Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2040: : Recognition

"Don't fool me here, you follow me here like a worm, are you ready to die!"

The heat spurted out from Chi Kun's nostrils, and his whole person was like a savage cow, walking toward Lin Yi aggressively.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yi smiled bitterly and pointed behind him: "I really didn't lie to you, you look back."

"I'll go back to your uncle!"

Chi Kun raised his right fist, and the flame spiritual power instantly condensed on the fist.

However, at this moment, a violent palm wind suddenly came from behind him.


Chi Kun was shocked and turned around quickly, but before he could see who was coming, a crisp applause was directly thrown on his face.


With a crisp sound, the palm of the hand carrying the black flame directly slapped Chi Kun a dozen times on the spot, and finally fell down.

After falling for a certain distance, Chi Kun suddenly stepped on the void, his head roared like a drum.

In his sight, Bai Chen actually stood on one foot, his blood-stained face without any expression, and a pair of dark red eyes staring at him firmly.


Unexpectedly, Bai Chen wouldn't die like this, Chi Kun suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, Bai Chen's left arm was dripping with blood, his right leg had been completely broken, and his breastbone had collapsed.

But he didn't die!

This is not dead!

Chi Kun was dumbfounded, even Lin Yi was horrified.

Like Bai Chen's current situation, even if he is a powerhouse of the Eternal God Realm, he must peel off his skin if he is not dead. How could he still have the strength to fight?

At this time, Bai Chen, like an ice sculpture, fixed his gaze on Chi Kun without any emotion.

Invisible, he actually gave Chi Kun a somewhat dangerous illusion.

A person in the Chaos Realm can put pressure on the strong in the Eternal Sky Realm, which is incredible.

"Wan Jian..."

Bai Chen held the Wind God Sword firmly in both hands, erected it in front of him, and suddenly a spirit ring under his feet spun and spread out.

Seeing this scene, Chi Kun's face sank: "Do you think I will let you perform spiritual skills smoothly!"

For the first time in his life, when he saw such a person who resisted fighting, Chi Kun was a little flustered, and even seeing Bai Chen starting his hand, the first reaction in his heart was that he could no longer let this kid make a move.

The flame spiritual power swept through his body for an instant, and Chi Kun finally moved, raising his fist like a comet and rushing away at Bai Chen.

Seeing that millions of flying swords have emerged in the surrounding void, and the return of Wan Jian has not been completed yet, Chi Kun has rushed to Bai Chen, and the flame giant fist smashed against Bai Chen's face. .


There was a muffled sound.

It was Lin Yi who appeared here first, and punched Chi Kun in the face.

"You fucking—"

A mouthful of old blood spurted, Chi Kun twisted his neck and flew out.

After all, Lin Yi is a strong man in the two-star Eternal Sky Realm, obviously stronger than Bai Chen in strength, plus this punch is a sneak attack, hitting Chi Kun by surprise.

Rotating and flying a long distance in the air, Chi Kun barely stopped his figure.

He moved his mouth in disbelief, and finally let out a broken blood tooth with a soft utter.

"Mom, the tooth is broken!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Yi's eyelids trembled and quickly turned his back. His eyes were squinted at a 45-degree angle, and they looked like nothing had happened: "It wasn't me who did it, not me, not me..."

"You kid...!"

Chi Kun was really furious, he had never been so miserable before, and his opponent was still two younger generations who were born late, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

As the well-respected **** king of Wanchao Pavilion, he is different from other **** kings, he has his own pride.

Because in Wanchao Pavilion, he was the third **** king to follow the pavilion master, earlier than Luoxi and Baili Nasha, and he could be called a veteran-level **** king!

Although Lin Yi looked funny, he actually understood that Bai Chen couldn't hold it anymore.

Continuing to fight alone, even if Bai Chen's bloodline resilience is amazing, he will undoubtedly die.

After observing from the side, he has now recognized Bai Chen's strength, especially when he saw that Bai Chen possessed super **** power, he was indeed stunned.

Super **** power.

There are very few powers beyond the gods!

"Bai Chen, today I will help you deal with him together, if we can survive by luck, remember, you owe me a favor~"

Looking at the blood-eyed Bai Chen with a subtle smile, Lin Yi stepped forward on the soles of his feet, and a wave of pride emerged spontaneously.

Hearing his words, Bai Chen's mouth twitched: "Obviously very strong, but I have to pretend to be very weak. I don't like your temperament."

"You are not a woman, it is better not to like me, I don't like that bite~"

As Lin Yi spoke, his handprint moved, and the gourd in the distance appeared in front of him like a teleport.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi and Bai Chen would join hands, Chi Kun glared at him, his spiritual energy soaring into the sky, making his long hair stand tall.

"Since you want to accompany him to death, then I will fulfill you!"

Chi Kun's figure moved, rushing towards Lin Yi like a gust of wind.

Rampage is Chi Kun's way of fighting, and his fist is also his most powerful force.

"What a savage guy, it's terrible, no way, I'll hide it!"

Lin Yi suddenly grabbed Bai Chen and jumped directly into the gourd.

Upon seeing this, Chi Kun sneered disdainfully, raised an amazingly powerful fist, and slammed directly on the gourd.

With a muffled bang, the gourd was hit directly into the distance, but the gourd wall showed no signs of damage.

"how can that be!"

Unexpectedly, his fist could not break the gourd, Chi Kun suddenly looked dazed.

You know, his fist, even if it is a golden mountain, he can knock it down.

But why can't it break this gourd?

Just as Chi Kun was full of horror, he could only hear a clear and low voice from the gourd.

"All thoughts are gone!"

After the shout fell, the millions of flying swords floating in the air were spinning and converging in the same direction like a nebula, and Chi Kun was stunned by the gorgeous picture.

Within a moment, a huge black ancient sword suddenly appeared in the sky. The ancient sword was wrapped in a rich chaotic holy flame, like a **** descending from the sky, with amazing pressure.

The next moment, Gu Jian shuddered fiercely and immediately turned into a small black light and shadow, and furiously attacked Chi Kun's direction.

In the face of this amazingly powerful black training, even Chi Kun did not dare to underestimate it, because at this time the ancient sword was not only covered with an amazingly powerful black flame, but also filled with brilliant colorful streamers.

"Your kid really has a lot of cards, but with this, if you want to beat me, you are still a little tender!"

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