Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1320: : Things are not easy

Although Fatty Guo's punch meant a sneak attack, but the ability to kill the eight-star heavenly realm with one punch really shocked everyone.

After killing the unknown man, Guo Fatty flashed a few times, took Xiaoya who had fallen down in his arms, and looked at Xiaoya's pale face with blood on the corners of his mouth and ears, and he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Xiaoya is the darling of their Chenyao Sword Sect. When did you see this girl injured?

"Brother Guo, how is Xiaoya, how is she!" The three Bai Zhixue also flew over, feeling distressed.

"I don't know, there should be breathing." Fatty Guo quickly took out a jade bottle from his waist, took out the medicine, and put it into Xiaoya's mouth.

The five-grade pill that Lao Xia now refines has significant effects and can be used in actual combat.

"Brother Guo, why are you here?" Cuiying raised his head and asked.

"Cough cough~ Does this need to be said~" Lu Luo glanced at Bai Zhixue with a smirk.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatzi and Bai Zhixue became embarrassed at the same time.

"Well, I was secretly protected by the boss's order. The boss told me not to come out easily, but I think Xiaoya can't stand it anymore, so..."

Hearing this, Bai Zhixue was startled, turned around and looked at the place where the silt gathered. In the vast river water, there was indeed a figure standing on the river surface extremely conspicuously.

"That person is...!"

Bai Zhixue pointed in that direction suddenly, but after blinking, there was nothing left.

Fatty Guo and the others turned around in doubt, a little at a loss: "What's the matter, what do you see?"

"I just saw someone standing there!"

Bai Zhixue frowned delicately.

Only now did they realize that the strong Wanchao Pavilion must be more than this cold-faced man!

"It's not appropriate to talk more here. Let's talk back to the big account."

Bai Zhixue first recovered her composure, looked at each other, and flew into the city wall.

In this battle, Liang's one hundred thousand army was only destroyed in the surging river, but the Liang's prince fleeed here with the desperate protection of two generals.

Although they won, they didn't hurt their vitality. After all, compared to those soldiers, the number of strong men was crucial.

The Great Account of the Chinese Army.

Xiao Yaping was lying on a bedding, her pale little face also began to gradually become ruddy, and it seemed that her injury had begun to improve.

Bai Zhixue breathed a sigh of relief and raised his eyes to look at everyone: "After this battle, it can be concluded that Liang Guo had the help of Wanchao Pavilion, so he dared to provoke me Xiuyun openly, and they only sent a strong man to let him We have tried our best, and if this continues, Dongguan will absolutely not be able to keep it!"

"Ah?" Zhang Hu was shocked: "What should we do, if we retreat, there will be unarmed people behind them. Wouldn't they be miserable in the fish pond?"

For soldiers, protecting the home and the country is a belief, and protecting the people is a bounden duty.

If the people were to suffer because of their retreat, it would be the greatest humiliation for the soldiers.

Bai Zhixue took a deep breath and said: "Let's do it, let's write a letter to Cuiying to take it back to my brother. In this situation, it still depends on how he decides!"

"Okay, it's not too late, little sister, write quickly!" Cuiying did her part and got up quickly.

Bai Zhixue wrote the whole story in a letter, and then handed it to Cuiying, watching Cuiying's figure rush out of the big tent like the wind, and then suddenly sighed: "The other party has such a strong strength, but He has been reluctant to attack. Obviously, the purpose is on my brother. I really don’t know if I should write this letter..."

"Don't worry, a smart person like the Sect Master will definitely come up with a perfect solution!" Luluo smiled and held Bai Zhixue's hand.

Looking at the little white hand in Luluo’s palm without his eyes, Fatty Guo quickly turned his eyes away, crossed his legs, and touched his feet unconsciously: "Hey, boss~ It must be more ghostly than ours. ."

"What the **** is that, my brother is resourceful!" Bai Zhixue's unhappy little face bulged.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatty hurriedly responded: "Yes! Resourceful and resourceful!"


Luluo covered her mouth and smiled, seeing Zhang Hu and the others flushed.

Bai Zhixue is so beautiful, especially in this kind of military field, where those rough men have not even seen a female cat for decades.

Therefore, in the face of Bai Zhixue, while they were in awe, admiration suddenly grew in their hearts.

But they have that guilty heart, and they will never dare to have the guts, the sister of the dignified evil emperor, that is not something ordinary people can afford.

Of course, for these mortals, if anyone is lucky enough to be favored by the sister of the evil emperor, the future will be unlimited~


A few days later.

Chenyao Jianzong.

"what did you say!"

In the hall, Cuiying's eyes widened in disbelief.

The scholar smiled helplessly: "Don't you understand? The Sovereign encountered the water body of a strong man from Wanchao Pavilion on the street a few days ago. Dongguan, since you've already arrived here, the Sect Master must have already arrived at Dongguan by this time."

"I'm going! Then I have to go back!"

"No, you won’t be able to help much if you go. The current Dongguan is no longer a place where we can participate. Sovereign commanded us to cultivate here with peace of mind. After we hone our strength, we will be able to compete with Wanchao Pavilion in the future. Have a higher chance of winning in the battle."

When the scholar said this, his eyes were filled with worry. Now that they defeated Dongfang Kerr, their struggle with Wanchao Pavilion has become increasingly fierce. If this continues, sooner or later, they will meet the real master in Wanchao Pavilion.

With their current strength, obviously, it is far from enough...


Under Dongguan city.

Bai Zhixue raised her eyes to look at the soldiers walking back and forth on the city wall, with a pretty face and deep worries.

She didn't know how many powerhouses the other party had, and she didn't know when they would attack. This kind of fearful days made her miss her brother even more.

"Brother, if you were here, how great would it be..."

"Why, a lot of pressure?"

A clear and familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Upon hearing this, Bai Zhixue was shocked and turned around in a daze.

At this time, Bai Chen was wearing a fluttering white dress, dressed like a rich man, holding a folding fan, smiling and looking forward.

"Brother...Brother! You are finally here!"

Seeing Bai Chen's faintly smiling face, Bai Zhixue finally couldn't help feeling sore, all the pressure at this moment turned into a hoarse cry, and hit his strong chest with one head.

Above the city wall, Zhang Hu and the others looked at the slightly thin white man in shock and sluggishness, and couldn't help being shocked.

"That person is the famous No. 1 in the Western Regions, Lord Evil Emperor?!"

[PS: I really appreciate that you can still support me at this time. Although I can't help myself, I will keep it up and write the story behind to ensure that everyone will see the most innovative new generation of fine articles! The duel between Chenyao Jianzong and Wanchao Pavilion is gradually intensifying! 】

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