Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1333: : Yaoxue Tianxiang

Billowing in the sky, black flames are like black flowing clouds, covering all the sun, moon and stars, and the hot air waves stirred the people in the sky to sweat like rain.

As Bai Chen raised his sword, the Wandao Flying Sword instantly circulated in the same direction. In the blink of an eye, a black ancient sword was formed, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, and directly turned into a beam of light, galloping towards the faceless. Away.

The landing of a bunch of black awns instantly tore the void and cut a long hole in the sky.

Standing in the void without a face, his white hair was finally blown by the violent wind, revealing his fierce old face.


A burst of shout followed, and the faceless hands pressed together, and the flying black ancient sword was directly forcibly caught in the air.

The faceless soles just slipped for a certain distance, and the energy fluctuation of the black ancient sword was exhausted.

Astonished as the ancient sword gradually dissipated from his palm, Bai Chen's face was finally completely gloomy to the extreme.

"Little guy, I'm very curious now, who exactly are you, why can you know my name, Lord Wanchao Pavilion?"

Faceless Sen sneered coldly, the fluctuations in the spiritual power of the five-star celestial realm continued to stir the sky and the clouds.

The shadowy and colorful starlight fell from the sky, and the temperature in the air suddenly dropped a bit cold.

Looking up at the falling snow in the sky, Bai Chen squeezed the Wind God Sword, and said solemnly: "The dying person, why so many questions."

"Oh? Until now, don't you understand the gap between you and the old man?" Faceless seemed to be very disappointed, and sighed with his hand held down.

The star realm, the realm of the three-star gap, is indeed very large, even if Bai Chen used all his thoughts, it would not pose any threat to him.

But this doesn't mean that Bai Chen will give up here. You must know that Dongfang Keer was in this state when he started the demon soul.

He casually carried the Wind God Sword on his shoulders, Bai Chen raised his cold eyes slightly, his sharp edge surged.

Since he dominated the Western Regions Continent, the boring days once again let him appreciate the loneliness of the heights, so being able to fight against such a strong man has always been what he expected.

"Since you are obsessed with understanding, the old man will let you really feel the gap between you and me!"

As soon as the faceless mudra moved, a head of white hair rose into the sky. His face suddenly froze and slowly turned into silver-white ice crystals. At this moment, its spiritual power fluctuations began to expand rapidly, until his arm It also became silvery white, an astonishing force of ice, suddenly spreading in the sky.

The power of the horrible ice caused the surrounding air to condense a large number of suspended snowflakes. Thousands of wind and snow were blowing with the wind, and the faceless breath finally stayed in the six stars!

"Finally turned on the demon soul state..."

Seeing No Face's full force, Bai Chen only felt that the flames in his body were burning, and it quickly turned into a more ferocious black flame, which appeared on the surface of his body.

Under the scorching heat of the Chaos Holy Flame, the surrounding snowflakes turned into rain and dew, falling with the wind.

The faceless old eyes stared directly at the figure within the black flame, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "The fire should illuminate the night and give people light, and your flame is actually darker than the night. It's incredible!"

"You really like it." Bai Chen smiled coldly, a silver light flashed under his feet, and suddenly rushed away with his sword.

"Monster Xue Tianxiang."

Faceless gradually closed his eyes with ice crystals, his handprints moved, and a violent cold wind suddenly blew in the sky. Under the scene of heavy snow, the violent cold air brought the terrifying power that seemed to freeze everything towards Bai Chen's direction. Blowing in.

"The first style of the drunk eight immortals, the blue fire and the green dragon!"

Bai Chen flicked it casually, and a black glow shot out, and the formed sea of ​​fire burned the sky into black.

And those wind and snow were also under the faceless manipulation, and they began to gather Bai Chen from all directions.

The contest between ice and snow and the black sea of ​​fire shook the sky out of the creaking white mist, and the resulting clouds and waves shocked Chu Junran and the equatorial people in the distance.

"Bai Chen..."

Seeing that the black sea of ​​flames could not resist the icy air and gradually weakened, Chu Junran's pretty face sank, and finally no longer hesitated.


"Bai Chen, your black inflammation is indeed different, but in the eyes of the old man, it is still nothing."

Standing in the center of the vortex of wind and snow without a face, there was a gloomy sneer.

But at this moment, a blue fire phoenix suddenly rose into the sky in the distance, and attacked the equatorial people all the way.

Seeing the green fire phoenix, the faceless eyes suddenly trembled: "Then, is the descendant of the Phoenix Temple?"

"Do you still have time to watch others?"

Bai Chen's figure suddenly appeared on top of Faceless's head like a teleportation. In his hand, the Wind God Sword danced with infinite sword shadows, like the roar of countless beasts, and greeted the vital body of Faceless.

"You kid..."

Facelessly retracted his gaze, the majestic spiritual power in his body burst out, and with a wave of his sleeves, an ice wall suddenly appeared, abruptly taking over all Bai Chen's offensive.

But Bai Chen didn't give up, but after Jian Ying, he followed a palm with the twinkling thunder light, and directly slapped the ice wall fiercely.

"Hun Yuan splits the palm of the sky!"

With a slap of the palm of the hand, cracks spreading across the ice wall were shaken, and finally burst with a shock, and the entire ice wall was shaken into a piece of ice.

"Break it for me!"

The palm of his hand had already started to freeze, but Bai Chen roared in anger, and the Saint Flame of Chaos rolled out again, slapped directly at the top of the faceless head.


A palm hit the top of the faceless head, and the ice crystal on the faceless face followed by a visible crack.

"Want to break the old man's Xuanbing Demon Armor, you are still a little tender!"

Holding Bai Chen's palm forcibly, No Face has not backed half a step, but like a eagle rushing directly at Bai Chen, the fierce claw wind grabbed Bai Chen's chest fiercely.

"Remnant like a fist!"


A sound of wind flashed, and the faceless palm instantly tore Bai Chen's afterimage.

A palm fell in the air, faceless slowly raised his head, looking at the man who was fast in the sky that day, he couldn't help but sneered: "Bai Chen, opportunism can't beat me."

"Opportunity? You deserve it too!"

Bai Chen flickered in a daze, before attacking facelessly again.

This time, the two directly launched the simplest and rude palms.

A series of palm prints rang in the air, and the two of them came directly to the top of the cloud.

Below is the endless sea of ​​clouds, with a bright moon and dazzling stars.

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