Rebirth of England

Chapter 105 What comes and goes


The newspaper was thrown onto the dining table by Barron.

What's wrong, honey?

Bonnie, who was having breakfast, saw her boyfriend's action and asked casually.

As she spoke, she picked up the newspaper on the table and saw the red masthead. Sure enough, it was The Sun again...

Then, Barron saw Bonnie reading the newspaper with a weird smile on her face.

The report that angered Barron just now can be easily found because his photo is printed there...

As for the contents of the newspaper——

“Recently, there is a popular game at Cambridge University, which is to comment on the photos of girls on a website called Woaw. When our reporter found a student for an interview, it was said that it was played by young Devon Xi. The Duke of Barron Cavendish initiated a 'beauty pageant'. The most beautiful girl selected in the end will receive a prize of up to 50,000 pounds. As for why he initiated such a boring 'beauty pageant', I'm afraid that It goes without saying…”

Yes, they regarded the promotion of the Woaw website as an activity for Barron to select beautiful women for himself. The above words are already the most elegant words in the entire report. I am afraid that everyone who has read the following speculations The people who wrote this report would regard Duke Barron as a bastard...

No wonder Barron is so angry!

Bonnie glanced at Barron and smiled:

I think the speculation in their report is not unreasonable.

Haha, that's because they are too dirty and can't see what a great viral promotion I am.

Then what are you going to do? Sue them? Or let the newspaper write an article to criticize them?

After Bonnie finished speaking, Barron touched his nose and laughed:

Of course I can do both.

This is not your style. Didn't you tell me before that you should ignore the miscellaneous reports in the tabloids? Going to sue them will only bring heat to them...

Concrete analysis of specific issues - well, this is the revelation I got after reading a great book recently...

Barron calmed down at this time and said to Bonnie calmly:

“My purpose this time is to promote the Woaw website. Of course, the more people know about it, the better. So by making this matter bigger, more people will be impressed by the Woaw website. Naturally, there will be many people. Take the initiative to browse this website.”

I'm a little curious, what is the 'great book' you mentioned?

Selected Works of MAO TSETUNG, this is a great book, I am reading it recently and I am very inspired.

Wow, cool.

Seeing Bonnie giving him a thumbs up, Barron said seriously:

So I will ask the lawyer to send them a lawyer's letter, and then I will humiliate the gossip tabloid in my newspaper. I hope they will have contact with me. This will have the best effect.

True to his word, Barron asked his lawyer to send a lawyer's letter to the newspaper office of The Sun that day.

Then, in that night's London Evening News, a full page was used to list in detail some of the vulgar and rumor-mongering reports in the Sun in recent years, which directly slapped people in the face.

Mainly because The Independent is a morning newspaper, in terms of time, it is London Evening News that can give the first response.

But there is no rush. When the Independent tomorrow morning, another article will be arranged to criticize the Sun.

Even when a reporter interviewed him today, Barron changed his usual attitude of being unable to comment. In response to the Sun's speculation that he was looking for beauties at Cambridge University through the Woaw website, he said directly:

Their speculation is baseless, and the facts will speak for themselves. What makes me angry is that they not only slandered me with such dirty thoughts, but also humiliated those students. The activities of the Woaw website are just for promotion. The self-confidence of those female students makes them believe that beauty is diverse and everyone has the right to be appreciated by everyone. As for those rewards, they are given out purely for encouragement!

As he expected, The Sun showed no weakness in response to Barron's counterattack and continued to report on the beauty pageant on the Woaw website the next day.

In response to the reason Barron said yesterday that it is to encourage female students and enhance their self-confidence, The Sun believes that Barron's statement is pure nonsense. If that is true, why is the evaluation based on appearance? As a top university in England and even the world, shouldn't it pay more attention to the inner qualities of its students?

Well, since you are so cooperative, I can’t let go of this publicity opportunity——

So that night's London Evening News continued to respond:

You are right, but the Woaw website is a new and open real social networking website independently developed by us. The website will create personal homepages for students, where they can show their lives and personalities, find people with common interests and Hobby companions. You will get to know more people with your real self in the virtual network, and at the same time, gradually discover more ways to play on the Woaw website...

As for this selection being based purely on looks, I would like to say that beauty is diverse. Please don't define beauty with your worldly vision. Everyone can find someone who fits their soul on the Woaw website...

That website of yours is called Woaw, right? It's very cool.

Barron did not expect that while he was having a back-and-forth with The Sun, he would receive a call from Prince William about the Woaw website...

Many of my classmates are talking about this website, but what is depressing is that although we have been invited, we cannot register successfully. We must be students from Cambridge University, so can't we expand the scope of registration?

Regarding this point, Barron had already thought of this at the beginning.

If registration is based on an invitation system, then students outside Cambridge University or adults will definitely be able to get invitations and register on the Woaw website.

Therefore, when registering as an individual, you need to fill in the correct Cambridge University college and class information, as well as the address of the dormitory where you live.

These all need to be confirmed by the Woaw website, that is, the students working for the website at this time, before registration can be completed.

Or if you need at least three people in your class or dormitory to confirm, you can still register.

In this case, people outside the school can be prevented from registering - they can only browse the Woaw website as visitors for the time being.

Visitors' permissions are limited. They can only browse, cannot create personal homepages and leave messages, and cannot participate in this evaluation and voting.

Therefore, many people now know about the Woaw website through the media, but they cannot register, but can only browse.

The reason for doing this, rather than trying to get more registered users in the shortest possible time, is also because Barron hopes that the Woaw website can develop steadily, rather than having mixed users from the beginning, which will have some negative effects.

In the beginning, the more users the better, Barron still had enough time. He hoped to gradually open the Woaw website to the public after cultivating enough high-quality seed users.

Unexpectedly, this strategy actually caused the Woaw website to have a hungry marketing effect at this time.

Don't worry, William, we will gradually open schools to join the Woaw website. These will require some preparation... The University of St. Andrews will be at the front of the queue.

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