Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1004: Challenge to Mouri Kogoro

The next day, the Maori detective agency.

The credit for unlocking the secret signal somehow fell on the uncle, and because of the prisoner's challenge, the reporters downstairs were surrounded by reporters, and Mumu and his party could only take the initiative to come here for a meeting.

Gao Cheng and Xiao Ai also joined the investigation, and they learned about the incident through listening later.

Just like the legend, the bombing was indeed a challenge from the prisoner to the uncle. The secret signal was that the prisoner stayed by phone after the vehicle exploded on the road opposite the Maori detective office.

According to the clues provided by the uncle, 5 suspects have been identified based on a sentence that the prisoner accidentally said on the phone.

"In other words, the suspects were the 5 people met by the Maori brother on the day of the football classroom. Only these 5 were most suspected..."

Megure posted a picture of the suspect on the whiteboard and wrote a descriptive text saying: "This is the result of the investigation, Shiratori."

"Yes," Shiratori explained, "First of all, Mr. Yamamori, who sells TV in Japan. This explosion caused a surge in the ratings of the program, allowing him to escape the crisis of being removed from the ministerial title. Then there is Miss Kaoru. The exclusive photo seems to give her a chance to be transferred back to her original social line to be a reporter.

Then there is Ryosuke Sakura, the college student of Mr. Mori. He has not found any motive to blow up the Toto football stadium. However, if the prisoner is only to provoke Mr. Mori at the beginning, I heard that Mr. Sakura is because of the college game. Mr. Maori took it out in the football classroom last time to ridicule the time of a serious own goal with serious mistakes..."

"I didn't mean to ridicule him," Mouri Kogoro said depressed. "Besides, that kid is also smiling."

"It's possible that you are smiling on your face, but in your heart... This situation is not uncommon," Shiratori paused and continued, "Next is Mr. Motoura. We found out that his only son, Zhishi, is finishing reading. After the TV broadcast of the J-League Star Game held at Dongdu Stadium in August this year, she suffered a heart attack and was taken to Dongdu Hospital by ambulance, but was not able to get it...

"In the end, it was Nakaoka Yiya. He immediately underwent surgery after a bicycle accident in February 3 years ago. He also underwent rehabilitation for half a year. However, his left foot could not be restored to its original level, so he was cancelled by the Soul Team.

After that, Nakaoka gave up football and went to South America alone. After staying for a year, he returned to China in August last year. He heard that after returning to his home in Gunma, he often rode bicycles on the streets and lived a very depressed life. "

Everyone listened to Shiratori’s narration and looked thoughtful. The unreliable uncle also fell into contemplation. After all, the prisoner directly challenged him this time and detonated a bomb at the door of his house. Even so many spectators in the J League were affected by it. spread.

To be honest, he didn't really understand why the prisoner challenged him. If it was because of his fame, the city kid was more active than him recently, and even the criminal gang was solved last time.

Is it true that Sakura Ryosuke wants to avenge him?

What's the joke, even if you are ridiculed and complained, it won't be such a big noise... Besides, he is not sarcasm, he just recognized it and mentioned it.

"As far as the conclusion is concerned," Mumu got up and walked to the whiteboard. "Mr. Yamamori and Miss Kada have the motive to blow up the Toto football stadium. It is not difficult to set up a bomb, but it is still a bit far-fetched to say that they directed and acted themselves. ."

Speaking of Mumu took away the photos of the two Shansen.

"Next comes Sakura Ryosuke. Although Mr. Sakura has been ridiculed, he is unlikely to prepare for such a big battle immediately..."

"Everyone said I didn't make any sarcasm," Mouri Kogoro hummed with his arms folded. "I care more about Mr. Honura. His son had a heart attack. It was after watching the J League held at the Toto Football Stadium, and football. On the day of the classroom, I also felt that he was a little weird. He said that he wanted me to see the proof that his son had increased his life..."

"But because I hate the J League because of this, it doesn't make sense. The J League is not directly related to his son's death," Meguro said. "I think the problem lies in the last Nakaoka, according to Gunma Prefecture. According to the police’s testimony, it is said that his drag racing method is very exaggerated, like a badly injured wolf looking for the place of death...

Although he failed to become a J League player because he was in a car accident on his bike, he may still resent the cancellation of the scheduled Tokyo Soul team. Now Sato and Takagi are closely monitoring him. "

After leaving the Maori detective office, Gao Cheng and Xiao Ai were walking on a deserted road, looking a little silent under the street lights.

"How is it?" Xiao Ai asked first, "Do you think it's that Nakaoka Kazuya too?"

"On the day of the football classroom, I met Nakaoka Yiya," Gao Chengzuo said. "It's really strange. For the time being, I can't tell if the prisoner is him... But what makes me care is why the prisoner calls the uncle specially. The explosion is predicted, why did the prisoner involve the uncle."

After thinking for a while, Gao Cheng looked down at Xiaowei and said: "Continue to collect information. Let's start with those five people. Maybe there are internal details that the police haven't investigated clearly. I think this incident must be related to the uncle and the J League. There is a connection."

It will not be solely related to the uncle or the J League, but both. To be precise, the prisoner is not targeting the J League, but the soul team fans watching the J League live.

Judging from the explosion of the Dongdu Football Stadium, the prisoner has reached a point of madness. After seeing the scene, he can deeply feel the prisoner's killing intent on the audience.

The question is who would hate those Souls fans so much...

Speaking of which, Uncle Maori seems to be a fan of the Soul team.

Gao Cheng instantly targeted Keiichiro Honura and Kazuya Nakaoka.

Both of them behaved very suspiciously. It happened that Honura had lost his only son. It was not impossible to vent for some reason, and Nakaoka Kazumi was involved in the soul team.

J League Souls fans, Uncle Mori, Keiichiro Motoura, Ichiya Nakaoka... If the scope of the investigation is further reduced, this should be the case.

Solving a case is itself a process of information gathering and reasoning, and the truth is often hidden in this information.

He felt that he was not far from the Thinking of this, Gao Cheng frowned.

There will also be the J-League final on December 3rd. At that time, everyone will go to the park. Although the venue is not the Tokyo Football Stadium and their seats are not the home auditorium, they are also in the Tokyo Soul Team area.

If the prisoner is really directed at the Soul fans, everyone will probably be in danger.

There are so many things to watch a football game, who do you want to make sense?

"How about something to eat?" When passing a dessert shop, Xiao Ai suddenly looked at Gao Cheng's face and said, "Today is an exception."

Gao Cheng stopped and noticed that there was a dessert shop.

It feels like I haven't touched it in a lifetime. The last time I ate it was on the Suzuki I flying ship. It's really...

"Sorry," a male waiter looked at the two people at the door strangely, put up a sign and said, "It's closed today."

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