Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1306: : Invincible a bit boring

"What are you talking about?" Little Tianhu dragged his chin with both hands, twisting his body frequently, looking expectant.

Under a tree, Xia Daotian looked at the twisting shadow in the sky in surprise, his old eyes almost dull.

Is this little fox acting like a baby with the boss?

Of course, he was acting like a baby.

It's a pity that Bai Chen looked at her with a calm smile and said with a light smile: "What I want to say is ~ put away yours."


The apple-like small face, gradually transformed from innocent and ignorant to gloomy and ferocious, and was vividly shown by the little Tianhu.

She can even take down the precepts of an old man who has lived for tens of thousands of years, but she can't take down the Bai Chen in front of her, just because the man's unrestrainedness is beyond her imagination!

"Bai Chen, I'm fighting with you!"

The little Tianhu flickered and appeared in front of Bai Chen, swinging his waist and kicking.

The blow that split the space came to an end when Bai Chen's palm was gently lifted.

"The second style of the drunk eight immortals, a pearl in the palm."

Bai Chen had known for a long time that what was rushing over was nothing but an afterimage. With a flick of his palm, a black fireball suddenly rushed to the distance, and there was a loud noise, and the earth trembled.

Under the billowing smoke, Xiao Tian's wolfish figure rolled back and forth a few times, and continued to flee towards the distance.

And Bai Chen suddenly appeared strangely in front of her, once again giving her a sudden stop.

"The ghost will never go away!"

The little Tianhu stared at Bai Chen with extremely dreadful eyes, turned around and swung, and the three fox tails instantly turned into a beam of light, striking Bai Chen's face directly.

Facing this fierce offensive, Bai Chen smiled without saying a word, and grabbed the foxtail directly in his palm.


Little Tianhu let out a miserable cry and knelt directly on the ground.

Her strength at the peak of the Dao Realm in this day was a joke in Bai Chen's eyes.

"As a demon duo, you should have more than this ability, right?" Bai Chen smiled calmly looking at the back of the little Tianhu lying on the ground.

He is now invincible in the Western Regions, and the only enemy that can make him interested is the three-tailed demon fox in front of him.

So Bai Chen actually had some expectations for her, after all, the heights were too cold, and this taste made him feel very boring.

"Is it really good for you to hold someone's tail like this?" Xiao Tianhu whispered.

"What's wrong?" Bai Chen smiled and held the foxtail without letting go.

"Huh... Then don't regret it!"

The little Tianhu prostrated on the ground, trembling suddenly and suddenly, a strange black magic energy spread rapidly in his body.

Seeing this black spiritual power again, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and his pupils gradually turned dark red.


Little Tianhu shouted, suddenly turned around, and started to attack Bai Chen frantically.

With fists and palms exchanged, the two figures were beaten like a phantom, and the earth couldn't help trembling violently every time they confronted each other.

Little Tianhu's strength at this time was obviously increased by a double, but Bai Chen could still deal with it easily.

The two fought fiercely all the way, from the forest to the air, from the air to the deep valley, this vast land is full of pits of different sizes.

Xia Daotian followed far away, staring at Bai Chen's figure in the battle, his old eyes were about to appear stars.

"The boss is mighty, the boss is domineering, the boss is so handsome, so cool, it's impossible to compare..."


"Moyuan Jie! Ice Ling!"

The little Tianhu suddenly backed away for a certain distance, and her golden eyes shrank suddenly. Following the formation of her hands, a sigh of coldness rushed towards her face.

Feeling this extraordinary cold air, Bai Chen's face condensed slightly, still maintaining a calm and standing posture, not hiding or defending, just put the chaos holy flame outside to protect his body.

"If you don't believe me, I can't fight your black fire!"

Little Tianhu Jin glared and suddenly strengthened his strength. The blue ice crystals centered on her feet spread out rapidly, forming a world of ice with a radius of a thousand meters in the blink of an eye.

Xia Daotian hid in a very far place, and was almost eroded by the ice, immediately his old face trembled and his eyelids jumped.

The chaotic woods have been formed into ice sculptures, and a piece of messy rubble has also turned into ice crystals. Looking at it, it is a dark blue.

Only where Bai Chen is, the ground is still dry and scorched, no matter how the power of the ice spreads to him, it will gradually turn into a spring of water within a distance of less than ten meters in front of him.

The little Tianhu was called the nine-tailed demon fox in ancient times. In fact, she has another title, the nine-tailed ice fox!

It was because of her at that time, when she was asleep, the entire Western Regions Continent was shrouded in the freezing wind and snow.

Obviously, the power of ice is her real trump card!

However, no matter how strong the power of the ice of the little sky fox is, it can't produce the slightest threat in front of the Primordial Primordial Flame.

Staring at the blazing black flames on Bai Chen's body in shock, the little Tianhu gritted his teeth unwillingly, and suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Fleeing again..."

Looking up at the back who continued to flee with all his strength, Bai Chen seemed to have lost interest.

This fox didn't have the pride of Dongfang Kerr, and it was really boring to fight her.


Looking up at the calm sky, Bai Chen couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "When will I meet a strong enemy like Dongfang Keer..."

Since the rebirth, the coolest battle he fought was a decisive battle with Dongfang Keer in the imperial city.

Now Dongfang Keer is dead, and the feeling of invincibility makes him feel cold inexplicably.

Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, and tore a dark void with his hands, stepped in with the soles of his feet, and when he stepped out again, he had already appeared in front of Xiao Tianhu again.


Little Tianhu was terrified, staring at Bai Chen glaringly, with a ferocious face full of anger.

"Don't think you can kill me when you reach the star realm. The Great White Tiger couldn't kill me back then, let alone you!!"

The little sky fox roared with exhaustion, and suddenly turned into a tens of thousands of small foxes, fleeing in all directions.

This is another trick...

Bai Chen squinted his eyes, his hands slowly protruding from his sleeves, and the two groups of black flames exuding tyrannical fluctuations were burning.

"Little Tianhu, the last time I let you run away was because my Chaos Holy Flame was not powerful enough. This time, I see how you escape!"

With a move of Bai Chen's mind, a black wave of air suddenly plunged into the sky.

The entire forest was instantly enveloped by endless black flames.

At that time, countless miserable wailing voices of the little sky foxes came from all directions in a mess.

Xia Daotian hid in the extreme treetops, staring at the terrifying black sea of ​​fire in the valley, his old eyes became more and more exciting.

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