Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 45 Cousin (please vote for recommendation!)

Maijia's house.

"I heard from Owen that the dance teacher will be introduced to us today. Do you know who he is inviting?"

"I do not know."

"Irving is always like this, so mysterious. It's really annoying."

"Then you still join the Eternal Gun Chorus?"

"Hmph! I reluctantly agreed because of Owen's repeated begging..."

"Tch! I'm afraid it's you who kneels down and begs, right?"

"What did you say!"

"Okay, stop arguing, are you bothered?"

"Leave me alone!"


There are three girls in one drama, and twelve girls are a TV series. Those who can be selected into the Eternal Gun Chorus all have equal emphasis on beauty and figure. Normally, they are all proud princesses, so naturally no one is convinced!

Bang bang bang!

"Girls, be quiet."

Mary couldn't help but clapped her hands with a headache, and persuaded: "Owen and the dance teacher are already here, please stop arguing."

Boom, boom, boom!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Under the attention of the twelve girls, Mary shook her head and went to open the door. Standing at the door were Owen and a young man in his twenties, with a tight and plump figure outlined in a tight black skirt.

"Teacher Mika, this is Tiffany Lawrence, the dance teacher I invited. Tiffany, this is..."

Owen was about to make an introduction when he was interrupted by Tiffany.

"I know, Mary Magdalene."


Mary was slightly startled and said hello to Tiffany awkwardly.

"Hey, do you know each other?"

Owen said in surprise.


Tiffany said unabashedly: "Remember the female teacher I told you about?"

"Holy shit!"

Owen couldn't help but uttered a curse word, and then glanced back and forth at Tiffany and Mary with burning eyes: "Teacher Maga, it's you, this... is really great..."


Mary glared at Owen in shame and coughed: "Owen, Tiffany, you guys come in first, the girls are still waiting there."


Owen walked in with a bright smile on his face.

"He couldn't describe both of us, you know?"

Tiffany, who was lagging behind, said very directly.


Mary coughed again and said softly: "Tiffany, don't say this kind of thing in public."


Tiffany looked confused.


Mary was speechless for a while and opened her mouth to explain, but she was afraid that Tiffany would ask more embarrassing questions. She really regretted why she had been drunk and impulsive and went crazy with Tiffany, who had mental problems.

"Teammates, this is Tiffany Lawrence, she will be our dance teacher, everyone is welcome!"

Owen walked up to the Twelve Golden Hairpins, clapped his hands and smiled.


At this time, Beth Cooper from Twelve Golden Hairpins shouted in shock.


Tiffany smiled and said hello.

"Beth, Tiffany is your cousin?"

Owen was shocked again.


Beth Cooper forced a smile and said, "She's my big cousin!"

In English, there is no big or small distinction between sisters, brothers, and brothers. In order to distinguish, the big and small are added in front. Tiffany is Beth's cousin, so she is the big cousin...

"Isn't she the widow whose policeman husband died?"

"It turns out it's her. I heard she went crazy after her husband died."

"Oh, god! Now that I think about it, Owen is clearly the male version of Tiffany!"

"It should be said that Tiffany is the female version of Owen!"


Except for Beth Cooper, all the Twelve Golden Hairpins were talking about it. Tiffany's reputation is really too loud in this area!

After her husband Tommy died unexpectedly, Tiffany was very sad. This sad, she chose to discuss profound human issues, moral decay, and distortion of human nature with her office colleagues. The most important thing is that and all colleagues, male and female...

After that, it was all out of control!

Men have absolutely no resistance to a young widow like Tiffany, who has an outstanding appearance and figure. Even Tommy’s police colleagues mourned Tommy’s death while trying their best to soothe Tiffany’s inner pain. !

After clearing the level, Tiffany became the most famous widow in the South District and almost became a public enemy of women! But what makes Tiffany better than Irving is that there is no restriction on men and women, so she has eliminated a small part of the hostile people...

"Owen, why didn't you tell me in advance that the dance teacher you were looking for was Tiffany?"

Mary leaned into Owen's ear and said complainingly.


Owen chuckled and asked, "Mr. Maijia, why didn't you tell me that you once commanded Tiffany to dance on your lap?"

"That's too much to drink."

Mary defended sheepishly.


Owen chuckled and said: "This is not like the hot female teacher Tiffany talks about~"

"Don't have any bad intentions!"

Mary patted Owen lightly and reminded: "Tiffany has a mental problem. If something happens, it will be troublesome."

"Teacher Maijia, you are joking."

Owen's smile was bright and pure: "I'm just a student, I can't have any bad intentions. Don't worry, Tiffany and I are very familiar with each other. I understand what can and cannot be done!"

"You, you!"

Mary shook her head and said: "I know I can't tell you, but how did you know Tiffany? You wouldn't be like those men who heard about Tiffany's reputation and took the initiative to find her, right?"

"Teacher Maijia, where are you thinking?"

Owen frowned and said, "Am I that kind of person?"

Mary looked at Owen and said nothing.

"Hey, really not!"

Owen sighed: "I'm crying when I talk about it. I'm a victim too. You know, I worked part-time as a weeder on Wisteria Lane. One time I passed by Tiffany's house on my bicycle. It was already dark at that time, and she suddenly jumped out. , I rolled over directly, and before I could get up, she grabbed my left foot and dragged me forcefully into her cabin..."


Mary looked at him sideways and sneered: "Is your name as a kung fu boy fake? Don't tell me you can't resist!"

"That's not true."

Owen smiled coquettishly: "I wanted to fight back at that time, but then I was glanced at by a street light and saw her face. It was a face of despair, sadness, and loss. Looking at her whole body, she was stooped, swollen, and numb. , I was shocked at the time!

I thought she seemed like a decent and good woman, and she must have received too many blows to be like this, so I suddenly felt soft and couldn't resist for a while, and I was afraid of hurting her, so I tried my best to get hurt and didn't move. , let her drag..."


Mary was speechless and said: "Owen, you are really a genius. You are obviously attracted to Tiffany's beauty and figure, but you can still explain it like this. You are really good!"

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