly disappeared, and was swallowed by the dragon statue.

Ye Xun screamed, his mental power was his biggest golden finger, but now he was swallowed by the dragon statue, and he instantly returned to before liberation. Ye Xun couldn't bear it anymore, roared angrily, and used all his strength to hit the dragon statue. He wanted to smash this evil statue to see if he could free his devoured spiritual power.

The result was beyond Ye Xun's expectation. His hand broke the skin on the statue, but the statue was not damaged at all. The blood stained the statue and disappeared instantly, as if it had been absorbed by the statue.

At this time, the statue shook hugely, and a terrifying aura spread from the statue. The entire stone sculpture also roared continuously, as if it was about to collapse. Ye Xun's heart tightened, and he turned around and ran away from the stone palace regardless of whether he was mentally strong or not.

At this time, a layer of stone skin fell off the giant dragon's ferocious head, revealing the golden scales inside. Golden eyes stared at the fleeing Ye Xun, and he opened his big mouth and let out a pleasant dragon cry. Ye Xun was horrified to find that a part of his body was no longer in control and was being lifted up by an invisible force, flying towards the resurrected statue.

Ye Xun shouted in the air, all this was completely beyond common sense, the stone sculpture was actually resurrected, and it was a giant dragon. No one would believe it if he told it, but it really happened before his eyes.

Ye Xun was getting closer and closer to the resurrected dragon. The majestic breath emanated from the dragon's body, making him unable to breathe due to the pressure. Ye Xun felt a surge of fear in his heart. This legendary creature was too powerful. Just its momentum was too much for him to bear. If he takes action, he may be able to crush himself to death with one move.

Ye Xun was held up by the invisible force and flew in front of the giant dragon. The golden scales shone with light, making Ye Xun unable to look directly. The giant dragon just looked at Ye Xun quietly, and after a long time, he opened his bloody mouth and roared.

Ye Xun thought with fear, this giant dragon won't eat me, right? Now that the body is under control, there is no way to escape. Damn it, what should I do? Is this the end?

At this moment, a cloud of milky white gas flew out of the dragon's mouth, which was somewhat similar to the white mist contributed by the apes, except that the gas was denser. In Ye Xun's fearful eyes, gas drifted into his mind. For a moment, Ye Xun's head felt a stinging pain, as if something had been forced into it.

The giant dragon shook its body, and a stream of stone-gray air surged out from its ferocious head. Wherever it passed, the dragon's golden scales faded in color and turned into gray-white like stone. The giant dragon turned into a stone sculpture again, its movements unchanged, just like when Ye Xun came in.

After the milky white mist entered Ye Xun's brain, it exploded with a bang. A large piece of information was like a torrent, constantly washing through the brain. Ye Xun withstood the impact of the information flow, roared angrily, and punched the blue-gray ground. Power surged, gravel flew out, and calmness gradually returned to his mind.

Ye Xun slumped on the ground without standing up. He closed his eyes and began to sort out the sudden extra information in his mind.

This information flow is very large and messy. Ye Xun filtered it roughly and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that he was very lucky. Here are the ruins of a temple. It turned out that a giant dragon god was enshrined here. For some unknown reason, it fell. This flow of information is the legacy it left behind. As the years go by, the inherited memories in the mist continue to disappear, and now only one percent remains. It was precisely in this way that Ye Xun could successfully accept the inheritance without having his brain exploded by the huge inheritance memory.

When Ye Xun's spiritual power touched the statue of the giant dragon, it triggered the mechanism left in the statue. It actively absorbed Ye Xun's spiritual power and entered the statue to receive the inherited memory left by the god.

This is an inheritance of all the memories of the cultivation system of cultivating gods. Unfortunately, it has become extremely incomplete over the years, and there are not many complete inheritance left in it.

The inherited memory was very huge. Ye Xun glanced through the incomplete parts and found out that the white mist contributed by the apes was definitely the power of faith. The memory describes that the power of faith is the key to becoming a god, and the power of faith comes from believers. If you want to become a god, you must have enough believers to contribute their faith. When it comes to the most critical part of how to use the power of faith, that memory is actually missing.

It's like someone gave you a plane and said that after you learn to fly it, you can show off and fly, but they didn't tell you how to control the plane. Ye Xun decided that it was painful to see an oasis in the desert, but it turned out to be a mirage.

Ye Xun was helpless due to the loss of most of his inherited memories. Fortunately, his mental strength improved a lot when he fought against the dragon statue. Now his control of his mental power has reached a new level, becoming more precise and precise. After the spiritual power was dissipated, it covered a radius of two hundred meters, which was ten times higher than the initial twenty meters.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, he continued to browse the information in his memory and discovered the explanation of the cultivation system. After reading it carefully, he had a clearer understanding of the power system of this world. Cultivation methods are generally divided into two types: Dou Qi and magic. Dou Qi has nine stages before becoming a god. After comparison, he found that Hua Jin was only in the third stage of Dou Qi and had not even reached the legendary level, let alone anything. Became a god.

This god who left behind a legacy followed a magic system, which included practicing with spiritual power. Ye Xun was very happy. In this way, his mental power could continue to improve. After learning magic, he can also increase the number of attacking hands. Thinking of the giant python and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, one spitting fire and the other controlling the ice element, Ye Xun's heart became hot.

Now Ye Xun's mental power has just broken through to the second stage. After breaking through to the third stage, he can still touch physical objects. In other words, as long as the mental power breaks through once, you can use your mental power to control objects. Maybe in the later stages, you can fly with weapons like the legendary sword fairy. This god's cultivation method was forcibly imagined by him to be first-rate among immortals. If this dragon god still existed, I wonder if he would regret handing over his inheritance to him.

Ye Xun felt that magic was similar to the legendary spells. They were both the use of elements in the world. Dou Qi and Qi Jin are similar. They both cultivate the body to produce power and can strengthen the body. It's just that fighting spirit and spiritual power are mutually exclusive and cannot be practiced at the same time. Qi energy is different. It can coexist with spiritual power. He opened up his Dantian so quickly only with the help of spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Ye Xun's heart became hot. Couldn't he cultivate physical and mental strength at the same time? This is not as simple as one plus one. According to this idea, as long as he can practice Chinese martial arts and magic, his improvement in strength will definitely be terrifying.

Just like an iron block and a rock of the same weight, if the two collide, the rock will definitely break. This is not a matter of quantity, but a qualitative difference.

After calming down, Ye Xun searched for the principles of magic in his memory, and finally found an explanation of magic in a corner. Magic uses spiritual power as a guide to guide the elemental particles in the air to arrange themselves according to magic runes. Everyone's physical attributes are different, and so are the attributes of their mental power. The elemental particles they can control are all determined by their own attributes.

Ye Xun didn't know what attribute he was, and there was no attribute detection stone in his memory. He randomly chose a fire attribute magic, calmed his wildly beating heart, and slowly recalled the rune lines of that magic.

The mental power came out of the body and began to draw in the void. Ye Xun felt that his mental power was slowly imprinted in the void. As the mental power was consumed, the elemental runes appeared in the void, and gradually began to appear around him. Energy fluctuations. Ye Xun was overjoyed, his mental power fluctuated, and the last stroke of the elemental rune went awry. As a result, the energy fluctuations disappeared, and the elemental rune burst into flames and dissipated in the air.

Ye Xun was overjoyed. Although the runes failed to be drawn, they aroused the elemental energy in the air, indicating that he possessed the attributes of this element. Unexpectedly, I randomly selected a fire-attribute magic and tested my own physical attributes. Is it that simple? Grinning, Ye Xun thought narcissistically.

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