On the train.

"Have a good sleep, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Hermione retracted her finger from Neville's forehead and said warmly.

Neville could no longer open his eyes. Hearing this, he fell asleep leaning against the train.

"It's also his luck that he happened to be sleeping so quietly. Hey, no, why is it so quiet!"

Hermione suddenly noticed something strange.

Although they were in private rooms, which was much quieter than other places, the noisy sounds of freshmen walking around were still faint and incessant, but now, except for the clatter of the train, there was total silence.

"She is coming……"

Owen's voice sounded in Hermione's mind, and the complexity and weirdness in his tone shocked Hermione.

"Who is she?"

Hermione unconsciously felt the same confusion as her parents before.

outside the carriage.

in the corridor.

A figure came slowly.

The students around him all kept their attention and remained motionless, as if they were frozen there. Only thoughts and gossip broke through the atmosphere, ringing in the hearts of all the people who were frozen.

"Who is this?"

"so beautiful!"

"She's not a teacher, is she?"

"She is wearing a student wizard robe. She must be a student, right?"

"Stop talking, she's so old, how can she be a student?"

"Are you talking about age? She doesn't look old! Even if she is older than us, she looks like a senior student at most. Is she a transfer student?"


"Isn't she tired?"


The visitor is picturesque, as if he has stepped out of the second dimension. The delicate childish face is as beautiful as picturesque, and the exaggerated curves are surprising, but the unique temperament exuding from his whole body reminds many primary school students who have just entered school of their own. Mom, even a senior student who is as ruthless as a demon wolf in the beginning of love cannot even think of coveting her.

Anyone with such a temperament who dares to covet is a pervert...

"excuse me……"

The visitor walked through the long corridor and came to the box where Hermione was. He glanced at Hermione and his eyes were fixed on Hermione's sleeves. He lit up instantly and his whole body exuded joy and happiness. The smell made her bow slightly and greet her gently: "Can I come in?"

"Who are you?"

Hermione's face changed again and again, especially after the visitor crossed her hands and bowed in front of her, her face turned extremely dark, as if a cat had exploded fur. She was extremely alert, and her tone of voice returned to the tone unique to her age. Sharp, not at all indifferent or arrogant in the face of Malfoy and Neville.

The threat of this woman in front of me is really... too great...

"My name is Gui Yanxin."

The visitor smiled and said: "She is Owen-kun's girlfriend..."

"She's not, I'm not, she's talking nonsense!"

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel began to vibrate, and Owen's urgent voice echoed in Hermione's mind.


Hermione's face turned darker, and she ignored Owen. She stood up slowly, raised her head and chest again and again, until her body was as straight as a gun barrel, and then she said coldly: "My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger!"

"It turns out to be sister Hermione."

Gui Yanxin whispered softly: "Thanks to you for taking care of Mr. Owen in the past few years, can I see him?"

"Don't call me sister!"

Hermione refused: "Are you really his girlfriend? He never said that!"

"Didn't you say...?"

Gui Yan felt sad, and his unique aura made the whole sky feel gloomy: "Is Mr. Owen still angry with me?"

Hermione's heart trembled. This unique temperament was clearly the aura of a high-level witch, and it would turn into the majesty of a queen who could control the situation.

Although this girl was older than herself, she wasn't much older... How could she be so powerful? It was because Owen treated her differently. Thinking of this, Hermione felt bad.

"You bastard, how on earth did you hook up with someone?"

"Are you communicating spiritually with Mr. Owen?"

Without waiting for Owen to reply, Gui Yanxin's eyes lit up: "Can you add me, I really miss Owen!"

"Add you?"

Hermione twitched the corner of her mouth and said mockingly: "He is just a stick now. Our communication depends entirely on our minds. How can I add you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Gui Yanxin smiled sweetly: "Owen-kun and I are very special...just like this~"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hermione's eyes went dark and then brightened up. Her mind had come to a different place, with cherry blossoms everywhere and a pink world.

Under a tall cherry tree, a man and a woman stood side by side. The woman was delicate and the man was handsome. This should have been the most romantic scene, but the more Hermione looked at it, the more awkward it became.

"Where is this?"

Hermione glared at the awkward-looking man.

"This is my spiritual space."

Owen said helplessly: "I was made to look like this by Gui..."


Gui Yan looked at Owen with tears in his heart.

"Okay, okay."

Owen had a headache and said, "Yan, Yan Xin, is this your name now, right?"


Gui Yanxin was happy when she heard that Owen changed his name: "This is what my sister and I have agreed upon. Originally, she was going to come to Owen, but it was not safe, so I merged our names. , Owen-kun, do you like it?"


Owen smiled bitterly.

Hermione kept a cold face the whole time and didn't say a word.

The ruthless hand has urged the sisters, Owen is such a scumbag! No wonder even the physical body is gone! Deserve it!

"Sorry, sister Hermione, I was in a hurry and forgot to introduce you."

Only then did Gui Yanxin see the extra Hermione, and what Hermione hated the most, she crossed her hands in front of her and bowed in salute. The shock and pressure this simple action brought to Hermione was too great...

"This is Owen-kun's mental space, because I can't enter your mental space, and I can't let you enter mine. Fortunately, we all have a special connection with Owen-kun, so we can all meet in Owen-kun's mental space. .”

"Is this Irving's spiritual space?"

Hermione glanced at this dazzling pink world and said sarcastically: "Owen is really pink..."

The little eyes looked at Owen, as if questioning: "Didn't you say you have nothing to do with her? Why can she communicate directly with you mentally, and can she also pull me here through you? You big liar!"

Not to mention Owen's strength, even Hermione herself is mentally strong enough that no one can pull her into a mental space or illusion.

Gui Yanxin did seem to be strong, but definitely not to that extent, so Hermione naturally believed what Gui Yanxin said, that she had some special connection with Owen, just like the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that Owen possessed. Like her wand...


Owen coughed, and with a thought, the mental rendering of Gui Yanxin was lifted, and the whole world turned golden. This is his true nature: "Gui, no, Yanxin, do you have anything to do with me?"

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