Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 93 The resentful woman comes to the door (please vote for recommendation!)

TBBT Apartments.

4th floor.

"Oh, hi!"

Penny opened the door, carrying a large basin of clothes, and was about to go down to do the laundry. When she looked up, she saw a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes looking at her carefully, and said hello awkwardly: "Can I help you? Of?"


The handsome man in a suit tightened his tight tie with his hands, raised his head and said, "Is Owen Li here?"

"Are you looking for Owen?"

Penny was a little surprised, and then she carefully looked at the suit and tie on the handsome guy, and found that they were all high-end private custom-made products without brands. Thinking of Owen's previous generosity, she suddenly said: "You must be Owen's friend, right? Hello, I Her name is Penny, and she’s also Owen’s friend.”

"Barney Stinson."

The handsome guy in the suit corrected him in a serious tone: "Irving's best friend and brother!"


Penny felt a little confused.

"So, Penny."

After Barney corrected him, he looked Penny up and down again and secretly gave it a 7. Thinking of Owen's style, his eyes lit up and he asked rather fieryly: "How is your relationship with Owen?"


Penny said casually: "Owen is very powerful, I admire him very much."


Barney raised the corners of his mouth, nodded slightly, and gave a meaningful smile.

Half an hour later.

"Oh, stop it~"

Penny was leaning against the door, her face was red, and she patted Barney angrily. There was a washing tub at her feet. She was obviously so excited by Barney's arousal that she forgot what she was going to do.

"Seriously, do you want to see it?"

Barney is proficient in psychology and has practiced it hundreds of times with women. He knows the thoughts of women very well, and naturally he will not shrink back just because of Penny's words.

Furthermore, he regarded Penny as a target that Owen had not yet had time to take action on, and since he wanted to surpass Owen, he naturally did not want to give up this great opportunity.


The OK in Penny's mouth was only enough time to say O, but she couldn't say anything.


The door of room 4B was slammed shut, and the entire fourth floor became quiet again. Only a large basin of clothes stayed there alone, silently accusing something...

Another half hour passed.


A soft sigh sounded.

"By the way, are you here to see Owen?"

After the hormones dissipated, all that was left was embarrassment. When Penny woke up, she recalled the reason why Barney came, so she unconsciously asked, hoping to break the awkward atmosphere.


Barney replied lazily.

"They were playing games in the next room."

Penny said casually.


Barney jumped up straight, his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Are you OK?"

Penny was startled.

"What do you think Owen is doing?"

Barney asked urgently.

"He's playing games with Leonard and the others in the next room."

Penny said cautiously: "Today is already the third day. They sometimes play games for 96 hours continuously on weekends."


Barney shook his head in disbelief, put on his clothes skillfully, and ran out of room 4B. Seeing that something was wrong, Penny threw on some clothes and followed.

Room 4A.

Barney pushed open the door and saw five people sitting around the sofa. Each person held a high-configuration gaming laptop, wearing a headset, his eyes fixed on the screen, his hands constantly operating on the keyboard, teeth gnashing. Shouting.

"Oh, my god! There are too many goblins!"

"Don't just stand around, start fighting, start running!"

"Stay in formation!"

"Leonard, there is a monster behind you!"

"Want to attack me from behind? Don't even think about it, I'll kill him!"

"I succeeded! I'm going to drink the blood of goblins tonight!"

"Rajesh, that's a trap, they want to flank us."

"Oh~ they hit me~"

"Sheldon, they hit Rajesh, use the coma spell!"

"Owen, you're on the sidelines!"



Barney looked at this scene with a horrified look on his face. His legs gave way and he fell backwards. He was held up by Penny, a tall female man, who kept him from falling to the ground.

Barney's scream was loud enough, but it couldn't reach the ears of the five people who wore headphones and devoted themselves to the battle. A full minute passed, and the five people were still pressing buttons frantically!

"Are you OK?"

Penny looked at Barney worriedly.

Barney hurriedly pushed Penny's hand away, staggered to Owen, and snatched the laptop away from Owen's hand.


A Dell Alienware laptop worth US$2,000 was just thrown to the ground by Barney!

"what the hell!"

This time, there was too much movement, and Leonard and others had to interrupt the game and complained.

"Owen, how could you do this!!!"

Barney pointed at Owen and shouted tremblingly.

"Come on! Barney!"

Owen looked at Barney speechlessly and grinned: "Don't act like a resentful woman who was abandoned by me. I am a dedicated and real man, and my favorites are always beautiful women with invincible looks. Don't tarnish me." reputation!"

“Don’t change the subject!!!”

Barney snapped, "You know what I'm talking about!!!"

"ok, ok!"

Owen stood up and pressed his arms softly: "Calm down, Barney, I know you don't like this way of life..."

"This lifestyle?"

Barney interrupted Owen's words with a sharp voice and shouted angrily: "No, no, no! This is not life at all! That was what we called life before! It was legend, wait for it, dary, legendary (legendary)! We It's a legend!

All kinds of whimsical thoughts are galloping around. What we see when we open our eyes every day are towering mountain peaks, and the places where they fall are either trickling streams or rough seas. The whole earth is our hunting ground!

That's life! We are best friends and each other's wingmen, and you actually abandoned our legend for this, these lowly, dirty, incompetent, meaningless pieces of crazy squirming flesh..."


Seeing that Barney was going too far, Owen couldn't help but frown and shouted.

"You yelled at me!"

Barney pointed at Owen with grief and anger. Seeing Owen frowning at him, he threw away his hands and ran out, slamming the door behind him.

Before the confused Penny, Leonard and others could recover, the door was pushed open again. Barney, who was calm and composed, straightened his suit, looked around at everyone with a smile and said : "Hi everyone, my name is Barney Stinson, Owen's best friend, nice to meet you all!"

"Barney, they are all my good friends, you should apologize to them."

Owen said solemnly.


Barney glanced at Owen in surprise and saw Owen's serious face. He knew Owen very well and knew that he could not fool him and must apologize sincerely.

"I was just joking with everyone, I'm sorry!"

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