Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1920: : So fast sword

The guards of the mine were all ordinary disciples, and the lowly capable they could not find the trace of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen walked between the wandering patrol teams, as if entering an uninhabited state, every time those teams turned around, his toes moved slightly, and his figure would flash past like a black wind.

Before he knew it, Bai Chen had already arrived in the mine. There was a camp in front of him. There was a night watch holding a torch in front of the camp. The camp was dark, and Bai Chen couldn't help but chuckle.

As long as the people here are killed and the mine is blown up again, Tian Tianzong will definitely send someone to investigate tomorrow. When the time comes, he will kill the little ones and kill the old ones again, as the four masters of the Tianzong. Those four masters had to come.

At that time, one of the four people will come here. Qin Ruoruo, as a descendant of the Fen Tianzong, is mainly responsible for communicating and investigating outside, and should not participate in such things.

In other words, one of the other three people will be attracted to come here, and Mo Wu's chance of appearing will be one-third.

Everything is in Bai Chen's calculations.


Only less than 30 meters away from the camp, Bai Chen was hiding behind the stone wall, his eyes narrowed slightly, and when he was about to take a shot, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole.

I saw a man in black who suddenly flashed to the gate of the camp. From the back, she was a woman, not tall and thin, but when Bai Chen looked at her in surprise, she Suddenly, his figure disappeared in place.


Disappeared? !

Bai Chen rubbed his eyes carefully, and looked up again. The night sentry in charge of the guard had fallen stiffly to the ground.

Bai Chen saw that scene extremely clearly, he did not see any movement of the woman at all, and the other party fell.

At this moment, Bai Chen held his breath and completely concealed his figure. This woman gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. This feeling was like an abyss of endless darkness, and even caused Bai Chen to have an illusion, a little careless. , I was found by her, I would die on the spot!

However, he was still very curious about how the opponent killed the night whistle.

When the woman rushed into the camp, Bai Chen finally couldn't help turning on the Chaos Ghost Eyes. As he walked through the camp wall and witnessed everything happening inside, cold sweat gradually filled his forehead.

That woman killed everyone almost silently. The most terrifying thing about her was the speed of her sword.

Every time the sword was released, even if the Chaos Ghost Eyes were turned on, Bai Chen could only see a trace of the afterimage, and the trace of the afterimage had not yet fallen, the woman had already left the place.

To put it bluntly, if Bai Chen is really an enemy of this woman, Bai Chen's chaotic ghost pupil can catch a trace of her movement, but the body's reaction will definitely not keep up.

With his mouth half open, Bai Chen's eyes were full of horror. He watched those people die on the bed one by one. He knew very well that even if he was in the hands of this woman, he would not be able to go out of a round.

That kind of weird speed, with his current strength, unlocking the power of the super god, is far from the enemy!

What a strong woman!

Bai Chen gradually frowned.

Although the speed of this woman's sword is fast, but every time she kills a person, she will instantly slow down, as if she deliberately left a sword mark for others to discover, and when she finally killed, the sword used by the fairy king was actually law.

Intentionally leave a trace...

Blaming the Immortal King Sect? !

Thinking of this meaning, Bai Chen didn't understand even more. Why did she provoke the relationship between Fen Tianzong and Immortal King Sect?

Provoking conflicts between the three ancient sects...

Wanchao Pavilion? !

Luoxi line!

With a violent tremor in his heart, Bai Chen raised his eyes again, staring at the woman's indifferent profile, and a name quietly appeared in his mind.

Kill God Tingxue!


In the silent night, the inside and outside of the mine were cold, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. Except for Bai Chen who was hiding in the dark, everyone fell in a pool of blood.

Bai Chen witnessed all this with his own eyes, and finally watched the woman's departure. If he hadn't been the **** of destruction in the past, he had the ability to hide the sacred aura, he might have already died here.

According to Bai Chen's speculation, Luo Xi was the only one who dared to provoke the three ancient sects in the Beichen Empire and wanted to create conflicts between them.

As for Luo Xi's subordinates, who can possess this level of strength is most likely the strongest killer under the Eternal Heaven among the population, Ting Xue.

A person was stunned in the same place and was silent for a long time. It was only now that Bai Chen was surprised how difficult it is for Luo Xi to deal with now.

The previous Han Shuyan was even Leng Youyou. Although he was a **** king, he was no match for the **** master under Luo Xi. It seemed that if he wanted to deal with Luo Xi, he still had to improve his strength quickly.


The next day.

The majestic and mighty Burning Heaven Altar of the Burning Heaven Sect is clustered with hundreds of figures. The lowest position who can stand here is also the elder of the Burning Heaven Sect.

Sovereign Ximenyue, wearing a red robe, burned like a flame under the bright sun.

Of course, by comparison, under his fiery red eyebrows, his old eyes are even more gloomy.

"Sect Master, now in all the major states of Beichen, the Immortal King Zong is vying with us for the business of manufacturing industry. I think they must have done what happened to the mine last night!" An elder threatened.

Hearing this, everyone nodded one after another in agreement.

But among the four people before the hundreds of elders, Qin Ruoruo had different opinions: "Sect Master, I don't think so."

Qin Ruoruo, as a descendant of the Fen Tianzong, has an insight into the overall situation of the world, and what she said naturally weighs heavily.

For a time, all eyes focused on her.

The more Ximen heard it, his red eyebrows frowned slightly: "Ruoruo, tell me your opinion."

For Qin Ruoruo, Ximen Yue still admires it very much. As the Sect Master of Fen Tianzong, he has always been known for knowing people and making good use of it. That's why Fen Tianzong is well organized, and his prestige overwhelms the other two sects.

[PS: May 8th, fourth update.

There is a chapter at the back, which will be passed on after writing. I've been writing all the time, I haven't rested, please be patient and wait. 】

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