Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 66: The son of a rich man cannot sit down in court (please vote for recommendation!)

University of Chicago.

Brotherhood of Nerds.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this university has fallen into depravity. Sex, alcohol, stupidity, and vulgarity have taken over this school. This should be a top respected institution."

In a campus-style high-tech conference room, a man in a suit and glasses stood at the head table and talked. In front of the conference table, one nerd after another sat, but what was different was that behind each nerd stood a hot guy. beauty.

The man behind the suit and glasses was no exception. A girl dressed as an assistant answered: "We are here to announce the arrival of a new era for this university. The value of a student is no longer determined by the alcohol concentration in his body, but by his GPA. !”

"We started this fraternity to change the way this country looks at nerds."

The man in a suit and glasses said: "But history has proven that when a new civilization rises, the other one must be destroyed. In this school, the other one is the Beta Brotherhood. We must destroy them!"

Beta Brotherhood.

Fat Michael strongly requested to join the Beta Brotherhood, but Wesley ignored him and looked directly at Irving: "How about it, do you still want to join now?"

"Feel sorry!"

Owen smiled slightly: "This still doesn't impress me. Compared to the quality of girls in the nerd fraternity, although the girls here can make small recipes, they are not suitable for the main course."

"Brotherhood of Nerds!"

Wesley's expression changed, and the body that was leaning on the bar suddenly stood up straight, and asked in a bad tone: "They invited you too?"


Owen nodded and said with a smile: "But I didn't agree."

"You were right not to say yes!"

Wesley's face softened and he said disdainfully: "They are just a group of nerds. Even if they hold wealth that we can't imagine, they can attract those who have no knowledge but want to build on them, future millionaires and multi-millionaires." The girls passed by the nest.

But when it comes to the level of play, they simply can't compete with our Beta Brotherhood, which has been around for nearly a hundred years! "


Owen chuckled, noncommittal.

Just kidding, the gameplay can be popularized quickly, but for looks, there is absolutely nothing you can do except go under the knife, blind yourself, or turn off the lights!


At this moment, all the lights and sounds in Beta's house went out, turning it into darkness, causing nearly a hundred girls in the house to scream in unison.

"not good."

Wesley's expression changed drastically, he quickly turned on the decorative lights, rushed to the bar, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, be quiet, don't panic, we just encountered a small technical problem, it's nothing serious, it will be fine later."

For an alcoholic party without speakers, it is definitely a disaster-level event. If it is not handled well, it will be very hurtful, especially when there is a nerd brotherhood watching eagerly. It may turn out to be the Beta Brotherhood. It will fall into a vicious cycle.

The first choice of girls is no longer the Beta Brotherhood, but all boys have always followed girls. This is why girls can enter almost all bars for free, because girls must exist in order to continuously attract them. Those boys who want to hunt for beauty buy tickets to enter the venue.

"I don't think so!"

A proud male voice sounded, and everyone followed the sound and saw a man in a suit and glasses walking in from the door surrounded by members of the Nerd Brotherhood.

"Wesley, your outdated wiring has short-circuited. I'm afraid your music won't come back all night. And according to our calculations, the wine you provided is almost gone."


As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar. If the music was stopped, it was a catastrophic event, then the alcohol was cut off, which was definitely a catastrophic event.

After all, there is no music, so you can drink and get dizzy, which will have similar effects, but without alcohol, what reason do girls have to indulge themselves?

When girls become more reserved, boys like Irving are okay, but boys who are ugly, have no special skills, and have no eloquence have no chance to even play, let alone hit a home run.

"Stop arguing, it's okay, we'll fix it right away."

Wesley said calmly.

"Maybe so."

The man in a suit and glasses said loudly: "Everyone can come to our place. We have stocks that everyone can drink for a whole week. We also have champagne for you to drink, a heated swimming pool and enough swimsuits. Now you can choose for yourself!"

After saying that, the man in suit and glasses, surrounded by everyone, walked up to Owen, raised his glasses, shook his head and said: "Owen Li, you should have chosen us, but it doesn't matter, it's your vision that's not good. How can people who can’t join us join us?”

"Did I say I wanted to join you?"

Owen couldn't help but complain.


The man in a suit and glasses snorted coldly and led everyone back to the nerd room.


After everyone left, the Beta Room was instantly empty, with only a few drunk Beta brothers lying there. Wesley was quite depressed, but after hearing Owen's complaints, he cheered up and said: "Owen, I sincerely invite you to join us again. Beta Brotherhood, let us become brothers and gallop together!"

"Sorry! My answer is still not to join!"

Owen still shook his head and refused: "Thank you for your hospitality. It's getting late. I'll go back first. Goodbye!"

"Can we join?"

After Irving left, Fat Michael smiled enthusiastically.


Wesley glanced at the three fat men and wanted to refuse directly, but he thought that the popularity of the Beta Brotherhood was declining, and new brothers needed to join in order to start the initiation ceremony and revive the reputation of the Beta Brotherhood, so he nodded and said: "Of course you can, but it must pass our test."


666 dormitory.

"Owen, why don't you join a fraternity?"

Fat Michael asked with a pity look on his face.

His intelligence is also level 4+, so he naturally knows that if Owen joins the club in the same batch as them, the probability of passing will be greatly improved.

"Then why do you want to participate?"

Owen asked in return: "In other words, why not choose a nerd brotherhood that is more suitable for you?"

"I prefer the Beta Brotherhood!"

Kem took the initiative to answer for the first time: "They are very wild. The nerd brotherhood is too rigid. Just like ourselves, there is not much fun."


Fat Michael echoed: "Obviously, the Beta brothers are better at playing!"

Although Ben Campbell didn't speak, he was eager to try. Perhaps it was because of Irving that they were able to see such an awesome party. The hostility in Ben's eyes had disappeared. If Irving handed him a piece of bread now, he would definitely shout while eating it. : "It smells so good."


Owen's lips curled up: "You know how to play better? That depends on whether you have the courage to continue playing..."

After brainstorming, he had already recalled what the Beta Brotherhood was. He did not hold out any hope for the entrance test of Fat Michael and the other two, because in order to complete all the densely packed tasks listed on the blackboard, he really needed enough skills. courage!

A bad move could result in a warning from the school, or forced expulsion from school, or even worse, it would violate the law. The son of a rich man would not be able to sit down in court. Irving would have to be stupid to take part in such a trial because of the Italian cannon!

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