Rebirth of England

Chapter 130 Mr. Bodybuilder

In order to welcome the Duke of Devonshire, the Kennedy family held a very grand reception, and almost all family members attended the banquet.

This includes Kathleen Kennedy, whose father was Robert Kennedy, who once served as the Attorney General of the United States. She has also entered politics. She previously served as the lieutenant governor of Maryland and was the first female lieutenant governor of the state. This year he ran for governor of Maryland.

It's just a pity that in the election in the first half of this year, Kathleen Kennedy did not succeed in the election.

It can be said that even if the family has frequent accidents, the Kennedy family is still prosperous, except that they are all too fertile.

Just like the previous generation of Commander-in-Chief Kennedy, he had nine brothers and sisters; and his younger brother Robert Kennedy was even more powerful - Kathleen Kennedy, now fifty years old, had 11 brothers and sisters...

And the Kennedy family also has a tradition, that is, we can still be friends after breaking up...

This means that all the exes of the Kennedy family members, including those who have had a substantive relationship, can continue to be around the Kennedy family members after they get married, and even some exes are treated as family members by the family.

This resulted in a very large number of people attending this year's welcome banquet. Even with Barron's super memory, it took a lot of effort for him to straighten out the relationships between these people.

Hello, Terminator... Haha, Mr. Schwarzenegger, I have watched many of your movies...

Here, Barron also met Arnold Schwarzenegger, probably the most famous member of the Kennedy family among the public, and his wife Maria Shriver.

As the son-in-law of the Kennedy family, Schwarzenegger also came to this banquet. His wife Maria's mother is the sister of the Kennedy chief.

Hello, Your Highness the Duke, it is an honor to meet you.

Barron chatted a little more with Schwarzenegger. It seems that this bodybuilder will start running for governor of California next year. I wonder if he has already thought about entering politics.

You know, Hollywood is in California, and Barron's industry also involves film and television entertainment. It would be a good idea to get acquainted with the future governor in advance.

Thank you for your hospitality today, Mr. Kennedy.

I am very happy to meet you, Your Highness the Duke. Our family has many connections with the Devonshire family. I hope you can have a good time in America this time.

The person who can be directly addressed by Barron as Mr. Kennedy is naturally the political evergreen of the Kennedy family and the biggest supporter of the Kennedy family at this time - Edward Kennedy.

Although in the political arena, he is not as successful as his two brothers, a commander-in-chief and a minister of justice...

In fact, he once had a chance. In 1969, Edward Kennedy was elected as the deputy leader of the Donkey Party in the Senate, and he was expected to become a popular figure in the 1972 presidential election.

But an accident in July 1969 ruined his future.

One night he drove the beautiful blonde Miss Kopekne back to the hotel. When he was crossing a small bridge, the car crashed into the river.

Edward escaped, but the girl died in the car, and Edward did not report the crime in time.

This incident damaged the reputation of the Kennedy family and forced Edward to give up running for president.

I have to say that when it comes to romance, the Kennedy family is really of the same strain...

At this time, Edward Kennedy held multiple positions in the Senate and still had strong connections, which was what Barron needed to invest in the United States.

It can be said that by accepting the invitation of the Kennedy family this time, the other party gained some prestige - after all, after the accidental plane crash of John F. Kennedy Jr., the family's most political potential three years ago, the younger generation of family members, including this time in the gubernatorial election, The defeated Kathleen Kennedy was not good enough in political literacy.

At this time, establishing contact with the Duke of Devonshire would help improve their family's reputation among young people.

After all, Barron is not only young and handsome, but also a Duke. In addition, he participated in the creation of Downton Abbey, which is also quite popular in the United States. He is still very well-known among young people, especially young women.

When the two parties cooperate, Barron can get the support of the Kennedy family's connections, and the other party can get the popularity provided by Barron, which can be regarded as each getting what it needs.

When welcoming Barron this year, the Kennedy family put on a grand display, and family members gathered in Boston. At this time, relevant reports have appeared on the Internet and TV programs.

Mr. Kennedy, I also hope to have the opportunity to entertain you at Chatsworth Manor with the most solemn British etiquette.

Then I'm looking forward to it very much, Your Highness the Duke. Speaking of which, I haven't seen my sister for a long time. Every time I think of my deceased relatives, I always feel sad.

He was talking about Katherine Kennedy Cavendish, who is buried in Devonshire Family Cemetery.

After staying in Boston for two days, under the hospitality of the Kennedy family members, Barron took Bonnie and the two of them to visit Boston, and then they headed to New York to join Chris there.

After arriving in the United States, the Viscountess did not go to Boston together, but went directly to New York to visit the Sinclair family.

The Sinclair family has a sizable estate on Long Island, New York, where Jeanne Boot and John Smith currently live.

This is also the first time Barron has come to New York in this life. In his previous life, when he came to New York, he also passed by those luxurious manors in the Long Island area, but at that time, these were all out of reach for him. Many of the estates here sell for tens of millions of dollars, and there are even super mansions worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

But now, facing all this, Barron can keep a calm mind. After all, he can buy all the mansions he wants if he wants.

And in comparison, how can these so-called luxury mansions compare in terms of luxury to the Chatsworth Manor, which has a history of more than 300 years and has been carefully restored and designed by successive owners?

How are you doing in Boston?

After meeting, Bonnie and Chris hugged each other affectionately. It can be seen that the relationship between the two sisters is indeed very good.

It's not bad, although I'm still a little not used to the American style...

Hearing her words, Jenny Butt on the side smiled and said:

I can understand you, Bonnie. This was the case when I first came to New York. Compared with us British people, the young people here in the United States seem a bit too lively...

But after saying this, she turned her head and glanced at John Smith beside her, shrugged and said:

Of course, that doesn't include John, who I thought was a nerd when I first met him.

Baby, I feel a little sad when you say that...

Don't you know? This is why I like you.

After Jenny finished speaking, Barron, Bonnie and Chris looked at each other...

Okay, this dog food caught me a little off guard.

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