Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1317: : Tsukishita Kyodo

The sky was soothing, the earth shook violently, and the rivers flooded the country's waterfront. Such a vast scene shocked everyone on the wall.

Holding the kitchen utensils, Zhang Hu stared at the little girl standing up in the sky in amazement, his face jerked.

Who would have thought that such a child would be a terrifying monster!

"Hahaha! A bunch of scum! Go back!"

Xiaoya waved her hand, and a huge wave of 100 meters rushed away, and waved her small hand again, another huge wave followed.

The ruthless river water destroyed all the thousands of camps on the banks of the Liangguo River. The soldiers were like the ants washed away by the flood, with countless casualties and screams.

Under the **** of two Guiyuanjing generals, Miyamoto flees all the way to the distance on the water waves, so eye-catching, and instantly captured by Xiaoya.

"Hey, that must be their leader, it's over if you catch him!"

Xiaoya raised her leg with a smile and assumed a posture about to dive at a high altitude. At this moment, a black figure suddenly galloped from a distance like a gust of wind.


Seeing this cold-faced man's swift stature like light and shadow, Xiaoya couldn't help but let out a horror, and her small face suddenly showed strong excitement.

"Appeared!" At the same time, Bai Zhixue and others shrank sharply.


Xiaoya drank in the air, her small fist absorbed the wind torn through the void, and suddenly faced the front, blasted out with a punch.


Two fists, one big and one small, collided fiercely at high altitude. The man's complexion changed obviously and he took a few steps backwards, while Xiaoya couldn't help groaning and flew upside down for a long distance before reluctantly. Stop the figure.

"Seven-star heavenly realm?!"

Feeling that unusual breath, Bai Zhixue suddenly exclaimed.

This call made the faces of everyone around him dead.

Seven-star Heavenly Dao, why did this kind of powerhouse appear in Xiaoxiaoliang Country? !

She squeezed her numb fist, Xiaoya slowly raised her face, her serious little face showed a touch of excitement: "You are so strong! What is your name!"

"My name, you don't need to know, and you should also be an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. You don't need to pretend to have such an immature voice!"

What the man said made Xiaoya startled.

Obviously, he judged by common sense, and he didn't believe that Xiaoya could really achieve this kind of cultivation at this age.

She patted her face boredly, Xiaoya was not interested in explaining this kind of problem, now she only knows that the other party is very strong.

"Hehe, then I'll call you nameless, let's let us fight!" Xiaoya spread out her palms in the air, and the spiritual power of the two-star heavenly realm formed a white wave of air, quickly released from her petite body. A circular white gas ring was formed.

Looking at the aura that jumps on Xiaoya's body, the man's indifferent face didn't move at all: "You are four levels apart from me, you can't beat me."

"I do not believe!"

Xiaoya's figure flashed, and she flashed in front of the man with a strange speed, her small fist blasted in the air, and the sky trembled.

Feeling this powerful fist wind, the man was obviously moved, but he was more swift and violent. While avoiding the fist wind, he leaned forward and went directly behind Xiaoya, while his palms slammed backwards. Take a look.

"Nether God Palm!"


A loud noise erupted from the entire sky, and Xiaoya resisted with all her strength, but was still shot all the way into the Tianhe River, shaking the sky with waves.


Upon seeing this, Cuiying couldn't help but rushed out, while Bai Zhixue clenched her palms, her cold face was a little sordid: "Believe Xiaoya, she will never be defeated so easily!"

Sure enough, at the moment when Bai Zhixue's voice fell, a white light suddenly flew out of the water and rushed fiercely at the indifferent man again.

This time, although Xiaoya was angry, she was also on guard. Faced with the unknown man, she no longer gave him any chance to bypass her, her small fist threw out a hundred fist shadows, and blasted the man.

Seeing the countless shadows of fists rushing toward his face, the man frowned again, and he found that not only the speed of the little girl's fists had increased a lot, but the strength had also increased significantly.

"Since you can't hide, then just accept it!"

The man gave a cold drink, and his arms danced two and a half arcs in the air, suddenly forming a strange handprint in front of him.

"Nether Gate!"


A harsh buzzing sound made De Xiaoya's tympanic membrane suddenly hurt, and a giant gate of fine iron with a fierce face appeared in front of her.

Bang bang bang bang Peng Peng!

A series of fist prints fell on this weird door, and it was clearly shaken by the great changes in the void, but still couldn't shake this weird door.

Withdrawing back for a certain distance, Xiaoya frowned: "What kind of tricks are you doing!"

The unknown man's figure flashed, he came to the giant gate, looked down with cold eyes, with a touch of disdain: "Little devil head, you should be from Chenyao Sword Sect!"

"Oh? How do you know?" Xiaoya tilted her head to wonder.

But Bai Zhixue and others, their eyes became more solemn.

It seems that this person was able to conquer Dongguan, but he has not attacked, just to lead them here!

"Because I am waiting for you to show up!"

The man's handprint changed again, and the giant gate of fine iron was suddenly opened slowly, and an extremely strange aura exuded in the pitch black space inside.

Although the moves were strange, the breath emanating from that door made people shiver.

Xiaoya's clear big eyes flashed twice, and a layer of silver streamer slowly appeared on her little feet. As her figure moved, it instantly turned into a faster light, like lightning, flying around in the sky. .

At this time, the soldiers of the East Pass of Xiuyun were completely dumbfounded, and they couldn't imagine the battle of the powerhouses of the heavenly realm.

Xiaoya was moving at super high speed at this time, looking for an opportunity to find the weakness of the unknown man, but the door under his feet really made Xiaoya feel an indescribable sense of threat.

Bai Zhixue and others are also clenching their fists, Xiaoya is the strongest person here, Xiaoya loses, they lose, Xiaoya wins, they win!

Looking at the white light flying around, the man shook his head helplessly: "It's useless, my Nether Gate has no weaknesses!"

After a word fell, his handprints changed again, and Xiaoya, who was flying fast, had a stiff figure and was suddenly frozen in mid-air.


Xiaoya stared at the indifferent man in shock, no matter how hard she tried, her body couldn't move.

Who is this man and why is his moves so mysterious? !

When did such a master again appear in the Western Regions...

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