Rebirth of England

Chapter 266 Transition

“On behalf of the Front for the Liberation of Kolo, I now declare that we have overthrown the nearly 40-year dictatorship of Nassing Dema in Togo. Kolo will usher in true democracy and freedom, and power will return to the people. However, Before that, in order to prevent the counterattack of the reactionary forces, we will dissolve the government, suspend the constitution, and close the borders. The Colo Liberation Front will organize a transitional government. In two months, we will hold a national election and the people will elect us. government, and any unauthorized entry into Kolo during this period will be considered hostile.”

On February 5, TV programs throughout Kolo began to broadcast the coup statement personally read by Jammeh Bongo.

The day before, 100 elite soldiers of the Kolo Liberation Front and members of the special operations team entered Loti, the capital of Kolo, transported by two CH47 Chigannu helicopters.

There, with the support of intelligence personnel who had been lurking in the capital in advance, soldiers of the Colo Liberation Front, under the leadership of members of the Special Operations Force, launched a direct attack on the Presidential Palace.

Because the operation started in the early morning, most of the capital's defense forces were still asleep, and there was no time to organize an effective defense.

In addition, this time, they brought abundant and comprehensive weapons and equipment, so the soldiers marched straight in and occupied the presidential palace in less than an hour.

Nasing Dema died from a stray bullet in the process, and most of his family members were also affected by the conflict.

After occupying the presidential palace, some soldiers went to the military camp, took control of most of the guard officers, and took over control of the capital's army. They sealed off the entire capital and declared control, and no one was allowed to go out.

At present, the total population of Colo is about 7 million, and the capital Loti is its largest city, with more than 2 million people living in this city.

Therefore, taking control of Lottie basically means taking control of the entire country.

At this time, the CH47 Chigannu helicopter also picked up Jamei Bongo in the city of Loti. He came forward to announce the success of the coup on behalf of the Kolo Liberation Front on Kolo TV, as well as a statement on subsequent national policies.

Almost all the officers of the government army have their families in Loti, so after Loti was occupied by the Kolo Liberation Front, they easily took over the control of the government army.

After all, coups are nothing new in Africa. No matter who is on stage, someone needs to be a soldier. These soldiers and officers only need to surrender and are not worried about their future. They are just changing their allegiance to someone else.

Then, under the attack of the Colo Liberation Front and the government forces, a large-scale offensive was launched, directly clearing the two anti-government forces, the Free Colo Alliance and the Colo Resistance Army. Within a week, they controlled The whole territory of Kolo.

Based on the Kolo Liberation Front and absorbing some members of the previous government, Jammeh Bongo formed the Kolo People's Party and established the Kolo Transitional Government. It announced that it would participate in the Kolo National Party two months later. general election, whereby the people will elect a new Kolo government.

All previous armed forces, including the Colo Liberation Front and government forces, were reorganized by military adviser Markel Paulson.

Speaking of which, Kolo is just a small country in West Africa. Its land area is less than half that of Zhejiang Province in China. Its neighboring countries are much larger than it. Generally speaking, Kolo has no sense of presence even in Africa. Neither is very strong.

Therefore, the coup in Kolo was not even mentioned in the news of many Western countries.

The first to respond to the coup in their country was the Economic Community of West African States, an economic union composed of 15 West African countries, of which Kolo is a founding member. Currently, in this economic community, including Kolo, the unified Currency - West African CFA franc.

Therefore, the Economic Community of West African States was also the first to respond to Kolo's coup.

The other is the African Union, which together with the Economic Community of West African States sent special envoys to contact Jamei Bongo.

During this call, Jammeh reiterated that their previous purpose was to end Nasing Dema’s dictatorship of Kolo. National elections will be held in Kolo to determine the future of Kolo. At the same time, he also The two African organizations are welcome to send people to witness.

Both the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States were relatively satisfied with his statement and stated that they would immediately send a mission to Kolo and did not want a humanitarian disaster to occur there.

In addition to them, France is also very concerned about Colot's coup.

After all, before independence, Colo was a French colony, and now, France still has many interests there, the main one being the mining of some phosphate mines.

This can be seen from the fact that the name of the currency used by the West African Economic Community is called the West African CFA franc, because the predecessor of the West African CFA franc was the currency used by the French government in its African colonies.

However, with the wave of independence in Africa, the current monetary policy of the Economic Community of West African States has been basically controlled by the West African member states. Their central banks are involved in formulating various policies for the West African CFA franc. France only has participation in this. right.

But at the beginning, the West African CFA franc was still bound to the French franc. Now, it is bound to the euro. After all EU member states use the euro as a unified currency, the exchange rate between the euro and the West African CFA franc remains fixed. Change, that is, one euro is exchanged for 656 West African CFA francs.

At this time, Colo is still one of the least developed countries in the world. Therefore, European and American countries do not have much interest in Colo. Even France only cares about some of their mines.

After Jammeh Bongo said that the transitional government would respect the legitimate rights and interests of French companies in Colo and would complete the transition to a democratically elected government as soon as possible, France did not pay much attention to this.

Of course, there are still two months until the national election. During this period, there are still many things that the transitional government needs to do.

After imposing controls on the capital, they established a temporary court and prosecutor's office, and began to investigate the use of power to illegally appropriate state assets during Nassin Dema's administration.

First of all, it needs to be explained that after Jammeh Bongo formed the Colo People’s Party, with the support of West African Industrial Holdings, former government official Thomas Kabore also formed the Colo Socialist Party and recruited some People have joined and are preparing to participate in the general election two months later.

The remaining former high-ranking officials and influential people who were unwilling to join either the People's Party or the Socialist Party were discovered by this investigation to have colluded with Nassin Dema. Evidence of illegal profits was brought to trial.

Therefore, the two candidates in this general election will be Jammeh Bongo, leader of the People’s Party, and Thomas Kabore, leader of the Socialist Party.

And the two of them, to put it bluntly, are left-handed and right-handed players supported by Barron behind the scenes.

It's just that this time Jammeh Bongo will win the election, while Thomas Kabore is the spare tire. It depends on whether Jammeh can always be obedient.

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