Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1796: : Really fate!

Mei Santong smiled helplessly, and turned his gaze to the Leng family on the map: "This Dongfang Bai has always been around the Leng family, and the Leng family is the force of his second brother, Dongfang Ying. Maybe this is not simple. ."

"Not necessarily." Bai Chen held a different opinion: "Since he knows that the Leng family is his second brother's power, he shouldn't act so blatantly. I think there are other reasons for this."

"Isn't it easy to know? Let's go and have a look."

"I can go by myself. Before I can figure out the strength of Yinyue Nation for the time being, you two should be my backs."

Bai Chen smiled calmly, opened the door directly, and walked out alone.

Upon seeing this, Mei Santong raised his eyebrows in surprise: "He just left as he said, completely ignoring our opinions."

"It's okay, you'll get used to it slowly." Lin Mengyao pursed his lips, staring straight at the street outside the window, watching Bai Chen disappear at the end of the street, and then reluctantly retracted his gaze.

Pedestrians on the street, after seeing Lin Mengyao’s astonishing face, all stared at her with dull eyes. It’s a pity that she, who is all over the country, has already belonged to her. The proud man was filled.


Pedestrians are rushing on the street, and the figures are scattered. A young gentleman wearing a white long coat, holding a folding fan, has an elegant manner, and looks out of tune with the ordinary people beside him.

Beside him, a little maid with a petite figure and a blushing face followed closely.

They walked along the street by the lake. When they came to a pavilion, they looked up at the pavilion by the water, and they couldn't help frowning.

"Master, there is someone there." The little maid raised her finger.

Hearing this, the white-clothed youth nodded and wandered away.

Bai Chen put on a clean black jersey, and put away the Fengshen Sword, holding a black folding fan, which happened to be black and white with the shape of Dongfang White, which seemed very distinct.

Dongfang Bai came to Bai Chen's table and sat down without speaking. The little maid beside him immediately said angrily: "Leave this, this is not a place where you can sit!"

"Jade, don't be rude!" Dongfang Baiwenzhi frowned and taught her a lesson.

Unexpectedly, this Dongfang Bai is very restrained. Bai Chen smiled, and his eyes fell on the short-haired maid: "Emerald, this name is unique, is there coral?"


Jade was anxious when he heard it, but was still suppressed by Dongfang Bai.

Looking at Bai Chen's body carefully, Dongfang Bai smiled faintly: "This young man is not strictly disciplined. I hope the young man will not care."

"Don't mind, don't mind at all~"

Bai Chen yawned, tears hung in the corners of his eyes, and did not say much, but instead looked towards the lake.

Here, the lake is so beautiful, and there are idle boats on the lake.

At this time, Bai Chen noticed Dongfang Bai’s gaze, and was always looking at a huge ship in the distance, as if there was a woman holding an umbrella, standing on the deck against the wind, the woman’s graceful figure, flying with the long skirt, and Zhang looked very eye-catching, and Dongfang Bai's eyes gradually became dull.

Bai Chen glanced at the woman, then smiled lightly: "I really am a fairy, I really don't know which lady this is."

As soon as he said this, Jade's face suddenly sank: "That's Leng Yani, the daughter of the Leng family, are you blind?"

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Leng, no wonder~"

Bai Chen smiled and maintained a wait-and-see posture, falling into Dongfang Bai's eyes, making his face change.

Dongfang Bai looked at Bai Chen, then looked at himself, in terms of clothing and temperament, he was really no worse than himself, especially in appearance, Dongfang Bai even felt ashamed of himself.

"How do you call this son?" Dongfang Bai asked tentatively.

"Bai Chen."

A flat voice, with an inexplicable impatience, came from Bai Chen's mouth, just uttering two words, made Bai Chen's unbelievable temperament instantly uttered.

When Dongfang Bai saw Bai Chen's brave and heroic posture, his heart trembled: If this person is my competitor, then it would be a little troublesome...

Turning his eyes, Dongfang Bai suddenly smiled and said, "Master Bai, are you not a local?"

"Ah, I am a proud person." Bai Chen smiled lightly.


Dongfang Bai narrowed his eyes and shook his folding fan. Suddenly he had an idea: "I heard that Luzhou, the northern capital of the proud country, has a snowy area and is white in all seasons. I don't know if it is true or not."

"Really, but it's not called Xueyu, but Xueyuan."

Hearing this, Dongfang Bai's face sank, but he didn't expect that this person really came from Aolai.

"Snowfield, it's really a good name. I actually wanted to go to the snowfield in Aolai country for a long time, but I don't know when I can find time, oh~"

Dongfang Bai had no words to look for. From time to time, Dongfang Bai sneaked in the direction of Leng Yani, and found that the huge ship she was on had already approached here.

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Bai quickly got up and ran to the distant ferry, where Leng Yanni usually disembarked.

Bai Chen's eyes changed slightly, and he ran over.

"Master, that person has followed!" Jade reminded as he ran.

"Is it really a rival in love?"

Dongfang Bai gritted his teeth and quickened his pace.

When Leng Yanni slowly walked to the ground with the help of a jade-faced man, Dongfang Bai took a sudden stop and raised her face and smiled, "Haha, Miss Leng, it's a coincidence... …what!"

Before he could finish speaking, Bai Chen rushed over from behind, facing the jade raised his hand to block, suddenly took a momentary step under his feet, and he avoided Jade’s hand naturally, and then suddenly Hit Dongfang Bai's body.

"Bai Chen, even if you want to fight with me, you should keep it..."

Dongfang Bai turned around angrily, still speaking.

Bai Chen immediately raised his hand and grabbed his arm: "Dongfang Bai, we are actually able to meet here. It's really a fate!"

What? !

Dongfang Bai looked dumbfounded.

Leng Yani furrowed her brows, her eyes stunned.

However, Bai Chen forcibly raised Dongfang Bai's hand in front of all of them, and then with the other hand, he touched the back of his white-looking hand with a smirk: "Dongfang Bai , How about go boating with me?"


In this situation, Dongfang Bai suddenly got goose bumps, and Leng Yani was also terrified, and quickly took the jade-faced man and fled here.

"Hey? Yanni, listen to me. I'm not familiar with this person. I'm not what you think..."

Dongfang Bai shouted hurriedly, but Leng Yanni didn't even turn her head, she ran farther and farther.

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