Rebirth of England

Chapter 427 Shocking the Heavenly Being

We have reached an agreement with Apple, whereby they and FingerWorks will jointly develop related technologies based on touch screens, and both parties will share all patents generated on this basis.

Listening to Ivanta's words, Barron was not too surprised that such a result could be achieved.

After all, although Apple also knows that IC Capital, the owner of FingerWorks, has acquired the Android company that develops smartphone operating systems, but even if Apple itself has the idea of ​​developing a similar system, that system, according to Apple's Tradition will only be exclusive to their products and will not be licensed to other companies.

In addition, compared to Apple at this time, the Android company is not worth mentioning in terms of popularity or number of employees. They would not have thought that this company would become the biggest competitor of the IOS system in the future.

Compared with Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, and even Palm, which have been launched in smart handheld devices at this time, are more threatening to Apple.

After leaving China, Barron came to New York.

After all, after the wedding, the women here still need to be comforted.

Just like Ivanta beside me at this time, when she was just learning knowledge, it was inevitable to notice that she had some small emotions at first, but with Barron's hard work, she had completely dispelled them, and even He injected a lot of positive energy into her without hesitation...

Although the investment company under Barron's name is a major shareholder of Apple, he has not inquired too much about the development progress of some of Apple's products. He has not even asked whether they have started developing the IPHone. .

After all, although the Android company is owned by IC Investment, after they launch a mobile phone based on the Android system in the future, his relationship with this company will not remain secret.

So in order to avoid suspicion, Barron will not pay too much attention to Apple's business.

Just like in the original time and space, Steve Jobs once said this later:

If necessary, I will use my last breath to spend all the $40 billion Apple has in the bank. I will destroy Android because it is a stolen product.

Why do you say that?

Google CEO Schmidt was also a director of Apple from 2006 to 2009.

At that time, Apple and Google were in the honeymoon period, known as AppleGoo. As one of the directors of Apple, Jobs not only often talked with Schmidt about their mobile phone plans, but also allowed Schmidt to attend Some meetings related to iPhone design - of course, although Jobs knew that Google was making mobile phones, he subconsciously felt that Google was making a mobile phone with a slider design, and its competitor should be Microsoft.

But it wasn't until HTC launched the first Android-based mobile phone that Jobs discovered that the phone was so similar to the IPHone. He thought that Google had copied them... so he was very angry. For this reason, Apple later targeted the Android camp. company launched a series of patent lawsuits...

It is precisely because Barron knows this, and in fact, for future smartphones, other manufacturers will indeed learn from the layout and operating mode of the IPHone to a certain extent - of course, this is in the early days. , in the future, Apple and other mobile phone manufacturers will also learn from each other - but the Android smartphones that Honor Electronics will launch in the future will inevitably have many similarities with the IPHone, so in order to avoid suspicion, he must He will not do anything that could easily make Jobs doubtful in the future.

In the next few days, in addition to handling some affairs in the United States, Barron often put forward many opinions on the research and development of the Android operating system through Ivanta.

It should be noted here that when IC Capital acquired the Android company, the operating system they were developing was not based on a form that was mainly controlled by a touch screen similar to the IPHone later, but was based on a side-sliding keyboard. Designed operating system - This is because the current mainstream of smartphones is this type of keyboard control. Android companies also hope to develop this type of operating system as soon as possible so that their completed products can be put into the market as soon as possible. middle.

However, through Ivanta's message, Barron completely rejected this technical route. In addition, IC Company later acquired FingerWorks, a company that has accumulated technology in touch screen control, and also stated that it would directly develop a touch screen-based smartphone operating system. determination.

Obviously, if it is an operating system based on a sliding keyboard, there are already operating systems such as Symbian, Windows Mobile and Palm on the market. The basic operation forms are also referenced, which will make it easier to develop finished products.

But if they take another path and develop a touch-screen-based smartphone operating system, there will be too many technical problems that need to be solved. They will also need to start research and development from 0, and the difficulty will increase exponentially.

But no matter how difficult it is, it still needs to be done, because after the IPHone appears in 2007, what they are doing now will become useless.

If he just wanted that kind of keyboard-based operating system, there was no need for Barron to acquire Android from the beginning, and he could just acquire Symbian. At this time, this company had not been acquired by Nokia, and the acquisition was difficult. It’s not too high, it’s just that the price is much higher than that of Android companies.

In addition to hoping to quickly launch finished products, Android companies actually had another route at the beginning, which was a mobile operating system based on touch screens. However, this was too difficult, and coupled with their predicament at the time, they still made the choice of rushing for quick success .

But now funds are no longer a problem, and as for personnel, we can also expand recruitment.

IC Capital will provide enough funds for Android companies to complete the research and development of touch-screen-based operating systems - after all, after selling MySpace, IC Capital still has nearly $350 million in funds on its books.

And because in Barron's previous life, he had used both iOS and Android systems on Apple phones, so he was familiar enough with them.

Through Ivanta, he described as many aspects of the operating system as he could remember and handed it over to Android Company.

Next, it is the Android team's job to implement them - this also greatly reduces the difficulty for them to develop such an operating system.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to hiding the existence of Barron, the provider of this information, Ivanta stated these as his own ideas, which actually made the Android team initially disapproval. , after carefully looking at these imaginations, he was immediately shocked and looked at Ivanta in a new light.

After that, they had completely different attitudes toward some of the opinions Ivanta relayed, and they began to discuss them carefully.

In this way, after continuing to provide additional funds to the Android company, the team began to accelerate the development of a new mobile operating system.

During this period, in addition to participating in the research and development of the Android system, Barron also gave Ivanta another task-to acquire another company.

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