Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 380: Blind date here

At Peihu Hospital, Gao Cheng and Conan walked out of the hospital together. A large number of reporters rushed into the lobby to surround Officer Mumu and others. The hurried shouts of Officer Mumu could be heard vaguely.

Gao Cheng smiled when he saw it, and hurried away while the reporter didn't find himself.

Soon after Yue Yexue was sent to the hospital, Kaoru Kusano woke up. He was not too angry after learning what happened, and instead asked him not to tell the police.

In the end, the testimony obtained by Officer Mumu also changed, and the murderer became a short and fat aunt.

Although it seemed to him to be a little messy, after all, the victim himself chose to forgive, and the matter has not reached the point where it is irreversible. It is now the best result...

"Kyoto," Conan withdrew his gaze from the hospital, and couldn't help but suffocate, "Do you always have to bring chocolates?"

"If you can take it when you go out, what's the problem?" High ingredients gave Conan a piece of chocolate, "Don't underestimate this thing, a small piece can help the brain a lot..."

"That's right, but you have eaten too much, right?" Conan held the chocolate with a look of suspicion, "Since I was outside the ward just now, you have eaten two boxes!"

"Have it?"

Gao Sung wiped his nose, and looked back at the Cupho Hospital with feeling, just in time to see Hoshino Terumi standing by the window of the ward.

"Kudo, have you really never met with Miss Hoshino before? I always feel that she is weird when she looks at me. She said that because a person is obsessed with reasoning, she misunderstood me as you... How about that person? Is that you?"

"Please, don't talk nonsense, okay? If Xiaolan hears it, it will be bad." Conan looked at the upper ward, his eyelids collapsed and said, "I think Miss Hoshino is probably because she likes to play the role of the detective's Kenzaki Mr……"

"can not tell."

"Can you tell it so easily? Don't gossip like a garden..."

"This is a thirst for knowledge, don't you want to know?"

In the Yue Yexue ward, Yoko Okino looked strangely at Hoshino Terumi at the window: "What's the matter, Terumi?"

"It's nothing."

Hoshino Terumi regained her senses, and turned to Kaoru Kusano, who wore a bandage around her neck before waking up with a blushing face: "Axun, are you okay with this?"

"I'm okay. Thanks to the timely discovery of the city's detectives, the wound is not too deep," Kaoru Kusano smiled lightly, worried about looking at Yue Yexue, who was still drowsy, "Now I hope Sister Xue can wake up sooner... …"

"Axue will be fine, because Detective Kioto gave first aid in time," Yoko smiled. "However, Detective Kioto made a mistake this time. It's really rare. I don't know if the police can find that. The fat woman who cut Axun."

"Yes, it should be."

Kaoru Kusano and Terumi Hoshino looked at each other, only thinking that they could not let their good sisters become criminals, but forgot the impact on the reputation of the famous detective.


"Impact? What is the effect?"

Two days after the incident, Gao Cheng lay lazily at the office desk, watching TV and eating oranges, with news reports from the past two days next to him.

The news that popular actors were attacked by perverted fans seems to have brought a lot of topics...

"The headache should be Officer Mumu and the others. Besides, no one mentions Plague God anymore."

Gao Cheng picked up a morning paper.

"The above said that Kaoru Kusano announced his marriage yesterday, and the object was a broker... Is this a blessing in disguise?"

"I don't know if it's a blessing in disguise, but," Huihara opened his eyes with his hips akimbo, "Should you take care of yourself a little bit now?! If a customer comes over..."

"Usually no clients come here at this time," Gao Cheng waved his hand and smiled, "Let me take a break. I always encounter cases and occasionally give myself a vacation..."

"Ding Dong!" The door bell suddenly rang.

At the Sato's house, it happened to be a rare vacation day. Mikako Sato was not at all brave and heroic, lying lazily by the fireside watching funny TV shows.


"I said Miwako," Mother Sato took the vacuum cleaner to clean up the housework, and couldn't help nagging as she passed the door. "You are the police officer in the police investigation class of the Metropolitan Police Department. What?"

"What's the matter," Sato said lazily, "Let me relax while on vacation..."

Sato’s mother collapsed her face and took a large stack of photos and put them aside.

"Come on, take a look."

"Huh?" Sato turned around suspiciously, and suddenly wailed in his heart.

It's over, it's another blind date...

"If you have time, take a look at all of these." Mother Sato sat aside and exclaimed.

"I don't want it. Normally I look at the autopsy photos covered in blood. It makes me annoying..."

"What's wrong with me? How can I give birth to such a daughter who looks like a man-in-law?"

Sato's mother was suddenly sad and wiped tears.

"To blame myself, it's all because I used to let you be free... How can you tell me to be worthy of your dying father!"


Sato collapsed his eyelids and looked at the fake crying mother. He lifted his leg and clipped a photo with his toes.

"Then this, let's talk about it first, just meet in person."

"Oh!" Mother Sato grabbed the photo and said happily, "As expected, she is my good daughter, who chooses men with the same vision as mine!"



"What? A blind date?!"

In the city of the city's detective office, Gao Cheng looked at the sudden visit of Aunt Jigme's eyes widened.

"Me, me?"

"Yes," Aunt Jimei looked very happy, "I have seen the girl this time, and it looks pretty good. You can meet with someone alone, invite them to have a meal, and if appropriate, you can see the parents. "

Gao Cheng's face twitched: "But..."

"Don't be embarrassed, if you don't even have a target, how can you be worthy of your dead grandfather?" Aunt Jimei worried and it's not about getting married now, anyway, get in touch with girls. Everyday, light and murder How to deal with it? "

"Okay, okay..."

"Don't forget, the place to eat is in Shuidu Building, and your uncle has already booked a room for you."

"That kind of place seems expensive, right?"

Gao Cheng let out a sigh of relief and watched Aunt Jimei leave with a wry smile.

I have paid for the money. If you don’t go, you won’t be able to. At least you have to eat it back. You can’t let the restaurant take advantage of it...

However, it has been so long, why has Aunt Jimei still not forgotten about the blind date? Is the woman really good?

"Little Ai..."

"I'm not going," Huihara turned away, "I still have experiments to do today."

"Should I go on a blind date alone?" Gao Cheng stared at Hui Yuan and turned and walked away.

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