Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1324: : It's incredible!

"Is the storm coming..."

Staring at the heavy rain outside the window, Bai Chen recalled the thunder before, and couldn't help but smile calmly.

That being the case, it's not bad to stand still.

After the rain stopped, Bai Chen was introduced to her father, Yui Keita.

Yu Zhiqi was obviously distrustful of an onmyoji master suddenly appeared. In his eyes, Bai Chen was a master who took the opportunity to cheat and cheat.

However, the catastrophe was imminent, and he didn't say anything. In Yu Zhiqitai's view, the liar wanted to be buried with him, so let him go.

At night, Bai Chen sat in the guest room, his handprints moved, and the cracks dispersed, and Chu Junran's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Bai Chen, what are you going to do next?" Chu Junran asked anxiously as soon as he came out.

Hearing that, Bai Chen smiled faintly, sitting at the table, picking up the bowls and chopsticks, and taking a bite of pork belly, chewing deliciously: "Delicious, delicious, just wait."

"You are really calm." Chu Junran sat opposite Bai Chen, looking at a table of food, without appetite.

Seeing her worried look, Bai Chen smiled helplessly, picked up a piece of meat, and slowly handed it forward: "Come on, open your mouth."

"What are you doing!" Chu Junran glared at him angrily.

"What else can you do, feed you a meal, or just this pair of chopsticks, do you want to grab it with your hands?"

"You...I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry if I don't eat for half a year!"

"Yes~ Tianfeng is Tianfeng. If you don't eat it, then I'm not welcome." Bai Chen smiled and continued to eat with gusto.

After eating and drinking, Bai Chen lazily burped, looking at Meimu's cold and pretty face out of the bamboo window, he couldn't help but smile: "Junran, have you been so cold since childhood?"


Chu Junran was about to speak, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen's eyes condensed, and his handprints moved quickly, and Chu Junran's figure quickly shrank to the size of an insect.

Chu Junran flew in one step and came to Bai Chen's ear, then poke an eye out of the strands of hair, and saw a line of maid walking in with Yuzhi Yui in pink.

"Mr. Jiang, is the room still satisfied?" Yu Zhi Yuyi held the skirt corners in both hands, with a cute little face.

I have to say that this Liang Guo's woman is still a little different, and she feels very clever.

"not bad."

Bai Chen was not polite, and he squinted his chin: "Let them clean up, I'm also tired, I want to rest early."

"Yes, just give instructions to Mr. Jiang. I will arrange for two maids to stand outside your door, ready to be dispatched."


"It's used, Mr. Jiang, please rest." Yu Zhi Yuyi bowed his eyes with a smile, and then led all the maids out of the room.

Seeing that the door was closed and two figures were clustered in front of the door, Bai Chen couldn't help but let out a wry smile: "Is this to monitor me?"

"Somehow they are also big daughters, do you really think what you say, she will believe without doubt?" Chu Junran's voice came in her ears.

Seeing Xiao Junran jumping into the air, Bai Chen suddenly smirked: "Yes, I'm too stupid, so I need to sleep to replenish my brain."


Before Chu Junran could react, Bai Chen's big hand already held her in the palm of his hand.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"Nothing, sleep."

Holding Chu Junran and coming to the bed, Bai Chen threw her into the bedding, then turned around and started to change clothes.

In the closet of the guest room, there are pajamas for guests to rest. This is so polite by the Zhijia, and it is no exception.

After changing into the loose nightgown, Bai Chen opened the quilt again and found that Chu Junran had already hid under the pillow, revealing only a small skirt corner.

"Hey, I won't do anything to you, so nervous?"

Bai Chen lay on the bed sideways, looking sideways.

Hearing that, when Chu Junran got out from under the pillow, her pretty face was rarely flushed: "How can men and women sleep together?

In fact, when she said this, she was very confused.

You know, she left the Phoenix Temple and chased the Western Regions of the Xinglan Continent just to confess to Bai Chen.

But after so long, the feelings in her heart still can't be taken seriously. To be precise, she hasn't gathered the courage yet.

Now suddenly let her sleep with the man she likes, even if she doesn't do anything, she is happy and afraid.

Chu Junran was in a state of anxiety, only to feel that his cheeks were hot, especially in this darkened room, the manhood of Bai Chen was even more obvious.

"No! I can't sleep!"

Chu Junran jumped and sat up, and when she raised her eyes, her beautiful eyes were suddenly dull.

At this time, Bai Chen's breathing was very steady, and he seemed to have fallen asleep, but the faint fluorescence flowing between his breath was very strange.

I had seen him in this state before, and Chu Junran felt strange at that time, but now she discovered that Bai Chen's feeling was somewhat similar to the assimilation of heaven and earth after she was promoted to the star realm.

"This guy fell asleep so soon..."

Looking at Bai Chen's delicate face, the little deer in Chu Junran's heart began to scurry again inexplicably.

In fact, Bai Chen didn't sleep at all, he just sent his spiritual consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Walking in the endless starry sky, Bai Chen felt inexplicably heavy.

"I have reached the star realm now. Why haven't I seen any exercises in the nebula? Didn't I collect exercises in my previous life?"

While talking to himself, he inadvertently came to the vast golden nebula before, that is, in the deepest part of this nebula, there is a suspended book that records the treasures of his previous life.


"Hey, the Sumi cultivation in the Cry Soul Cultivation Book is over. The most direct way to let everyone quickly increase their strength is to change the cultivation method, but why there is no cultivation method here... there is no reason, I Obviously you have the Ancient Soul Royal Dragon Art, it is impossible not to collect high-level techniques!"

The more Bai Chen thought about it, the more things went wrong, as his chaotic ghost pupils suddenly opened, and the vast golden nebula instantly fell into his sight.

With a glance, Bai Chen's face suddenly sank.

"Where's everything?!"

He clearly remembered that he hadn't taken away the book that was so beautiful before, but why is it gone now?

Could it be...

"Someone can enter my sea of ​​knowledge!!"

No, that's not right!

This is ridiculous, it is absolutely impossible to enter the sea of ​​knowledge of others casually!

Could it be said that books on exercises and spiritual skills will be swallowed by the invisible sea of ​​consciousness? !


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