Rebirth of England

Chapter 246 Binding of Interests

Barron, who came back twenty years later, knew that as the world situation changed and the United States gradually entered the Twilight of Empire, the struggle between the two parties became more and more intense.

If the struggle between them is still cloaked in the guise of warmth and tenderness now, then later on, especially after Jianguo took office, it has begun to reach the point where they want to send each other to prison...

In addition, what needs to be known is that under this kind of struggle, even if it seems to be tender and affectionate at first, it is actually already a sword and a sword.

Taking some information that was later leaked, it was revealed that the good wife of the Zizi Commander alone had a three-digit number of lives under his command.

Not to mention that those who had a close relationship with Barron at this time, including the Kennedy family, all supported or were members of the Donkey Party.

Ivanta's family is a member of the Elephant Party.

Of course, for Barron, it does not mean that he needs to choose sides. He can bet on both sides to gain benefits.

However, if his relationship with Ivanta is too close, then judging from the subsequent development, he will inevitably be considered as a strong supporter of the Elephant Party, especially since he also controls many Internet and media resources, he will be It is inevitable for the other party to target you.

Just like Ivanta herself, she was almost involved in the case later.

Therefore, although she is still very charming, and with the bonus of her later status, she is very attractive to Barron, but at the beginning, he still had concerns about it.

But considering her age now, not to mention if they were just friends (P) and friends (Y), it wouldn't be enough, so Barron still studied with her all night long last night...

It's just that Ivanta's performance at that time was quite confusing, and Barron didn't feel abnormal at all.

Even when she was moved to tears in the end, he just regarded it as a normal reaction after learning too much knowledge...

Until...the next morning, when Barron saw... on the sheets.

Well, he remembered reading reports about Ivanta in his previous life. It seemed that her earliest relationship was during college.

In addition, she had already started her modeling career when she was 16 years old - I can only say that she understands the private lives of European and American models.

Therefore, Barron was really surprised when he discovered this.

But it seems that Ivanta doesn't have any special attitude towards this, at least not as seriously as some Chinese girls at this time.

It's just that her expression can't be said to be too good...

I feel the pain is severe when I move. I'll feel better if I lie down for a while.

She said to Barron so resentfully, looking really weak.

Well, this is not surprising. After all, last night... their study lasted until three or four in the morning. It can be said that this was the most fun time for Barron. Judging from his previous experience, Ivanta What she has to endure is probably at least two to three times the learning load of other women, not to mention this is her first time...

In this case, after Barron comforted her with gentle words, he left Ivanta to rest in the bedroom, and told the maid to just deliver the food there when the time came.

He himself must take advantage of the opportunity in America to deal with some things.

Your Highness the Duke, this is information about Soros. From the current view, he has temporarily suspended his business in financial investment and mainly focuses on charity.

After taking the information from Wang Wanting, Barron flipped through it.

The reason why he is interested in Soros is because of the Raphael organization.

Three members of the group, including Soslan Tigiev, had previous ties to Soros.

Speaking of Soros, everyone can think of his famous Quantum Fund and several financial investments that shocked the world.

Including attacks on the pound, attacks on the Mexican peso, and the most famous one - the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

Although a large amount of international hot money followed him in these actions, the ability to have such appeal is enough to prove the strength of this old Jewish man.

However, although Soros dominated the limelight during the Asian financial crisis in 1997, it can be said that his popularity at the time even tended to surpass the stock god Buffett.

But later, because Quantum Fund began to encounter Waterloo one after another, such as misjudgment of the Russian debt crisis and the Japanese yen exchange rate trend, and the collapse of stock prices in the Internet bubble, Soros lost approximately US$5 billion.

In 2000, Soros announced the closure of his two major funds, Quantum Fund and Quota Fund, and he himself announced his retirement again...

However, Barron knows that Soros has announced his retirement more than once. After the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, he will be unable to hold back and take action again.

To be honest, Barron does not want to be an enemy of the other party at the moment, although he does not like this old Jewish man.

But if there is indeed the support of Soros behind Raphael, then Barron will not let him go.

From the current point of view, the relationship between the two is not too big. The only connection is that three Raphael members, including Soslan Tigiyev, have worked at the Quantum Fund, and they have also Participated in the Open Society Institute founded by Soros.

Soros once told the media that in the past nearly 30 years, he has donated a total of more than 5 billion US dollars to promote democracy, freedom of speech, improve education and eliminate poverty around the world.

Among these so-called philanthropic donations, the Open Society Institute founded by him received part of the funds.

This so-called institute later played an important role in the color revolution process in the CIS countries and became a source of funding for revolutionary activities for the opposition in these countries.

According to Soslan and others, many of their Raphael ideas were obtained by thinking at the Open Society Institute, but compared to the mainstream practices there, they were among the radical ones. Therefore, he finally felt out of place, and finally formed the organization Raphael with some like-minded friends.

From this point of view, Soros, at best, has given these people an enlightenment effect, or in other words, it has provided them with sufficient financial professional experience for their subsequent actions, but it has nothing to do with the Raphael organization. direct relationship.

However, these are still Raphael's words. Whatever the facts are, they still need to conduct more investigations.

How are you, baby.

When Barron returned to his penthouse, he saw that Ivanta had gotten up and was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, flipping through magazines.

Yeah, not bad, Barron.

He didn't expect that what Ivanta was holding was not a fashion magazine, but an issue of Business Weekly.

Do you like reading this magazine?

Taking the magazine from Ivanta's hand, Barron flipped through it and said to her.

After all, he knew that he probably didn't have this magazine at home before. It was obvious that Ivanta had someone buy it.

It's okay, I just look at it occasionally. After all, it's related to my major.

Although later on, in terms of personal brand management, Ivanta was slightly deficient compared to Paris. However, whether it was as the vice president of the Troup Group or in some of her later political moves, especially in terms of employment, she was able to show certain abilities.

For example, her father's famous and beautiful secretary was initially discovered by Ivanta and hired by her, and was later recommended to Comrade Jianguo.

In other words, although Barron does not intend to make the relationship between the two too public, with Ivanta's beauty and the future development of her family, he is also willing to bind some interests with her...

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