Rebirth of England

Chapter 109 Big guy

That's still the program I recommend to you...

Jenny said somewhat proudly:

When John came to England this time, he also wanted to check out the programs here. He is responsible for this aspect of business in the company, so I recommended several variety shows to him that he felt were good, including The traits”.

So next, Barron and John had a topic in this regard.

Their next meal was mainly made from today's hunting harvest. It has to be said that this kind of trophy obtained by hand, after being cooked, is indeed very fresh. It can be said that Have a great time.

I want to go and search along the traces just now, but I haven't found any satisfactory results today...

After dinner, Jenny took the initiative to propose this idea.

What she was talking about was the suspected traces left by a wild boar in the place she just passed.

Wild boars were also the traditional target of hunting by the British nobles. In the early days, deer and wild boars were the main prey of royal hunting.

But just now, because John looked a little tired, Jenny did not insist on continuing the pursuit after Viscount Bute proposed to eat and rest first.

Now that she had eaten and drank enough, she was still thinking about this matter.

My dear, you can rest here first. I will go with my brother and the others...

Hearing Jenny say this to John, a look of hesitation flashed across Viscount Bute's face - after all, John, as Jenny's fiancé, came to England this time and just left him here while the others went hunting. It’s not good either, especially since he still needs to fulfill his duties as a landlord.

At this moment, Chris took the initiative and said to Jenny:

Actually, I was a little unfinished just now. How about I go with you, Jenny.

Hearing his wife's proposal, he played into the hands of Viscount Bute. He knew that despite the fact that Chris always behaved like a lady, in fact, she was also experienced in hunting. In the past, the family In the hunting activities, Chrissy's performance was very eye-catching.

Jenny naturally knew her sister-in-law’s hunting prowess, so she immediately agreed upon hearing this.

Okay, then I'll just stay here. I happen to be a little tired too. It looks like I need to exercise more in the future.

Viscount Bute was very considerate of John's feelings and did not directly say that he was staying with him. Instead, he claimed that he was tired and wanted to take a rest.

My dear, why don't we go with my sister and the others? It's just the two of them, so I feel a little worried.

Bonnie offered to go together. She looked at Barron with a bit of coquettishness.

When she said this, Viscount Bute and the others also thought of this. Barron's previous performance in hunting was obvious to all. Not only was he good in physical strength, but his marksmanship was also relatively accurate. Therefore, Viscount Bute also took advantage of the situation and said:

What Miss Bonnie said makes sense, what do you think, Your Highness the Duke?

Since he said this, Barron agreed. Originally, he wanted to stay and continue talking with John Smith about the introduction of TV programs, but he was not in a hurry for this kind of thing. At the moment, he accompanied Jenny and Ke. Liz and Bonnie, the three ladies, and their hunting dogs, walked out of the wooden house in the forest together - because wild boars tend to hang out in the trees, they did not ride horses this time. In places like that, they often do You need to walk through it.

In fact, in this hunting ground, the only dangerous animal for them is the wild boar, but everyone is carrying a shotgun, so they are all safe.

The purpose of bringing hunting dogs is to rely on them to track the traces of wild boars.

Wait until they return to the place where they found suspected wild boar traces and let the hunting dogs sniff them, then let them lead the way.

Sure enough, the two hunting dogs led them into a bush.

From the traces left after walking through the bushes, and a rough estimate of the size, it is very likely that this is really a wild boar.

Seeing this situation, everyone was still very excited, so they continued to move forward.

But they didn't expect that they would go quite a long way.

The hunting ground itself was extremely wide. At first, they thought they would be able to find the wild boar soon. After all, since it could leave such clear traces and smell, it must have passed by it not long ago.

But after walking for nearly a kilometer, everyone was a little tired - after all, this was not walking on flat ground, but often through woods and bushes, which also consumed a lot of energy.

Just when Jenny opened her mouth to say something, Barron suddenly gestured to them to be silent. At this time, you could see that the hunting dogs beside them also made defensive movements, and their ears stood up. stand up.

Sure enough, after listening quietly and carefully, there was a rustling sound coming from the bushes on one side of them, which seemed to be made by the body of some kind of animal rubbing against the branches...

Barron quickly raised his shotgun to be on guard. Just as their eyes fell on the place where the sound came from, there was a sudden crash and a huge body broke through the branches of the bush and rushed out.

Wild boar!

For the first time, Barron had locked onto the opponent.

It’s just that other women are not as agile as him, especially Jenny, because the direction in which the wild boar rushed out was heading towards her.

It seemed that the wild boar was also surprised by the sudden appearance of several human figures in front of him. You could see that he was running a little faster.

Seeing this scene, Jenny panicked, fell to one side without standing firm, and couldn't help but scream.

During this crisis, there was a bang gunshot. It was Barron who shot the wild boar in order to rescue Jenny.

Although the shot did not directly hit the vital part of the wild boar, he seemed to be seriously injured. He howled and ran away from Jenny's side.

At this moment, Jenny finally came to her senses:

Let's go chase it quickly, oops...

When she got up and wanted to chase the wild boar, she couldn't help crying out in pain.

What's wrong, Jenny, did that big guy hit you just now?

At this time, Chris couldn't help but feel a little scared. In the situation just now, if the wild boar really rushed straight towards Jenny and hit her, the end would probably be extremely tragic. Fortunately, Barron reacted quickly enough. .

No, it's my foot. It must have sprained just now.

Jenny sat down on the ground again, holding her ankles with her hands, and said to Chris.

Don't worry about me now, hurry up and chase that wild boar. It's seriously injured and can't run far...

I didn't expect this woman to be so persistent and big-hearted. As soon as she passed the edge of serious injury, she immediately wanted to continue chasing the wild boar.

But you...

I'm fine, just wait here, you guys hurry up and chase~

Chrissy heard Jenny's urging and thought of what had just happened. The wild boar should indeed have escaped with a moment of bravery. However, although the shot did not hit the vital point, it was still shot under the wild boar's neck. This kind of injury, It certainly won't go too far...

Cousin, how about I stay with Miss Bute and you go see if you can find the wild boar.

Hearing Bonnie say this on her own initiative, Chris thought it was a good idea. Although Jenny was injured, it was not a big problem, and both of them had shotguns.

So she and Barron, together with the two hunting dogs, continued to chase the wild boar in the direction in which it had just escaped...

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